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Everything posted by kipanderson

  1. Hi, My thoughts exactly... All previous versions of CM are just R&D for the Eastern Front... . Lots of fun to come..... All the best, Kip.
  2. Hi, I too am very interested to know where the pictures came from. They would be a great source. This is one possible source I have used. Look under Worldwide. http://aerial.rcahms.gov.uk/ All the best, Kip.
  3. Hi, Thanks... Some good pictures. All the best, Kip.
  4. Hi, I look forward to using the larger maps for large scale infantry and combined arms battles. Not just tank battles. Remember most battles in WWII were infantry with small amounts of armour support. May try to construct such a battle using George’s great map.... as he has given permission for others to use it . All the best, Kip.
  5. Hi, Stunning map... Look forward to finding the time to play it.... Congratulations... All the best, Kip.
  6. Marco, hi, For the US 75mm gun and the US 76mm gun you may have used the penetration figures against Face Hardened German armour plate. By the second half of ’43 there was very little of this stuff around, 90% of German plate was homogenous. For the L40 75mm gun the figures you are after are 100m/88mm, 500m/81mm, 1000m/73mm, 1500m/65mm and lastly 2000m/59mm. This is why the US 75mm gun can “just...” handle German MarkIVH and StugIII lower front plates which have vertical equivalent of around 80mm with slope and quality taken into account. But at over 1000m the Sherman gun struggles against such plate. Take a look at page 63 of the Rexford book. Great stuff.. All the best, Kip.
  7. Marco, hi, Truly fantastic work.... I use your great mod and now to have figures in table form is stunning . BTW... Seeing we are allowing ourselves to be nerdish about these matters . For the L40 75mm use gun I think you will find you are using the penetration figures for the developed but never used tungsten round for that gun. The APCBC figure should be about 85mm at 100m and 75mm at 500m. Will check when I have time. Also... the Panther upper front hull 80mm plate was of very low quality and its effective zero degree equivalent was reduced by about 20%. Say 165mm on your scale. Great stuff.... thanks... You have done wonders.... All the best, Kip.
  8. George, hi, Magnificent, truly you are a master of the art . A credit to yourself and Battlefront... ! Luckily for me we like the same type of scenario but you have talent I do not. So I am delighted when you produce one of your masterpieces. Have just had a quick peak so far and hit a couple of turns to see things seem to run, which they do just fine. My system spec is very close to yours from one of your earlier posts. Will play some more seriously as German tomorrow. Thanks. All the best, Kip.
  9. LongLeftFlank.. It is extremely generous for people to share out their maps to the community to do with as we wish. I know very well how long it takes to construct maps. Very much looking forward to the release of all you produce... Thanks... All the best, Kip.
  10. Hi, Looks like a lot of fun... Will look forward to it... All the best, Kip.
  11. Hi, Received mine in prefect order the other day, well collected it from the Post Office. The charge was £14 something... strange that we are not all being charged the same amount by customs... does seem a little random as to what customs get up to... . All good fun.... All the best, Kip.
  12. Hi, Will give it a go when I have the time... Will be fun... All the best, Kip.
  13. Khane, Superb... congratulations... truly great stuff . Fine advert for your skills and for CMBN. Thanks, All the best, Kip.
  14. Permanent, hi, Great looking map.... when can we have it to play with.. . BTW. How big is it, are you aware of the machine/system limits on map and game size? Great, truly great work! All the best, Kip.
  15. Hi, Congratulations... Beautifully produced. All the best, Kip.
  16. Hi, Pete Wenman does build great maps. These artistic types have a touch I certainly cannot equal. When it comes to a “contrived look...” the solution for most is to take as their template a real topographical map. For the contours, hedges, built up areas and such. People always think they can “imagine...” terrain. But most of us struggle with that. CM maps taken from real topographical maps nearly always look “real...”. We are lucky to have CM... All the best, Kip.
  17. Hi, Looks good.... Congratulations.... All the best, Kip.
  18. Hi, I am definitely a micromanager . However until recently had trained myself very successfully to play RT, but using pause. Now, rather to my embarrassment... as I got the idea from somewhere real men play real time ... I have returned to turn based WEGO. The reason is that playing RT I missed too many of the good bits, like missing the best bits in a movie. So micromanaged turn based is how I now play but quite often do just hit Go for a few turns before doing some micromanagement in one turn. Then hit Go for a few more turns. All great stuff, All the best, Kip.
  19. Hi, Really just thinking allowed but I think it may be fun to have some scenarios and campaigns optimised for defence. I find defending can add a sense of desperation that attack does not quite equal. Both can be fun, but my most tense games have been playing the role of the defender. But there are not many such games and I think no campaigns. We are lucky to have CM.... All the best, Kip.
  20. Hi, Looks good... sadly for me do not have time now but look forward to using the map. All the best, Kip.
  21. Hi, Has not made it through to show up yet at the repository but look forward to giving it a go next weekend. All the best, Kip.
  22. Scipio, hi, thanks.... BTW. you have some very fine mods on your site.... All the best, Kip.
  23. Sburke, hi, Great minds think alike . I did build such a map during beta testing but it was mid way through testing and since then hard coded things have changed. Terrain changes that sort of thing. Thus it would just crash. I guess it is open country tank warfare you are after? If so I was too. We are lucky to have CM... All the best, Kip.
  24. George, hi, I find myself checking every morning and evening to see if there has been any progress . Keeping my fingers crossed that it will not be too long. BTW. By September US forces under Patton were fighting in some really quite open country in North Eastern France. If you were looking for historically accurate open tank country. But I realise there is a 99% chance you already know that . The East is special! All the best, Kip.
  25. Hi, Milsketch is a program you can use for this sort of stuff. Authentic looking military briefings and such. Just whack Milsketch into Google and click around. It is free. All the best, Kip.
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