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List of Known Issues

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I want to keep a thread where all discovered and acknowledged game meachanic issues are listed so we don't have to see new threads popping up all the time. Makes it easier for everyone.

Here are those that have been seen so far.

Case: Off Map Mortar Innacuracy - Mortar Artillery fire has often very bad accuracy.

Status: Acknowledged and being looked into. Problems could arise when the Spotter called FFE even without having seen the spotting rounds

Case: Trees of Steel - In some cases where tanks are standing in front of a tree they will keep firing into the tree when ordered to fire at the enemy. The trees are almost indestructuble and will take a lot of rounds.

Status: Acknowledged and being looked into.

Case:Building provide very little cover to inf.

Status: Unknown?

Case: Infantry in buildings open fire through walled windows.

Status: Confirmed and being looked into.

Case: Reversing Rhinos. Rhino tanks will force bocage even when reversing.

Status: This is a TacAI limitation. It's on a list of things we want to address, but there's no specific patch in mind for a fix.

Case: QB AI loves AT guns

Status: Picking logic gets a bit confused when it has a limited budget. The AT Gun issue is a separate one and that should be fixed for v1.01

Let me know what other game mechanic issues have been acknowledged and I'll keep the original post updated.

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Case: Reversing Rhinos. Rhino tanks will force bocage even when reversing.

Status: This is a TacAI limitation. It's on a list of things we want to address, but there's no specific patch in mind for a fix.

I remember a different statement, that Rhinos shouldn't be able to breach bocage in reverse, that it was something they thought they'd caught before the release, but which seemed to have reared its ugly head (I paraphrase).

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Case: ON MAP, pre-planned, LINEAR, mortar fire. The first 5 to 10 rounds are off target. All pre-planned fire should be on target.

Status: ???

I reported this issue back when the demo was released.

It's confirmed and looked into afaik.

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This is by design. There was a lengthy thread on this a while back.

Yah...I believe that's to keep a tank from setting up behind another dead tank and letting the dead tank eat five hundred enemy shells fired by the Tac AI....I guess one could look at it as the dead tanks is so riddled and punked up from being destroyed its structure is weakened and doesn't have enough left to stop rounds from going straight through and hitting what's behind it.


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This thread should be stickied, IMO.

Case: Mortar ammunition cannot be reclaimed. Giving medical care to KIA mortar soldier DETRACTS from the mortar's ammo supply.

Before: My mortar ammo bearer team is giving medical aid to the KIA mortar team member. Normally, this should reclaim the ammunition from the corpse. As you can see, the mortar team has 11 shells remaining.


After: Two seconds latter, my mortar team has lost 10 shells, and the mortar ammo bearer team didn't reclaim any ammunition.


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That's not a bug. There is plenty of reason to shoot at AFV's. Suppression, force them to stay buttoned, could break antennas, scopes, secondary armament.

This. I lost an armored car in the first German campaign mission to a single lucky rifle shot. Not sure what it knocked out but on literally the first hit I saw "Penetration" and the crew bailed.

Bug: Not being able to click on unit icons through buildings. Seems to depend on the angle but its really annoying, also applies when giving orders sometimes.

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I have two:

1. Tanks drive into fresh bomb craters on purpose. Everything I've read says fresh craters are a no-no for tanks. They nearly always cause the tank to either be wrecked or immobilized. The walls of the crater are simply too steep. The tank doesn't really drive in it's more a like it falls in.

2. I've seen some very odd AI behavior when it selects only armor in a QB. It tends to bunch up all the armor in one location on the map. Once the fighting begins they seldom move from their "parking lot". Even to defend the objective. Last night I found a group of five enemy tanks parked right behind a forest away from the all objectives they were supposed to defend. The LOS was blocked to all their objectives. For most of the QB I thought the AI didn't even have any units on the map! I finally stumbled on them at the end of the game after my scouts marched all the across the map. They could have wrecked havoc on my forces if they'd just have moved out and attempted to occupy/defend their objectives. I'm thinking at a minimum the AI should place armor in a position to at least overwatch their objectives even if they don't sit right on them. The strange thing is that the AI seems to place tanks more reasonably if there is some infantry in their forces.

