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New module - Combat Mission:Afghanistan?!

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Ah! Its 1C - the guys who do "Theatre of war" which BFT publish. Gee, these guys really know how to spring surprises!

Hmmm, I wonder if this will be made available to western customers?

What new content would an Afghan war module need than what is available in CMSF?

Edit to add: I guess that the models that the Russians use in Afghan would in any case be better than Syrian Army versions since they would not be 'export versions'.

Now, if we only had some 80s western gear 'CM Cold War' becomes one step closer to being possible.

Final edit to add: err, is this for real? Can't find any mention on 1c's site or the links on the russian website. Please post a link to the preview Panzershlange.

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Is there any way to translate that?
preview, inter alia, contain that the new module should contain 115 new detailed modelled russian and afghanistan units and two campaigns (one from the beginning of the conflict and the second from a later period)
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At the risk of wild speculation surely there will have to be some new equipment on the table? If nothing else new artillery (cluster bombs?), trucks, ZSU-23-4s, BTR-152s (for the DRA) and soviet air units (again, cluster/incendary bombs?). New commands too such as tank riding!

I could go on for ages about new soviet equipment and field modifications in Afghanistan but at the very least I hope to see a new TO&E

I'm very excited! :P

Edit: Can a russian speaker say what is the 70% at the bottom of the page about and when is the release date? mikkey?

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Being worked on by 2 different companies and then sold commercially? I think to compete with the BFC modules they would have to add content unless they were going to sell it at a very low price.

I get the impression that making some new models and a new TO&E would add to the development time but it would be worth it to be able to sell at $25 rather than $10.

I really don't think I should be speculating so much... :D

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I do like that screenshot of the BMP-1 followed by the civilian traffic. :)

This 'demi-module'(?) sounds like a pretty darned good idea, as long as BFC had actually approved of it! There may be a lot of people in the world who'd want to play Russia as the 'good guy' for a change (I'm assuming that's how the module would play).

If/when an English version comes out this spoiled old Beta tester might just have to pay for a copy! :D

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what is the 70% at the bottom of the page about and when is the release date? mikkey?

It says "Percent Complete: 70%"

Also, on the top is lists "Fall 2009" as the release date.

Sounds interesting, although my guess is that this is going to be nothing more than a Campaign and Scenario pack - perhaps a few texture and sound mods as well. I'm willing to bet that the "115 new units" the article claims is in fact "115 re-textured and renamed units", so I wouldn't hold my breath, especially for any "exotics".

Also it doesn't appear the reviewer was very impressed with the game. Suffice to say the article opens up with comparing Combat Mission to Classical music in the way that "everyone praises it, but no one actually listens to it". Continues on to say that the game occasionally turns into an arcade click-fest of "Press the Artillery button at the right moment" and compares the number of clicks involved to a month of playing Diablo. And then ends by calling the game "Combat Mission: Absurd-istan" - not a very kind article, that's for sure.

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Sounds interesting, although my guess is that this is going to be nothing more than a Campaign and Scenario pack - perhaps a few texture and sound mods as well. I'm willing to bet that the "115 new units" the article claims is in fact "115 re-textured and renamed units", so I wouldn't hold my breath, especially for any "exotics".

That's the cynical take on it. I would think though that it would be difficult to do an earlier campaign without at least a few new units - maybe the BMD-1, BTR-D and T80, and even the other tank versions in common with CMSF would be slightly better than what the Syrians get (being Russian native rather than export versions).

But yeah, it would be great to get the ZSU-23. How could you have an Afghan campaign and not have it in?


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That's the cynical take on it. I would think though that it would be difficult to do an earlier campaign without at least a few new units - maybe the BMD-1, BTR-D and T80, and even the other tank versions in common with CMSF would be slightly better than what the Syrians get (being Russian native rather than export versions).

But yeah, it would be great to get the ZSU-23. How could you have an Afghan campaign and not have it in?


I am afraid there were no T-80's at any time in that Afghanistan war. Nor any T-72. The 40-th army entered Afghanistan with T-54/55. In 1980 they started getting T-62 and T-64. The latter were very soon withdrawn due to either engine or tracks problems in the mountains.

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If it is going to be a 'real' module with mid-80s Russian forces modeled we can't assume X, Y, or Z isn't going to make it into the game. Like Russian body armor or modern Russian uniforms or all that goes with Russian airborne. BFC is not exactly know for creating "half-baked" products. And a Russian game company producing a Russian forces module implies a degree of national pride would be involved.

I just had a thought. Properly remodeled 'Mujehadeen' for a Russian module would make for some pretty decent "Taliban" fighters for U.S. and NATO to fight against twenty years later.

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There are still a lot of new units you *could* add. In fact there is so much new equipment you could put in it would be as much new stuff as a normal module. I just did a quick look at what the Soviets had in Afghanistan and you could probably double the number of red units if you wanted.

Not that it would happen of course :) I think realistically we might be looking at some TO&E changes but not heaps of new equipment. I would love to be proven wrong though!

Edit: Sivodsi you are right about soviet units being better. The Soviets added applique armour onto their tanks in Afghanistan as well as the improved base armour, ammunition etc

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I just had a thought. Properly remodeled 'Mujehadeen' for a Russian module would make for some pretty decent "Taliban" fighters for U.S. and NATO to fight against twenty years later.

I really hope this is the case. Brits vs Taliban in a REAL war is more interesting to me than Brits in a hypothetical Syrian Invasion. Of course, if we end up actually invading Syria then my opinion might change. ;)

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now i find this extremely highly interessting. i know the company of apeiron pretty much since their early times befor the E5 Brigade game was even finished. i played all the early betas and gameplay demos. i have E5 in russian, german, and english version.

7.62 i liked nearly as much, but i only have it in russian, with the english fan transaltion.

now i know Apeiron is under control by 1C somehow, thats since they found 1C as publisher for E5 brigade. not only good has come of this.

anyways, that Apeiron is now doing work for BFC indirectly for a module, this is a friggin huge suprise for me. also, what module is it? its not the EURO module, but the EURO module was the last one that was said to be made for CMSF? so is CM afghanistan, a "NEW game" or a "module" for CMSF?

this is quiet puzzeling.

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I obviously have no idea what is really going on, but it seems to me that the subject of this "module" would be a "title" if it were an official BFC product. It is too different from CM:SF to be a module. And I presume BFC would have said something about it before this announcement and would have commented in greater detail than what Moon has said. I suspect this is an unauthorized "mod."

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