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In "The Labyrinth" (part of the Road to Montebourg campaign) I used a Greyhound to flank a line of German defenders behind some bocage. Two whole squads get up and start running, and my Greyhound starts picking them off - with individual 37mm cannon shells. It was... messy...

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I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched c-beams glitter in the dark near the Tanhauser Gate.

And because of you I am now watching the Directors Cut. I first thought the quote was from a Saberhagen Berserker story, but Google is my friend.

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Well I've learned the hard way that being anywhere near a friendly tank with infantry is dangerous.

QB map with a Panther snuggled up in a perfect hull down position. Some 50 meters off to the right I had a MG42 and the Company HQ in the cover of some trees.

Suddenly I see the MG squad taking damage but they don't seem to be under fire. Next round the Company HQ vanishes in two small explosions and during the replay I see that several tank shells from some Shermans down by the river bounces off the slanted armor of the Panther at very sharp angles and comes sailing down right on top of my poor infantry.

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A round fired by an M8 Scott (self propelled howitzer) hit a german half track, went straight trough it, hit another half track 50 meters behind it and knocked out both. This finished off the last German armour in the scenario and won the game.

The Cats chasing Dogs scenario was great fun to play for me. :)

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Gave an order for a squad to move through what I thought was a gap in the bocage but they ended up going the long way round, running straight into the middle of a contested chokepoint. They ran straight through a couple of my own tanks exploding he shells (which was area firing on a hedgerow) and a bunch of enemy mg fire without flinching until they finally realised they were on a fools errand and turned back in a panicked retreat. Much to my amazement they took no casualties at all and managed to get safely back to cover. Luckiest squad ever.

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Hiding a sherman in a stand of trees and targeting an 88 ATG in the distance. Only to see my first few shells hit a tree 100m away, until the tree is destroyed and clears line of sight for the Germans. Needless to say they chose that time to return fire turning my sherman in to a pile of burning metal.

This is the only game I know of where every round is tracked. "Because close enough is not really good enough" great job bf

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An M8 surviving and continuing to fight after taking one 'schrek hit to the turret. Followed by two! 75mm AT rounds from less than 50 meters, one that when right through the turret, the other to the left side toward the rear of the vehicle that immobilized it. It was finally KO'd by another schrek round to the side some turns later. That was after it had racked up 27 infantry and the afore mentioned 75mm PAK kills.

I think only one of the crew survived.

In the same battle a 100m shot KO'ing an Stuart tank moving full speed perpendicular to another schrek team. I've a got some cool pics where you can see rocket in flight and then the smoke from the hit a few lengths of the vehicle behind where it finally came to rest.

Will try and post pics later.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I was zoomed in to watch the effect of my troops' area fire through the hedgerow. Apparently there was an MG42 positioned just on the other side. The gunner became visible during the replay as he stood up to flee his position.

I could see him standing with his MG42 in one hand; it was obviously not something he could fire from the hip. So, before he ran off, he turned and *fired a pistol* into the hedgerow just to say goodbye.

I had no idea that a machine gunner would be modeled with a working sidearm. :)

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I was zoomed in to watch the effect of my troops' area fire through the hedgerow. Apparently there was an MG42 positioned just on the other side. The gunner became visible during the replay as he stood up to flee his position.

I could see him standing with his MG42 in one hand; it was obviously not something he could fire from the hip. So, before he ran off, he turned and *fired a pistol* into the hedgerow just to say goodbye.

I had no idea that a machine gunner would be modeled with a working sidearm. :)

C company. Very unlucky. I found one platoon that still wasn't rattled, but I could not locate the lieutenant. Then I saw him running across a field pursued by 120mm mortar bursts. Well, he was panicked. I could not turn him and run him out of the line of mortar bursts. I gave up on rescuing him and just as I did, a 120mm mortar shell hit him more or less right on top of the head. BOOM!

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A 105 round killing a Panther. Well to be honest no one saw it. The Panther and a bunch of his friends (StuG IIIs) were advancing and my infantry were being beaten back. Why do they forget their bazookas in their half tracks? My FO managed to call in a barrage on their position as they withdrew. The FFE order came just at the right moment and I watched as the shells came down. There was the Panther and three assault guns in the area under the shells. The smoke was all over the place and the AFVs were clearly moving around. Then a shell exploded differently than the others and I wondered if it hit something. After a few moments two plumbs of black smoke started rising above the grey cloud.

After the smoke cleared as the barrage ended I could finally see the victim - the Panther.

My guys still got slaughtered but my barrage denied the Germans a total victory - they had no infantry left to flush my last two squads from their hiding places.

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I don't know if this is an "amazing" thing or not, but I've had men go down a good distance from artillery impacts. Last night I had a couple casualties about 120 meters from where I was calling in a 150mm fire. I thought that was an interesting (and realistic) thing that they modelled. It took me a while to figure out what was happening because it was a guy here and there and I was looking for some other cause for a quite a while.

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  • 3 months later...

I must admit I'm pretty amazed by BFC's attention to detail. In a QB I'm in I noticed that one of my Yank riflemen managed to shoot a moving crew member of a MG42 team right at the end of the minute in WEGO. The crewman had his body flung backwards and his helmet in mid air then I noticed something else. Battlefront took the trouble to model the guys hair under the helmet and he had quite a noticeable bald spot. Germany was scraping the bottom of the manpower barrell by mid '44 weren't they?




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Yesterday in the first mission of a User made German campiagn. I had a dairy farm to take, so I postioned a mix of MkIV's and Panthers so they covered three sides of what must have been the main shed as it was pretty big and two stories high, with the infantry waiting to assualt behind. I waited for the exact turn the 120mm mortars hit when I opened fire with all my tanks both HE and Mg fire, aswell as two heavy MG's all at the same time. Boy the sudden and intese eruption of noise and destruction was something to behold. Like Hell's orchestra. Within two turns most of the farms walls where blown out and when I stopped the fire to assault with my toops all the Amis had run away across the fields so it was just a turkey shoot for the infantry. Unforutnately either the Amis had been in there and done a runner or there was no one in the building as there where no bodies. I feel that those running Amis had panicked when the bombardment hit.

ANyway the intensity was amazing. Loved it. Pure power.

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Just had an M3 halftrack flying down a hardball road to establish a blocking position race past a German PSW 234. The PSW put a burst of 20mm into the track, killing half the 60mm mortar team, both ammo bearers, and the soldier attached to the platoon HQ. The track gunner swung the .50 around and put several bursts into the side and back of the PSW as they sped past. The turret on the PSW couldn't follow fast enough, sparing further destruction. The turn ended just as my track moved through the gap in the bocage it had been heading for, revealing the back side of another PSW on the edge of the field.

The remainder of the mortar team was suppressed, so I had the platoon commander grab the bazooka out of the track and prepare to dismount. As the turn replayed, the track gunner hosed down the back of the second PSW (the crew of the first having bailed and now out of sight beyond the hedgerow) while the lieutenant jumped out of the track, hit the dirt, and put a bazooka round right into the left rear quarter of the second PSW, causing it to burst into flame.

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