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Everything posted by gunnersman

  1. Sounds like your tank perceives the one tank as a threat still. I understand what your saying. I don't think there is much that can be done at this point. Personally, with the many hours I have put in, this is something I do not recall having experienced too often. Think of it as Mr Murphy of "Murphy's Law" sticking his ugly head into the picture. No plan survives contact with the enemy. Some of the 1940 French maps while playing the German Campaign are particularly challenging.
  2. Also, the middle mouse button combined with the arrow keys gives you excellent maneuverability with the camera. Don't forget to go into the options menu and set the slider for your camera height to the lowest possible setting so you can get at eye level with the troops.
  3. Because that's the way it was. The PzIVc's AP round is capable of handling the T34. Besides, remember, the T34 was a big surprise to the Germans, particularly early on. They're in there. Except the PIVe. Here and Here
  4. I followed ToW a few years back, like many others. I was excited about it. When I first started testing I had mixed emotions. I was kind of put off because of its unforgiveness, lack of proper fog of war for defensive emplacements, and I kept comparing it to CM. But I loved the attention to detail as far as graphics and animation. I love watching tank battles from "over the shoulder" of a tank. Well, you cant compare it to CM and I have since learned to play more conservatively. It definitely has a different feel compared to CM. And it definitely requires patience. There is ALOT of attention to detail to many aspects of the game (which impresses the hell out of me)...but of course, with the sacrifice to other areas. If you take that into account, you learn to appreciate the game.
  5. You will also want to find a map that has a sandbag emplacement built into it, or some other form of cover. Otherwise you will have an MG42 standing out in the open with out cover. Trenches and sandbag emplacements are hard coded into the map (I think that is the right term). They can not be added (or removed)as a static object.
  6. First...put the game on easy...
  7. Maxim and the DShK are the only two Heavy or Medium MGs that are transportable. I think it has something to do with animations, or the lack there of. It seems that 1C tried to do alot with this game but could not achieve everything due to the massive amount of work involved i.e. animations. I'm impressed with what they did do.
  8. As usual, Elmar puts it more eloquently.
  9. In your picture, from that vantage point, it looks like you should not be able see anything. I know it sounds like splitting hairs, but, technically, if you see only the barrel of a tank or just any part of a tank,...you have LOS. Would a tank commander or spotter be able to find the range? I seriously doubt it. However he KNOWS there is an enemy unit over there.
  10. Who is doing the spotting? Not all units will see what the other units see. Tanks with optics and crew served weapons who have spotters will be able to see movement at distance through obstructions better than units without optics. It is possible. Besides, Seelow Heights is not THAT thick with shrubbery and trees.
  11. There is a difference between your unit ENGAGING a target that it can partially spot and having complete blockage of LOS. If you ORDER your unit to fire on a unit that it has partial LOS...then it will. It may not (most likely not) hit the target, particularly if it is very far away. If your unit has partial LOS of a unit, it will not shoot at the target on its own. You have to order it to do so. AI will not shoot on its own unless it "believes" it has a good chance of hitting its target.
  12. The editor is very comprehensive. Mind bogglingly so. I never was into making my own scenarios but MadMatt insisted all testers do it. I never did get to completely finish experimenting with it due RL issues. But I did make some headway and learned quite a bit. Just keep at it. There is ALOT to it.
  13. They are very small. There are actually two big cross hairs. One is for area fire and the other is for actually targeting a specific unit or "attack". The ALT-1/2/3 keys will also target turret, hull and tracks/wheels, respectively.
  14. Not that I've read... this may be a joke to some but to me this totally ruins the immersion. In fact its unprofessional to even contemplate combining voices, did you think we'd not notice? I thought BFC pride themselves on the finer details & realism. To allow this to slip through the net only bodes ill for other as yet unfound omissions. I hope you are considering adding British accents in the future, or are we to be sidelined again in future patches? Yours TheBrit :mad: BFC is just the distributor with VERY limited control over content of the game. There really isnt much they could do about it. Just pretend the mix of Yank/Brit voices are soldiers that are part a soldier exchange program.
  15. Hell...I would have done it for free. We already know I'll work for free.
  16. There is the "stop" command and then there is the "Defend" command and then there is the "hold Position" command. The "hold fire" command is at the very bottom next to "Hold Fire". I have never had a problem with the "hold position" and "hold fire" commands. Never have I seen any of my units move while being ordered to "hold position" or shoot while being ordered to "hold fire". That is, until they panic. Once you issue a "hold fire" or "Hold Position" command, the buttons will stay lit.
  17. Go to the support forum.
  18. Actually it was my idea and I never fight fair.
  19. Negatory on the waypoints. You might not want them anyway...because your units will probably try to carry out the order completely to their own detriment.
  20. One tactic I have used in other scenarios and works very well (and only works if your gunner has any decent skill rating) is to aim for the turret and disable the gun. You can do this by clicking on middle right side of the "target" command where the three smaller cross hairs are. You can also do this by clicking Alt-1 (Alt-2 is for hull shots, Alt-3 is for the tread/wheels...if I recall correctly)
  21. Its like a "think out of the box" puzzle.
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