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Hoped for improvements in the game engine, long term

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-Lastly, finer division of the battlefield so that we are not forced to move on big 20x20 m squares (or whatever size it is). According to what I've read on this forum however, this one doesnt seem likely.

8x8m. We're not going to get any finer resolution than that, and in any case most machines wouldn't be able to run it anyway. Note that the 64m^2 resolution is ONLY for command purposes - hit calculations/projectile paths are calculated at a much finer scale length, down to the polygon. So you may only be able to target the 8x8 square, but unlike in CMx1 your shots can miss by a few centimeters.

The only small improvements (ie, not water or coop) that I would like to see is popover tooltips. The toolbar shows a ton of information, more than we need, but it's not too helpful when you have to keep jumping to the manual to find out what something is. I think 1.10 introduced a popup over a weapon icon, which is a good start, but ammo (esp. arty and air) needs something similar.

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Bump that...so true.!

No. What we are is people who want to lay down five or ten waypoints for road movement (or cover-hugging movement, or any movement where exact positioning of multiple vehicles matters) instead of fifty or one hundred. Saving time and increasing realism. The Tacops method would be a step up from nothing, but true "follow me" would be better, or even better formation movement (line, wedge, echelon right/left, etc.).

It's all about making movement-to-contact easier and more realistic - both good goals.

As for the "what will happen to the movement if..." scenarios: enemy action ==> dump the movement commands and go into self-preservation mode - or whatever - in the end this is a straw-man objection.

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+1 on more tooltips!

Ammo count, equipment icons (I can never remember what they all are), specialist icons (engineer, AT, sniper etc.), type of ammo on arty/air support assets to name a few

Yep eqip icons has be going back to the manual too. Max efefctive range on small arms wouldn't hurt either.

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-Expansion of the campaign system to add intermission sections for unit status and repairs, instead of a unit being permantly damaged/destroyed/injured for the rest of the campaign and no re-enforcments/repairs ever arriving.

-Environment fires

-Persistant ground damage and unit placements/status for multiple battles that are on the same area.

-More difference between KE and fuse detonated ammo, so that KE shells stop when they run out of energy instead of on the first thing they hit. Eg: a bunch of bushes can stop a SABOT shell at the moment.

-Multi-core support

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Not so much an addition to the game engine as to the scenario editor

PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE add a "Are You Sure You Want To start a New Scenario?" or "All Unsaved Changes Will Be Lost" popup when you click the New button in the scenario editor, because I just worked for over a half hour and forgot to save, then when i went to click on one of the arrows on the top left, i accidentally hit New. Boom. Everything gone. >.<

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-More difference between KE and fuse detonated ammo, so that KE shells stop when they run out of energy instead of on the first thing they hit. Eg: a bunch of bushes can stop a SABOT shell at the moment.

This is already in. Maybe your round got deflected too much, but I have seen 2 of my tanks taken out by the same round.

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Not so much an addition to the game engine as to the scenario editor

PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE add a "Are You Sure You Want To start a New Scenario?" or "All Unsaved Changes Will Be Lost" popup when you click the New button in the scenario editor, because I just worked for over a half hour and forgot to save, then when i went to click on one of the arrows on the top left, i accidentally hit New. Boom. Everything gone. >.<


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Max efefctive range on small arms wouldn't hurt either.

With all the amazing improvements, this is one of the bigger ones I'd like to see anymore. I'm really not familiar with these weapons personally, so I have no idea whether I'm ordering my men to kill the enemy, or to expose themselves to something nasty.

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-Expansion of the campaign system to add intermission sections for unit status and repairs, instead of a unit being permantly damaged/destroyed/injured for the rest of the campaign and no re-enforcments/repairs ever arriving.

-Environment fires

-Persistant ground damage and unit placements/status for multiple battles that are on the same area.

Yep expansion of the campaign system would be appreciated. This got me thinking that with the more limited geographical focus of modules why not a fully dynamic operational map made up of 2.5 to 5km cm battle maps.

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-Persistant ground damage and unit placements/status for multiple battles that are on the same area.

-Multi-core support

Intersting point Flanker15.....I just finished Semper Fi Mission 1, and when Mission 2 started (which is set directly after the first), all my scouts started in exactly the same places they were at the end of Mission 1 (which may have been a coincidence since there were few units and they were distributed across the objectives). However, the buildings that my F-15 and arty had flattened were all rebuilt and quite a few other buildings demolished instead....which was a little weird.

Multi-core support should be a must these days, I hope this will be realized though AFAIK we haven't had any confirmation on this from BF yet....