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That's not a bug. There is plenty of reason to shoot at AFV's. Suppression, force them to stay buttoned, could break antennas, scopes, secondary armament.

They need to be smarter about it. Infantry and MGs will shoot at unbuttoned tanks several hundred meters away. At that range they have little chance of hitting the commander. Yes, they can make him button but that is usually not worth the mouthful of HE they eat when their positions are revealed.

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That's not a bug. There is plenty of reason to shoot at AFV's. Suppression, force them to stay buttoned, could break antennas, scopes, secondary armament.
At the moment, this is being looked at on the beta forum, and BFC is aware of the undesirable behaviour of AI squads firing on unbuttoned TC's from ranges all the way up to 250m and beyond. "Not desirable", in that there should be a cut-off range where unhidden AI squads have no realistic chance of damaging/killing the tank/TC, since AI squads are giving their positions away to a specific targeted unbuttoned tank, unnecessarily so and with (usually) deadly tank return fire.
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That's not a bug. There is plenty of reason to shoot at AFV's. Suppression, force them to stay buttoned, could break antennas, scopes, secondary armament.

maybe you havent played too many games yet?

infantry firing at buttoned tanks is futile

especially at ranges over 100m

ive yet to see ANY effect the infantry have on doing so,apart from revealing their position and getting themselves killed.

its sheer madness.

ive stopped several games now because of this behaviour,being on the receiving end and the serving end.

its makes for a futile match up,forcing you to abandon any tactical use of infantry(without AT weapons)in an armour rich enviroment,and withdraw/retire them

ive got a MMG team firing at a Tiger out at 400m,in a current game,needless to say,they are now running for there lives,the ones still alive that is.

i point to the CMAK example of infantry holding fire,unless being ordered to fire on a tank,or, it gets into close enough in range to use explosives

i can accept firing on light armour perhaps,but on med/heavy tanks at long range aint in any SOP ive ever read.

most of the guys im currently playing are in agreement,that it needs a look at

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This. I lost an armored car in the first German campaign mission to a single lucky rifle shot. Not sure what it knocked out but on literally the first hit I saw "Penetration" and the crew bailed.

Might have been a rifle grenade, you know. Those things can mess you up if they get a lucky hit and they can be missed during a replay in WEGO, let alone overlooked during RT play.

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Current CMBN interface a pain to use compared to CM1 ( I know I don't get it)

CM1 camera view controls were MUCH better and easier to use.

Frequently find it is impossible to select units (either by clicking on unit, or on icon) - Never in CM1!

Frequently find it is impossible to select a spot for waypoint, or the waypoint appears in the wrong place, or it is simply not visible. Never in CM1

Pathing does not work over bridges.

(eg select spot on other side of bridge, then further on - my troops cross the bridge, then turn around and go back to paddle in the river at the bank, then turn again to continue advancing) Never saw anything like that in CM1

Interface makes it impossible to predict where troops will move to as it is impossible to visually spot impassable terrain.

and finally...QBs do not work (worked in CM 1)

Despite the game looking beautiful, I find working the current interface a chore and a struggle compared to the smooth elegance and ease of use of CM1.

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Don't forget armour only covered arcs. Steve has said that BF do want to put them into the game but they are complex to code

It seems a pretty simple problem, and normally I err on the side of appreciation for the complexities of the system in play.

As I see it, the logic is basic - you take a normal cover arc order, and include a test on any appearing targets - armour or infantry? If not the object of the arc, then hold fire - else, open fire. Endif.

I suspect most people would settle for this, and leave the inevitable desired exceptions of the rule for those times when not covering an ObjectX-only arc.

I'm open to any and all enlightenment as to the nature of the game's algorithms for covered arcs :)

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