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Everything posted by gunnersman

  1. I am playing the TF Thunder campaign once again and am on the third mission. It is the mission which you are to cross the salt pan (assuming you succeeded in the first two missions). The Syrian ATGM launches seem to take forever to spot, dust cloud and all, if at all.
  2. Heartbreak Ridge. Clint Eastwood. Great movie.
  3. Take your lense cap off... Bad joke. No clue here. FRAPS only increases frame rates when you are recording video. Otherwise it is great for screenshots.
  4. And shorts! Don't forget the snipers in shorts! HA! I can see the mod now.
  5. "Has anyone seen my contacts?" It looks like he is conducting buddy aid on that bush.
  6. Are you an AmeriCAN or an AmeriCAN'T? I'm sorry. I couldn't resist. Point taken.
  7. Sounds like a question for the tactics thread....at any rate, have you tried a cover arc with a short range?
  8. http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=84052&highlight=Buddy+Aid&page=2 And as for the original point, as I understand it, there is a 25% chance that a wounded soldier ends up as a KIA on the AAR.
  9. This sounds like a job for a talented modder...or talented modder to be.
  10. As SgtMuhammed said, make sure your Jav team has a CLU. Also Make sure the CLU goes to a dedicated Jav team or a dedicated AT team as noted by what looks like a Javelin missile off to the right of the green gun graphic. There is no need to give target commands. When an armored vehicle crosses their line of site, they will launch. However to target infantry you must use area fire. The Marine Jav teams take less time launch because they are specialized. Where as an Army AT team which is split from their squad may take a little longer to launch because they are not dedicated Jav guys. So the theory goes.
  11. It seems to me that the Bradley FISTs primary roll is spotting at VERY long ranges. Otherwise, if it sticks its head out and there is a MBT or some sort of weapon system with a decent ATGM on it within 3000m the BFIST is gonna die. Has anyone had any luck with this in its spotting roll? Have you had it live long enough to make good use of it? The time that it takes to call in support is very short compared to dismounted FO's...but they die right along with it, usually.
  12. The Louch, Catgh, Do your saved games show up in the saved game file as they are suppose to? When I first started testing I put the game on both my XP computer and Vista laptop. The Vista laptop ran fine...however I could not find any saved games...it was wierd. However they are showing up now. :confused:
  13. If I understand you correctly, in order for a face command (or any other command) to apply to the last waypoint in the building after you finish selecting the floor you want your unit to go to, you then need to reselect that last waypoint in the building to give a another command (face, hide, deploy etc.). In short, reselect last waypoint in building to give a command at THAT waypoint. Hope this helps.
  14. Yep, looks stowed to me. Maybe from the M1 mentioned in the title? Or from a AT4 rocket?
  15. So...what ever happened to that Harrier pilot for breaking ROE? Or did get a medal for taking such great pics? And how my g's did he pull in those tight turns?
  16. Interesting. The only time I have experienced this is during night scenarios and never with a Javelin. Are we talking early dawn? Feel free to send me a saved game.
  17. Yes, IR smoke is modeled, and used by US vehicles. And it works both ways. So US vehicles cannot see out and Syrian vehicle cannot see in. I am not so sure the regular APC type Stryker with a standard .50cal or 40mm mounted weapon is equipped with IR cameras. I believe they are regular Day TV cameras.
  18. If you will notice, the graphic of the M4 rifle is yellow. That means the soldier is wounded. The red dot represents that wounded soldier. Blue = filled crew position. Red = wounded. Grey = empty position. So,there are four possible crew positions for a Javelin team.
  19. Hehe Reminds me of the movie "Kelly's Heros". Excellent pics guys. All of you. Moon it looks like you have some applicants for BFC propaganda minister.
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