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Everything posted by kipanderson

  1. Hi, Do remember that the Brits had twice the artillery and never suffered from the artillery ammunition shortage the US did. They had made more realistic assumptions about usage in planning. If you are looking for historical accuracy where you find a battery of four 105mm in support in a US scenario in the same situation you should have a battery of eight 25pdrs, two four gun troops, in a CW scenario. Added to which the US ammunition setting should often be a click or so down from “Full...”. With 25pdrs on “Full...”. The Brits also had a slightly more flexible artillery system. All this may make for a dull game; no one wants to play CM Stonk.... . But in the real world it mattered a lot. Added to which the 6pdr had greater penetration than the US 57mm AT gun even when firing standard AP/APCBC rounds. Brit ammunition being better quality. The 17pdr been more powerful than even the later US 90mm gun. Brit tungsten AT ammunition being a generation ahead of US designs and available earlier and more plentiful. The Churchill tank was also a very useable infantry support tank. The CW could certainly hold their own when compared the US forces. They were not under-equipped. All interesting stuff, We are lucky to have CM.... All the best, Kip.
  2. Hi, I agree... not that I was ever really critical of CMX2, great fan from the start. But now am absolutely hooked, more even than with CMBB. Can’t play the game enough . We are lucky to have CM, just look at the alternatives... ! So good it is a form of military history... All the best, Kip.
  3. Hi, They look great, very good indeed. Congratulations . All the best, Kip.
  4. Hi, This does sound very intriguing. We are all jumping to the conclusion that it will be an operational layer or tool of some kind. It may not be but I too hope it is . Some ten odd years ago a chap called James Bailey produced a CMMC set in Normandy that in my experience was the finest wargame of all time. That good. So will keep my fingers crossed that this is the start of a road leading to a new operational layer. Good luck... All the best, Kip.
  5. Nik, “ Firing the tungsten rounds yes for the Tiger I and no for the Panther. Up to medium range. However the above is the norm only. You may get the odd bounce against the Tiger and the odd penetration against the Panther. Note the 6pdr firing tungsten rounds has a greater penetration than the US 76mm Sherman gun or 3 inch M10 gun firing their standard APCBC/AP rounds. All fun stuff, All the best, Kip.
  6. Marco, hi, I am a huge fan of all your work, and this mod shows a healthy interest in a subject I enjoy as much . But I still hold to the view that by late ’42 onwards the use of face-hardened armour decreased. By ’44 only the odd plate still being treated thus. We both no doubt have the same sources, Jentz, Rexford and the German chap whose name I can never remember. Somewhere you will find the above explanation. It was occasionally used on some plate, but rarely by then. However, still greatly looking forward to your mod, we the players and Battlefront are lucky to have you working on CM. Looking forward to more and more CM stuff... . All the best, Kip.
  7. Hi, I have been playing CMBN a lot recently and have noticed no problems. I do as a matter of routine but quite a few waypoints in where a path is needed say round a burnt-out truck down a lane. When you are accustomed to helping the path finding it’s no trouble at all. Good luck, All the best, Kip.
  8. Hi, I agree with the rest, a very good thread. Equally I too think near all scenarios are too short, by a long way. I “always...” whack the scenario into the editor and increase the scenario length to two or more hours. CM is so realistic, within the limits of being a PC simulation with a single controlling mind, that you need realistic time to accomplish your objectives. So you can do a proper recon for example. You need to set things up properly before “all hell breaks loose....” and your full blooded assault on say a village starts. We are lucky to have CM, All the best, Kip.
  9. Hi, Nicely done video, congratulations... . Now you have done one successfully we expect a long line of them to be forthcoming . Thanks. All the best, Kip.
  10. Hi, Yes... Norton did block a file; I managed to restore it “live....” at the time. I reinstalled and looked out for the blocking, then restored it. Am sorry to say I do not know how to go back and restore the file but someone will know. Try the technical support forum, some very smart people there. Happily installed now... there is hope.. . Good luck, All the best, Kip.
  11. Hi, Yes... Norton did block a file; I managed to restore it “live....” at the time. I reinstalled and looked out for the blocking, then restored it. Am sorry to say I do not know how to go back and restore the file but someone will know. Try the technical support forum, some very smart people there. Happily installed now... there is hope.. . Good luck, All the best, Kip.
  12. sburke, that is a great post . Thanks, All the best, Kip.
  13. Hi, From George MC From sburke I agree with both George and sburke. Most CM players are no doubt “casual...” players and do just play v AI. When it comes to the way I and my chums play, normally HTH, we do indeed just tweak in the editor to choice anyway. Looking forward to the release... Hoping you will just release the map, we can very quickly add forces to taste... . Great project... . Congratulations... ! All the best, Kip.
  14. Hi, I have no idea what the masses want... . I play HTH, live over the internet, 2 or 2 ½ hours per game. So it’s live, but with no time pressure. Shows CMBN at its best in my view . All the best, Kip. PS. I used to think live, internet play RT was impossible. But starting with tiny games, and very long games with no time pressure we soon built up to larger games without and difficulty. You would be surprised how easy it is.
