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Everything posted by gunnersman

  1. Aaaah. The date! Completely forgot about that! Found it! All is right with the world. Thanks guys!
  2. I was in the editor looking with awe at all of the different units one formation at a time. Brits first, then the SS. Never saw the King Tiger anywhere, or the Konigs Tiger or Tiger II or Tiger VII. I looked at single vehicles too. I played with the equipment levels as well. Heer does not it have either. Nothing. Or is it just me?
  3. Any chance for a download? Then I can read on the ol' iPad.
  4. I know its not doctrine, but when using the regular army (not airborne) I always separate the 60mm mortars and attach them to a platoon. Those mortars wreak havoc on the back side of bocage. They are quick to respond and very accurate. It's best to use some suppressing fire first before bringing up the mortar team into LOS of the intended target.
  5. I've been playing quite a few internet/LAN games myself the past few weeks. And its a blast! (pun intended) But it IS frustrating when your trying to chat in the middle of a game and communicate something to your opponent only to have to take the time to reset your camera because the camera is flying all over the place as you type. Is there a simple little trick to work around this problem to keep it from happening? Or no? What am I missing? (I didnt realize Berto's post was on the tech forum. So I reposted here too)
  6. I recall that in CMx1 series all arty rounds created a beaten zone with more of an eliptical pattern that ran along the axis of the flight path of the projectile as opposed to the circular pattern in the pictures above. This struck me as appropriate since I think it more likely that rounds would fall short or long of the intended target as opposed to wide left or right.
  7. Can you believe it? I feel like it's been longer than that. CMSF patch is out. Now CMBN. Hold on to your butts!
  8. I use target light too without a problem. But I would prefer to use target. Another workaround is to not have the mortar team deploy. When you want them to fire, target the unit or area, then deploy. That will give you about 30 seconds of fire. But of course that is only good for one turn. You will have to un-deploy for the next turn if you want to use that technique again. Pause never seems to work for me.
  9. The two things I hate the most are the Dutch and people who are intolerant of other people's cultures.
  10. Yea, it's not like that anymore. You could in CMx1, but not so in CMx2. At least not now.
  11. There is no way to directly control how long an AFV shoots at a target. However if you want to "area fire" there is a way to control how long an AFV shoots at a area by giving the area fire command with a 30 second pause. The AFV will pause for 30 seconds before shooting and then begin to fire during the remaining 30 seconds.
  12. There is another mod I like that turns the bases into chevrons. It is a CMSF mod but it works the same in CMBN. Just download from the CMMODS and add to the data folder and then to your Z folder. There is nothing to it. It does not matter if it was made for CMSF. It all works the same.
  13. Thanks Rambler! That's surreal! Time machine indeed!
  14. wadepm, Whatever technique you are using to blast bocage and brick should work for wire ( works for building walls too). Maybe your engineer, breach team or paratrooper are out of demo charges? Are you placing your demo team or the waypoint right next the wire? Some things to think about. Have fun!
  15. If you play enough, you start to realize where obvious defensive positions are likely to be. When you know where an objective is, you know where the likely spots are: behind bocage. And you can shell the heck out of it. But then again if it is a large map, then that means lots of bocage and not enough arty.
  16. First the dislikes: Impenetrable trees. Lack of 180 arc key combination Hunt is too fast me thinks End on a good note: Hi fidelity all around How tanks point turrets at known enemy positions Love the sound of Ma deuce
  17. I've been playing for three days straight and loving it. Usually I get tired of staying in one place for so long and have to go do something else. For me it's the little things. And there are alot of little things. Details. It sucks me in. And I don't mean just graphic details. I mean how when a tank turns its hull the turret will attempt to stay pointed in one direction trying to stay on target (That was not in CMSF when it should have been). And how tanks will turn their turret in the general direction of a contact reports even though that said tank has no visual contact itself. Different strokes for different folks. It seems you might prefer larger scale battles. And THATS...OK. I hope you keep playing and it grows in you.
  18. Yes, you still need someone to occupy the objective, unless there is a "touch" objective. If it is a touch objective, that's all you need to do. You can touch and move on.
  19. How did the scenario end? Did the Germans surrender? Did time run out? It also depends on the parameters of victory which are created by the scenario designer and can be completely different from other scenarios and varied. If the Germans surrendered with a total victory to the US side, then yes, you should have automatically achieved all objectives.
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