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ye olde "In Command" lines...

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Toggleable command lines would be great. I spend too much time trying to figure out if someone is in command and who is commanding whom.

We have incredibly complex movement lines that we can show on the battlefield for all the units, but zero command information.

It's suboptimal design to keep having to move the mouse or your eyes from the battlefield to the UI. It's one reason hotkeys were invented and I one reason I like the pop-up commands in CMx1. The UI is one area that is overall worse than CMx1.

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Why on earth?

So I can tell if my bloody HQ or FO units are in contact with my mortar team before I try to use them and they can't see the bloody target.I find this a major step back from the first games.The game is so much more difficult to play now due to having to click on every HQ unit to see who is in range.

Or I double click the HQ (to find out who they are in commnd of)and then forget it has highlighted every bloody unit they are in command of and I the give the HQ unit a move order only to find that I have now overwritten my previous move orders for whole groups of units.

When its all said and done I tend to play this game as a PBEM with a couple of mates and we are not a hardcore wargame nuts.So anything which makes it easier for me and my mates to play is a good thing.But this removal is a very very bad thing.


what a major oversight guys.

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It's not about which 'system' to use. It's a simple graphical overlay (toggle-able) that helps visualize what the "new" system is doing.

So much easier in the old days to click on the commander and see who he is in contact with... now you have to click through all his subordinates to check who is in command.

One click vs the current 5+clicks. The old method of visualization was much better.

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"So I can tell if my bloody HQ or FO units are in contact with my mortar team before I try to use them "

You don't need command lines for this just go to HQ or FO's artllery tab and if there is no line of communication to the moratr it will tell you. Didn't the old command lines work at just platoon level? So they wouldn't tell you if you what you want to know anyway.

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I find it difficult to see to which of my units I have given commands. The + and - keys don't always move me from unit to unit, and it's rarely obvious which units have been commanded. (I'm speaking of the demo version, of course. I haven't yet amassed sufficient funds to buy the full game.)

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I like the "new" system . Much more sophisticated and far better than the lines i think.

For the first several games, I was in complete agreement with the OP. Now that I've gotten used to looking for the red "X" in the GUI, I don't miss them at all. The new system is much cleaner.

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You can always have all move orders shown. They will only show when you have a unit selected, which is nice if you want to look at the map without lines all over it.

And the reason why an overlay is nice is because it doesn't take your eyes off the battlefield. The command lines are shown in 3D not with words. I played the CM:SF demo and all the things people are complaining about in CM:BN are the reason I never purchased CM:SF. I just didn't like modern combat enough to deal with a sub-standard interface.

Also, it would be nice if the interface could be larger. Mine takes up such a tiny portion of my screen it seems a shame to waste all the space. And I could make the text bigger because right now it's bordering on too small.

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"So I can tell if my bloody HQ or FO units are in contact with my mortar team before I try to use them "

You don't need command lines for this just go to HQ or FO's artllery tab and if there is no line of communication to the moratr it will tell you. .

I used to play with all moves/command lines on.So I could see just by looking at the map.


I just find the whole game more frustrating than the old ones.Bear in mind I have never played CMSF as the setting didn't attract me so its all new to me.Its miles better in most things but selecting and using the units is harder which is a backward step for more causal type war gamers like me and my mates.

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The only thing the command lines would tell you about the mortars was who was in direct command of them. So having them back would not provide you with any help in relation to a spotting unit on the other side of the map which wants to call down fire. CMBN offers so many more capabilities that the old interface wouldn't actually cope.

As Rake said above, once you have played with the new interface for a while you won't miss the old one at all.

P.S. Show all moves is a hot key command, but I am sure you know that.

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Still can't see why this is such a big deal. Click HQ, units under it's command light up. Simple as that. Much more elegant than having lines all over the place, and gives you the exact same information.

I've never had problems with units being out of contact. Just keep them within a reasonable distance of their HQ (game is based on reality, use your imagination here) and they will always be in contact.

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I've never had problems with units being out of contact. Just keep them within a reasonable distance of their HQ (game is based on reality, use your imagination here) and they will always be in contact.

