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Everything posted by kipanderson

  1. Hi, Yes... the FOW in Elite play is now superb... Spot on. CMX2 matures very nicely. All great stuff, All the best, Kip.
  2. Vark, I would be amazed if Kursk were not the launch setting for base game #2, ’43 – ’44. All the best, Kip.
  3. Hi, “All previous versions of CM are just R&D for the Eastern Front.....” I agree that it has been neglected. If you take the WWII up to end March ’45, so there were still two fronts and semi functioning C&C system, 76% of German military casualties were on the Eastern Front. From German military’s own records. There are advantages in the long delay in that CMX2 has matured a lot over the years. But as others have pointed out, lots of Eastern Front goodness now coming our way . We are lucky to have CM at all.... just look at the competition... ! All the best, Kip.
  4. Mad Mike, hi, Firstly thanks for all the work... it is a stunningly clever and useful tool. ND kindly released the campaigns as maps... but being able to break down into individual scenarios is hugely useful. Am extremely grateful . All the best, Kip.
  5. Hi, Wow... WOW... I was about to do a polite rant/begging letter asking for just that... . The Campaign maps are a “huge....” resource. Cannot believe my luck!! That ND is a mind reader.... . Thanks, All the best, Kip. PS. Yes... I too has noticed the organiser does not work anymore.. as it was the maps I was after... from my selfish point of view... problem sloved.. !
  6. Hi, My install, using Windows 7, is GB 7.41. That includes around GB 0.8 of mods. All the best, Kip.
  7. Hi, BTW.... there may be a guy out there developing a purpose built “companion” game. In fact there is but I am not 100% sure it is operational but my guess is it will be. I know this because he came and went from the Mod and scenario design forum about a year ago. I exchange a few posts with him. He said it was all with the official approval of Steve. We will have wait and see... keep your fingers crossed that something CM friendly is on the way... . All the best, Kip.
  8. Hi, When Gustav Line is out may be time for an Ardennes mod? Sadly it’s beyond my capabilities so just a thought. But the raw material to move CMX2 to the Ardennes will be there with Gustav. Just a bit of friendly lobbying. All have our favourite settings . We are lucky to have CM... , All the best, Kip.
  9. Hi, I don’t agree with that.. . In its Western meaning operations are often described as having the “right units, in the right place at the right time...”. It is where you place your units, say battalion taskforces and the artillery units you attach to them for support. Tactics are the use made of those units placed through operations at a give location to destroy the enemy. This very much includes artillery. Artillery units are no more or less operational units than infantry units . Lots to look forward to, we are lucky to have CM . All the best, Kip.
  10. Umlaut, Congratulations... looks superb. I think publicising it then telling us we have to wait a month it cruel... . All the best, Kip.
  11. Erwin, It is easily done, I have to be very strict with myself when organising mods, we have so many to choose from . All the best, Kip.
  12. Erwin, hi, It is the Tunisia mod; you posted on the thread... . http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=106201 All the best, Kip.
  13. Broadsword, hi, Looks great am very keen to get my hands on it . Have a great battle setup using your Desert mod for CMFI. You produce superb maps/mods and such. Congratulations.... All the best, Kip.
  14. Hi, Yes, the Panther’s glacis plate of 80mm at 55 degrees is massively heavy protection by WWII standards. It gives a horizontal thickness of 140mm. To which you have to add an extra, additional slope effect over and above the horizontal thickness of about 15% or more. Net result, Panther’s glacis plate has an equivalent, horizontal protection of over 160mm. We are talking 17 pounder at under 500m or Soviet 100mm or 122mm guns at under 1000mm. Even then the firer has to be having a “good day....” . Note... the thinness of the side amour of the Panther, and less heavy turret, means it’s far from immune to the three guns mentioned above. Even a glancing blow from any of the three guns can peal open the Panther’s side. All the best, Kip. PS. Just note others have posted similar.... just shows there are many unhinged nerds here... glad am not the only one... .
  15. Hi, As with all your work... they look great... . Hope you have time and the inclination to keep them coming... . All the best, Kip.
  16. Hi, Still looking forward to the winter mod... . All the best, Kip.
  17. Hi, Congratulations... looks great, am very grateful as I am sure all will be to have new seasonal look of CMBN. Thanks.... All the best, Kip. PS. Recommend people edit out hedge/bocage and replace with fencing... but each to their own .
  18. Hi, Yup... congratulations.. good map . Publish it...! All the best, Kip.
  19. Sabot6, Have only had a quick read but it does seem that you have ticked all the boxes. Some of the things H2HH is doing on your machine are very odd... . If I come up with any ideas will post. You seem to have read the notes as I did and done all that could be expected. All the best, Kip.
  20. Sabot6, hi, Ok one possible problem is that your scenario files, saved email files, must have “exactly” the same name as the folder you are using within Dropbox. If they do not... you can still fix it but must manual intervene. If H2HH is listing your saved email files, i.e. has found your CMBN folder, then click on one of the listed saved email files in the H2HH window. Then go to Game > Edit Game and redirect/tell H2HH the exact Dropbox folder you are using for that CM game. If that was the problem H2HH will light up and you will see that something has changed for the better. It should then happily move the files/copy the files as it’s designed too... ; ). Let me know... Good luck, All the best, Kip. PS I use the PC version... so hope things are similar in Mac version... !
  21. Uzi, hi, Looks very good...will give it a go when I have time. Look forward to it, All the best, Kip.
  22. Hi, Think I have now got all working OK... Great utility!! All the best, Kip.
  23. Rake, Just to add my congratulations too... Look forward to its publication... . All the best, Kip.
  24. Hi, Firstly... thanks for all the effort in giving us the utility. CM seems to attract some very smart people. Secondly an apology to GreenasJade for bothering you with this, I am probably just being thick, but anyway... . The utility does not seem to be working. It does not list/recognise the Saved email files. I do have CMBN installed other than in the default. I used the Install > Add Install to direct H2HH to the directory I am using but still it does not list/recognise Saved emails in the Incoming and Outgoing Emails folders within CMBN directory. The Dropbox folder is at the default and I can see H2HH has discovered it. Email files and folder name within Dropbox are identical. Thanks for your help, Apologise for hassling you.. All the best, Kip. PS. Windows 7 64.
  25. Winkelried, hi, Wow... that is impressive... . It is fantastic what some manage to produce. A credit to Battlefront and yourself. I very much look forward to its publication... When can we expect it, all being well... ? Congratulations...! All the best, Kip. PS. Just reading about the 11th Panzer at Korsun Pocket.
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