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Everything posted by gunnersman

  1. Hi user 38! Have you tried "Combat Mission: Beyond Overlord"? It was the original 3D board game, so to speak. It's the granddaddy of CMBN. It's old school but it's still fun, to me. And it's cheap!
  2. Yes! I was thinking some good ol' tank on tank action myself.
  3. I recall Steve saying something about the AI on this forum. But I cant remember where he said it and the search function must have a minimum of three (3) letters to produce a result. It wont search for "AI".
  4. You beat me to it. This game came to my mind on the subject of "heros". I see unbelievable events all the time in CMSF. Close Combat is a great example of this too. The difference is the soldiers in CC would act on their own to perform their acts of bravery. In fact there was an option that allowed for troops to act on initiative. But not in CMSF. You, the player, would have to ORDER the soldier to act in order for a display of bravery. Even then that act may be up for interpretation. Other than that, in CMSF, the only way the soldier acts on his own is when he cowers or is routed, or in the case of bravery, stands his ground under heavy fire.
  5. Yea yea yea. When you said "demo" I got all excited and was thinking a the kind of demo I could download and play. Ok...I'll be quiet now.
  6. I'm sorry...what did you say? It sounded like you said "Dates and locations of “pre release” demos are starting to pop up now."
  7. At least they got the soldat smoking cigarette in the picture. Adds some authenticity to it.
  8. I'll second that! Lessons learned the hard way. Not to mention it doesn't help that he's buttoned up...no doubt scared from possible small arms fire from the hill.
  9. FOW baby! Kind of like watching a horror movie when the actor/actress has no idea what is going on.
  10. The last time I recall there being a preview was for CMBB. And I also remember having to wait a while (months) for the release after the preview was given. I don't remember how long. So don't look for hope there.
  11. HAHA! That looks like the same one that was in the movie "Wild West" with Will Smith. Poor Shermans, they get brewed in 1945 and now they get melted in 1945A. 1945A...sounds like another "build".
  12. I'm just glad it's not on the southside of Chicago. Thats the baddest part of town. And if you go down there You better just beware of a man name of Leroy Brown :cool: I want to thank the my friends and family for my success...
  13. JonS, You and Elvis have done a great job keeping me interested (And it seems everyone else too). I am really enjoying these DARs. These DARs have been a great success at keeping my attention and distracting me until the release. I really hope you guys drag this out until the release...or maybe that is the idea? Otherwise I am really going to be sad when the DAR's are over. Good work! :cool:
  14. There are plenty of catastrophic explosions in the Combat Mission series. But they are mostly noted by loud, firey explosions. The Sherman was notorious for "brewing up" on the Western front. But eventually Shermans started getting built with "wet stowage" compartments. That is, ammo was kept in bins filled with a fluid that did not allow cook offs as easily. Sherman's with wet stowage are designated with "W" in the name. For example a Sherman without wet stowage would be M4A3(75) Sherman and a Sherman with wet stowage would be a M4A3(75)W Sherman. But the whole turret flying phenomenon occurred in the East. The T-34s were known for it. The turrets on the Russian T-34s were set in place with nothing holding them on the turret race other than the weight of the turret...which is plenty. Even T-72s to this day are known for flying turrets. But flying turrets are not modeled in CMSF. So...in brief...no flying turrets modeled in CMSF AND Shermans did not have flying turrets = no flying turrets.
  15. If you look at one of Elvis' latest DARs you will see the "tube guy" shooting his bazooka at German infantry.
  16. Do you mean HEAT and HE? If so then yes. There are also thermobaric (novel) explosives ( SMAW too among others). But that does not stop the AI from using HEAT rounds against infantry if it runs out of HE. The Syrian AI loves to use RPGs against blue forces. Loves it! Particularly in MOUT. Man is it irritating. But, as far as I know the bazooka, panzershreck and panzerfaust have only dedicated HEAT rounds. Otherwise the WW2 soldier would need his rifle grenade, mortars, or hand grenade for HE.
  17. So what your saying is it wont delay the release. That's good news!
  18. Oi! Give us a kiss! http://www.metacafe.com/watch/59088/scottish_soccer_hooligans/ I'm sorry... I know they are Scots...but Pvt Ryan reminded me of it. I blame him. Enjoy!
  19. It's just an observation on my part. But it seems consistent with what I have seen in CMSF. Short rounds seem to have tight groupings that are directly in front of the intended target. And MOST seem to be short Only testing will prove me wrong or right. But it struck me as interesting that there is a tight group in front of the P IV.
  20. Those rounds hitting in front of that P IV are a nice tight grouping. Are you sure that's not some sort of a bug? Or something in the code that can be tweaked? I've seen this alot in CMSF. Particularly when tanks are firing HE or HEAT rounds at infantry in trenches. The rounds always seem to short more often than long. If it is a bug and it is going to delay the release...then please, by all means disregard. (Of course after the release all of us will start bitching that it is a bug)
  21. I forget what the section is called on lower left of the screen (not on the GUI) in florescent green letters. But will it at least say something to the effect of "Changing barrel"?
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