Exactly. For non-radio units my rule of thumb is a 100 yards in open country with a LOS to the HQ or a lot closer (less than 50 yards) if there is no LOS and I have yet to have a C2 problem (or feel the need to click on every unit to check).

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For the first several games, I was in complete agreement with the OP. Now that I've gotten used to looking for the red "X" in the GUI, I don't miss them at all. The new system is much cleaner.

Have to agree. Coming straight from CMx1, I missed the command lines, but 3-4 battles in, the new system is bedding fairly well into my brain ( and hey, CMx1 took a bit of getting used to as well, we just don't remember that far back ;) )

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Any chance on them ever coming back?

Oh no. Yet another player with the nerve to ask for yet another CMx1 feature in CMBN! Can you believe it? How many times do you need to be told that if the feature isn't already in the game (let alone one that was in CMx1, of all games!!!) then obviously it can't be a good feature to have in the game. Don't you know that CMx1 was an exercise in how not to make a good wargame and therefore that's why stupid features like the one you are asking for aren't in the game? Duhhh!!!! You have spent, what, 10 minutes thinking about this, whereas BFC have spent 10 years thinking about it. Are you trying to tell BFC they don't know how to design a good GUI or know what they are doing?! Jezz some people! :rolleyes:

You are just like this idiot who even tried to start a whole thread about it:

Still can't see why this is such a big deal. Click HQ, units under it's command light up. Simple as that.

Yeah, if you did that in CMx1, those stupid command lines would come up and also tell you if the subordinate units were within command (orange line) or out of command (black lines). How stupid is that? If you just clicked on the subordinate, it would create a Command Line to it's superior, orange in command, black out of command. I much prefer having to now click on each of the highlighted subordinates in turn and see if the CnC icon pops up in the unit box to see which subordinates are in or out of CnC range. It can take quite some time to go through all the units but I just like clicking. Clicking is kinda fun. I guess I like having to work for my information. I actually just click my mouse for fun moist times anyways, even if I don't have to, and I don't even play CMBN RTS! Work that one out!

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I think command lines that tell the true picture would be pretty tricky and ugly (beauty is the eye of the beholder though) if you have anything other than a basic "in command" line. There is voice command, visual (two types) and radio. You can have combinations of these. Would you have different coloured lines denoting a specifc combination or a railroad of three parallel lines with one lining symbolising each?

What about weapons assets (mortars MGs) that are essentially in command of a specific platoon but technically out of command of their parent. Do they get a line to their parent or the closest unit command them.

The new C2 system is much more complicated and clearly the onus is much more intense on the player to keep his/her guys under control.

You do get used to not having command lines but a little assistance would be nice. In the current interface it would be nice if the formation tab of the HQ unit showed a symbol if a unit was totally out of command (currently they are green regardless of command unless the subunit is panicking or wiped out). Also a "next unit" button that cycled through HQs would be a nice addition so you could quickly scan through your force and see what units were going astray.

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I think command lines that tell the true picture would be pretty tricky and ugly (beauty is the eye of the beholder though)

Is that the reason why you can also turn off floating icons? Any reason why a show commend line toggle could't be created?

Would you have different coloured lines denoting a specifc combination or a railroad of three parallel lines with one lining symbolising each?

Nah, just two colours, black for "out of command" and another for (in command". If you wanted to get fancier have different line thicknesses for the different levels.

What about weapons assets (mortars MGs) that are essentially in command of a specific platoon but technically out of command of their parent. Do they get a line to their parent or the closest unit command them.

Can't see the issue here but Unlike CMx1, they will either be in/out of command of their parent, and can't resort to being in command of a nearby higher echelon HQ.

You do get used to not having command lines but a little assistance would be nice. In the current interface it would be nice if the formation tab of the HQ unit showed a symbol if a unit was totally out of command (currently they are green regardless of command unless the subunit is panicking or wiped out). .

The use of the Floating Icons is poorly exploited in this game. They could cleverly transmit more information than what they already do. In this case, the Floating Icon itself could potentially have a graphic indicating the "command" status of each of the subordinates.

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