  15. Hi, Just finished a QB using rural22 map from the Italian Quick Battle Pack. By the standard of losses I find tolerable I lost , but still truly great game . I tweaked the display by slightly turning up the gamma for that full “Mediterranean sun ....” look. The entire game was a credit to sdp and to Battlefront. CM is streaks ahead of all other wargames. Nothing comes close. I know, like many here have played them all at least once. Congratulations to sdp on a very professional mod. Real quality . We are lucky to have CM... All the best, Kip.
  16. Hi, The only wargames I rate are Combat Mission. Command Ops, the best operational game by far and with a recent patch has hit new standards for operational simulations. Scourge of War. An American Civil War simulation that does that era superbly. All three of the above are in a different league to all others. All the best, Kip.
  17. Hi, Just a quick note... Road of Bones is by Fergal Keane. I agree with Dave85, great book....! We are lucky to have CM, just look at the competition... . All the best, Kip.
  18. Hi, BTW... it should be remembered that all the major players had their own way of doing things that by ’44 were more or less equally effective. As we are concerned here with Commonwealth forces it is worth mentioning that they had both the best AT guns/artillery of WWII and the best indirect fire artillery. British 6 pounder ammunition was of higher quality than US 57mm AT ammunition. (The US 57mm AT gun being an Americanised version of the 6 pounder.) At 100mm this resulted in the 6 pounder having a penetration of around 103mm to the US 57mm around 93mm. Given that head-on the 57mm/6 pounder started to strain against the MarkIVs’ front hull and StugIII hull at over 500m this bonus for the 6 pounder did no harm. The 17 pounder AT gun was far superior to even the later 90mm US gun and for a bonus again used superior quality ammunition. I am not referring the tungsten rounds but the standard APCBC AT rounds. (British tungsten rounds were also in fact a generation ahead of US designs. But rare in both armies.) When we come to indirect fire artillery the British used the 88mm/25 pounder the US the 105mm gun. But the Commonwealth forces had twice the number per division. Added to which they had made more realistic assumptions about ammunition expenditure than US forces and never had the server artillery ammunition shortages experienced by the US forces in NWE. However the Commonwealth artillery “system” also gave it an advantage. Commonwealth FO came closest to having a contemporary networked system. A Commonwealth FO directing the fire of an eight gun battery, note eight guns not four per battery;), could request, live, a regiment or even division or corps be assigned for support. Then swing the fire around. US FO had to call for a “time on target....” a more cumbersome procedure if they wished for additional support. I am not sure either what the exact difference between the two is, but people who know are clear which system was the more flexible . (A few months ago I did some research to try and discover “exactly...” how artillery was called in WWII and you can download a number of rather dry but very informative books on the subject for not a fortune from Amazon/Kindle.) BTW... the books I read were clear that the Germans had the weakest artillery system of the all players by late war having neglected to reform their system throughout the conflict. As 70% of casualties in WWII were from artillery this stuff matters. All interesting stuff... We are lucky to have CM... Generations ahead of the competition... All the best, Kip.
  19. Noob, hi, Have had my first read through... extremely helpful . Have been undecided as to which game to use as an operational layer. I agree it is crucial that in Panzer Campaigns it is possible to edit saved game files. It is a real shame we cannot edit saved CM files . Am likely to use Panzer Campaigns as an umpired operational layer. But massively useful to have this explanation. Very easy to follow How to. Thanks again. All the best, Kip.
  20. Noob, hi, Looks superb, I am always interested in how to give greater context/use an operation layer, with CM. Look forward to reading it all... Thanks. All the best, Kip.
  21. Hi, The best book on “tactics...” in North West Europe, post D-Day, is focused on US forces and called.. Closing with the Enemy by Michael Doubler. It is very pro-US forces in that it describes best practice and what the best units did right. But no harm in that. Just bear in mind that many US forces did not perform as Doubler describes. Only the best did. Great book.... We are lucky to have CM.... All the best, Kip.
  22. Riah69, I did not mean to be unsympathetic... . As your system spec shows you have a system way in advance of mine, it just seems odd that people complain of problems given the ordinariness of my machine and how well it copes. Good luck....! All the best, Kip.
  23. Sdp, Great news, the more the better...!! Thanks. All the best, Kip.
  24. Hi, I haven’t noticed any issues. I have relatively ordinary system, 4 GB RAM and 1 GB Nvidia GTS 240 card.... even with all options turned to Best and using the great new high res. Terrain mods all runs perfectly. Looks stunning too... We are lucky to have CM.... just look at the competition... All the best, Kip.
  25. Hi, From JonS Heavens... that is scary , as I would also list the exact same books. But just to emphasise that the first two are fantastically well explained operational/unit histories, of a type, the second two personal memoirs. All good stuff, All the best, Kip.
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