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Lessons Learned..so far.

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Come on then all you old cmx1 players.

what have you been taught by this game so far?

For me

1. Fear the mortar.

2.German tank hunter teams are mean. 2 men, panzerfausts and demo and TWO smoke grenades, attach them to your pioneer squads and you can then use the pioneer on the offensive in a much more realistic way( they need that smoke cover to clear obstacles)

3.Fear the mortar.

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1. AT guns...you might not every find it but your vehicles blowing up every now and then are a good indication that there's one out there somewhere.

2. The better graphics can at times show you how much worse your pixelheros are dying due to your ineptitdude in leading them.

3. Mortars are good for taking care of #1 when found and for causing #2 to occur in abudance.

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2. The better graphics can at times show you how much worse your pixelheros are dying due to your ineptitdude in leading them.

It definately gives a slightly better appreciation of what it's like for your troops when you order them to crawl underneath incoming grazing MG fire into the teeth of a danger-close artillery barrage :D

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I'll chip in a few from my own playing experiences:

1. If you aren't sure a particular enemy unit is dead, it might not be. And even when you're sure a particular enemy is dead, it might not be :D I thought I had KO'd a Pak38 with some Sherman fire, but half way through the field I found out one guy was still around and he was thrilled to get some revenge. Doh!

2. MG42s, especially in well emplaced positions, suck. Well, if you're playing as the Americans. I'm not just talking about the obvious HMGs, I'm talking about one of the LMG42 Teams that ripped up the better part of a platoon while testing Busting the Bocage for the demo.

3. In CMx1 if you isolate an AT Gun with infantry you could usually take it out without too much of a problem. Not so easily done now that each member can fight back with infantry weapons. And every other German AT Gun (sometimes every one) has a LMG with them for just such an occasion. Kinda embarrassing to have a Rifle Squad chewed up by ammo bearers!


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Crawl to bocage WITH a pretty tight covered arc.

Pre-fire most of my big arty assets if I have even half an idea where the enemy might be. I had a prefire net 60 casualties (81mm, 120mm and 105mm) PS Please enhance so I don't have to do my own adds to work this out. Trying to use the heavy stuff in game can be inaccurate and slow. The scenarios seem to have a little more time pressure than I am used to from CMSF and this exacerbates it. Also spotting through bocage at a target 100m in front of you when you spotting round for a 105mm lands 200m metres behind you makes me nervous.

All ? get at least some light mortar if I have the assets. Big stuff if I can stretch it across them as well.

Instant pause if I hear the poompf of those frigging American mortars. Them plus direct fire equals ruined whatever they are aiming at. Time to move.

Honestly don't watch ammo too closely but I can only remember one unit going dry on me so I shoot heaps.

If any squad on squad infantry firefight starts and it doesn't feel to be going OK after about 20 seconds then withdraw (hopefully) and try something else.

In CMBB/CMAK I always felt Panthers gave the most bang for buck. Seeing them in the German campaign hasn't made me change my mind on that.

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In Platoon Patrol last night, the mortar absolutely rocked, despite starting under ammo shortage. Twice, large amounts of small arms area fire couldn't silence some pesky defenders behind bocage on the high ground. Then, I got to watch with joy as my tube stepped up to the plate to become Johnny Problem Solver. -Total victory on Elite with no dead and just a few wounded (unlike the last QB...ouch!).

I know what you mean on the ATG's Steve. In the demo tutorial, the ATG took a massive amount of area fire from three Shermans and was about to rise from the "dead" and score some payback, just as my inf overran it. Had they not done that, I probably would have lost some/all of my tanks!

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Another lesson. Assume that your AT gun will take out 2-3 tanks max then ascend to Valhalla. Don't make it the lynchpin for your whole strategy.

Very true. When I went back and played the demo tut in hotseat mode, I knocked out the AT very quickly with mortar fire (like...2 rounds).

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Yeah the American mortars in direct fire are just sick. I watched an American mortar team direct fire from the other side of a wooded patch onto a sitting still Panther and while I am lucky that the top hatch was closed about 3 direct hits on it completely immobilized it. I am still amazed at how quickly they can blow through their ammo load when the start dropping them into the tubes. Thump, thump, thump every 2-3 seconds.

Lesson learned, even a bit cat can get neutered by the lowly mortarman. I was lucky no enemy armour assets were around as an immobile tank is usually a dead tank give it enough time.

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Firing artillery at a slower rate of fire gives you time to adjust and avoid wasting too many rounds if they are going off target.

If spotting rounds land near your troops run away very fast.

Don't let the rear of your Marders face the enemy. Small arms fire punching through the thin rear door will almost always soon follow.

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In Platoon Patrol, I only used the target light setting.

In Closing the Gap, I tried to take out M10's with my 81 mm mortars. I dumped a lot of rounds and didn't take out any. -May have damaged them, but I'm not sure. Panthers got 'em later. They never moved, so maybe I had immobilized them earlier. Dunno.

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My tips.

1. If you are playing like you did in CMBO, stop that immediately.

2. If you are still playing like you did in CMBO and you play tournaments, I hope I draw YOU as my opponent.

3. If you cherry pick for a QB INF ONLY battle and you buy no artillery or 81mm mortars, you are halfway to losing because your enemy will.

4. Fast is your new friend in infantry movements except when you should have used something else. :)

5. If you have played the full game for 4 days and think you have seen it all, wait 15 minutes.

6. The GTZ (Grammont Time Zone) was the model for the Space Time Continuum in Star Trek.

7. MG42's are wicked and your pixeltruppen really dont like running straight at them. But mostly they dont last long enough to complain about it.

8. When running in an open field, try to find craters or depressions to hunker down and suppress enemy fire with one squad while your other squads run across.

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The TacAI has X-ray vision. It can find LOS with great ease into places you would have to take a month of Sundays to find, placing waypoints and checking LOS, a metre at a time.

Bullets go through, HE goes "Bang". Seeing a 'Schreck team in a trench, 3 bocage rows separated from a Sherman, with the two duelling, and the HE and HEAT exploding in the hedgeline in the middle is quite perplexing. The Sherman will win, because its MGs are slowly suppressing the Jaeger team, having only been somewhat attenuated in effectiveness by the intervening shrubberies.

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Don't have your Company commander 30m away from an unbuttoned Sherman that is taking MG42 fire from 800m because richochets can kill (I think). Playing in RT so not 100% sure what happened but it seemed to be the only thing going on so I have to assume that was the cause.

Yet to see a TC commander killed by having his head outside a turret though. Definitely more safe the CMBB.

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