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So CM:N is an new game then ? not a module ?

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So CM:N is an new game then ? not a module ?

What benefits if any does this offer for the player or the developer ?

New game.

For the developer: Not having to worry about breaking older stuff.

For the player: None that I can think of.

Best regards,


PS: Don't put space characters between the sentence-ending word and the question mark.

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For the player: None that I can think of.

For players that weren't interested in modern warfare, they won't have to buy CM:SF, instead all their purchases can be WW2 related.

If CM:N was a module, everyone who was interested would have to buy CM:SF and then get the CM:N module.

Also performance would probably be better with a CM:N which didn't have all the modern warfare stuff in over a CM:N which was loaded on top of a CM:SF base, although of course this would depend on how the system is architected.

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For players that weren't interested in modern warfare, they won't have to buy CM:SF, instead all their purchases can be WW2 related.

If CM:N was a module, everyone who was interested would have to buy CM:SF and then get the CM:N module.

Also performance would probably be better with a CM:N which didn't have all the modern warfare stuff in over a CM:N which was loaded on top of a CM:SF base, although of course this would depend on how the system is architected.

I would think that the modern technology has only a marginal hit on the performance, since the vast majority would be severely abstracted.

What I want to know is how different CM:N will be from CM:SF in terms of [game] technology/features. I know there are some new things coming, but how many?

Personally I'm looking forward to WW2, I don't especially like it, but the combat will be much more interesting than SF I would imagine.

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What I want to know is how different CM:N will be from CM:SF in terms of [game] technology/features. I know there are some new things coming, but how many?

Yip that's a good question, hoping for something pretty special going from CMAK to CM:N (played CM:SF briefly)

Personally I'm looking forward to WW2, I don't especially like it, but the combat will be much more interesting than SF I would imagine.

I think WW2 combat is more interesting , with CM:SF i really felt a complete lack of control over happenings. I think it had much to do with the range and automation of modern weapons.

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I think WW2 combat is more interesting , with CM:SF i really felt a complete lack of control over happenings. I think it had much to do with the range and automation of modern weapons.

That's exactly how I feel, I still have a great time and everything is very epic, but most of the time I get kind of frustrated by the feeling of powerlessness. Everything happens so fast and with such power with modern equipment that is gives little time to think or adjust.

But who would win, the Werhmacht or the uncons?

Okay okay, now that I wanna see! :D

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u kno what would be the coolest thing? if BF made all the cm2 games compatible with each other. Id love to see how 1980s Mujahadeen go up against a mech german attack, or US paras/ Rangers up against their modern equivalent. Or even Wittmans ambush at Villers, only this time the Brits have Challenger 2's.

All this is obviously not going to happen unless I cm normandy is postponed until the year 2020 and afghanistan i pulled back for recoding. BUT what would be sick is if BF leave in the ability for red on red or blue on blue in CMN. How effective would a Tiger be against another Tiger? When the commonwealth module is realised, would Patton's remark of creating another Dunkirk and pushing the Brits back into the sea actually stand up in real combat? - (well, *real* CM combat). WHAT IF THE GERMANS AND AMERICANS JOIN FORCES AND TAKE OVER THE WORLD (or just normandy?)

Leave this feature in BF and CMN will be insane. Oh yes.

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I reckon that CM Normandy will be viewed as the No1 tactical WW2 game...basing it on CMSF...the main compliant I believe will be about content....it will not be a full Normandy game without the British\Canadians and German paratroopers and SS....to call it Normandy will be asking for criticism...thinking of a catchy title that will inform the buyer they are not getting the full Normandy experience just a section of it will be difficult...

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...thinking of a catchy title that will inform the buyer they are not getting the full Normandy experience just a section of it will be difficult...

When Eagles Screamed might work. A lot of WW II aficionados will recognize immediately what it refers to and those who don't will catch on pretty quickly once word gets around.


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will not be a full Normandy game without the British\Canadians and German paratroopers and SS

People DO realize, don't they, the Normandy basegame is the opening round in a giant multi-module title, right? Just because the initial basegame won't have - let me think of something obscure - a 75mm Pak 40 on a Hotchkiss chassis doesn't mean it won't show up in a final "funnies" expansion pack. And just because you won't see Volksturm units (inappropriately) in summer '44 doesn't mean they won't be available in the following late-war Bulge title. Complaining about CM:Normandy lacking Canadian forces is like complaining that CMSF has no Canadian forces.

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I reckon that CM Normandy will be viewed as the No1 tactical WW2 game...basing it on CMSF...the main compliant I believe will be about content....it will not be a full Normandy game without the British\Canadians and German paratroopers and SS....to call it Normandy will be asking for criticism...thinking of a catchy title that will inform the buyer they are not getting the full Normandy experience just a section of it will be difficult...

True, the first release will not be representational of the entire conflict because it lacks Commonwealth, Free French, Waffen SS, and Luftwaffe ground forces. Follow on Modules will address those units and so the game will cover the whole front in adequate detail. Since the first release gives the name for the entire Family (base game + Modules) the initial release will have the Normandy name so that it is representational of the whole front for that timeframe.

As an aside, there is no constitutional requirement that a game have a name that 100% accurately reflects its content. In fact, most wargames have names which aren't either because they are too generic or because they are too specific. This is more or less a function of it being very difficult to come up with a reasonable name (which has never been used before) that is both viable from a marketing standpoint as well as an informative standpoint. For example:

CM:Marines has US Army IBCT and Syrian Airborne. No mention of them in the title.

CM:British Forces has some new Syrian hardware, but no Royal Marines.

CM:NATO has only three nations of NATO and the Bundeswehr is not simulated with all possible ground units it might field, while the Dutch and Canadians are basically complete.

Just try and think up a name for CM:NATO that is accurate:

"Combat Mission: Dutch, Canadian, and Quite a Big Chunk of German Forces"

Doesn't have a very good marketing ring to it :D

How about Normandy's first Module?

"Combat Mission: Normandy with British Tea, Canadian Bacon, Polish Ham and A Bunch of Germans, Some Of Whom Were Really Naughty"

See the problem?



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