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8x8m. We're not going to get any finer resolution than that, and in any case most machines wouldn't be able to run it anyway. Note that the 64m^2 resolution is ONLY for command purposes - hit calculations/projectile paths are calculated at a much finer scale length, down to the polygon. So you may only be able to target the 8x8 square, but unlike in CMx1 your shots can miss by a few centimeters.

The only small improvements (ie, not water or coop) that I would like to see is popover tooltips. The toolbar shows a ton of information, more than we need, but it's not too helpful when you have to keep jumping to the manual to find out what something is. I think 1.10 introduced a popup over a weapon icon, which is a good start, but ammo (esp. arty and air) needs something similar.

Salwon you are of course right about the targeting in 8x8; and its true that fining the resolution would up the requirements for the game. No way to get around that I guess... Not to mention that going to, say, 4x4 would exponentially increase the time it takes to make a map! :eek:

What I am really after here is more variety in building types/shapes/sizes, and finer resolution for movement of infantry. I want more control over my little guys, but maybe that is making the game too much of an infantry sim, as 8x8 is quite sufficient for big vehicle battles.

Also, in regards to T-intersections for walls and trenches: You can fake it by using the diagonals:



...hopefully that little diagram makes sense. Actually you can do alot of interesting things if you turn everything by 45 degrees... I've found it provides alot of interesting options you cant get if you keep everything aligned the same direction. Plus, it makes the maps feel less rigid and grid like- always a good thing!

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What I am really after here is more variety in building types/shapes/sizes, and finer resolution for movement of infantry. I want more control over my little guys, but maybe that is making the game too much of an infantry sim, as 8x8 is quite sufficient for big vehicle battles.

Well, considering how well infantry is modeled already I don't think it's unreasonable to ask for a slight improvement :) I love the way 1.10 shows you exactly what action spot you're going to, which makes it easy to see where the teams will end up, but I agree that when controlling a platoon a little more fidelity would be nice.

More buildings types/sizes/whatever is almost guaranteed for Normandy. Now that I think about it, I wonder if they'll add in fort-type structures at any point. I know they're working on changing pillbox behavior, I wonder how hard it will be to code in a Metz like structure!

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I would like to see implementation of reloading ready rack times on tanks. For example in game the M1A2 SEP can fire 36 rounds as if all of them were ready to fire but AFAIK in the real tank only 18 are inside the ready rack and ready to use, the other 18 are stored in a semi-ready rack and 6 more in the hull in total 42 rounds.

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  • 7 months later...

- A "Move by road" command. I can't see much difference between on and off-road with the modern vehicules of CMSF, but I remember there was a huge difference for the WW2 wheeled vehicles.

As the game is now designed also for RT, a such simple instruction as "Get to this point by the road" (but perhaps not so simple to code) should be simple to give.

- A "Follow" command. An Infantry unit may have to follow another one; vehicles may move in convoy by following the preceeding one; infantry unit may follow a vehicle to move under cover, etc...

- Definitely an EXIT victory condition!

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Any follow command should really come with AI to deal with a contact if it happens. If the lead vehicle goes up in flames I would be pretty annoyed to have all the other ones just sit there.

Which brings us to...

Contact drills! Realistic automatic responses to enemy fire based on a preset ROE

Come on BFC, you know you want to tackle that monster of coding :)

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I don't know if it already is built into CMSF, since I've only got the main game so far, but how about use of captured equipment?

Also, is there a current ability for the game engine to tow or bump immobilized vehicles out of harms way or into better LOS for continued usage of the vehicle?

Also, according to the academic literature on South Park, individuals crap their pants when they die in a most humourous manner. Would it be possible to get it to this level of realism with our poop filled pixel truppen?

Lastly, I would love to see female soldiers... just leave the rest to the pervert modders out there... (you know who you are... especially the guy who replaced cannons with large male genitalia...)



* Now we can play Sesame Street's "one of these things are not like the other" and you guys can try to figure out which one of these requests is not real.

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Also, according to the academic literature on South Park, individuals crap their pants when they die in a most humourous manner. Would it be possible to get it to this level of realism with our poop filled pixel truppen?

Have you not noticed the brown bases for dead soldiers?

Wounded piss their pants - yellow bases

Seriously wounded bleed a lot - red bases

Dead crap their pants - brown bases

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Have you not noticed the brown bases for dead soldiers?

Wounded piss their pants - yellow bases

Seriously wounded bleed a lot - red bases

Dead crap their pants - brown bases

There's an old army saying that adrenaline is brown and lumpy,so I always thought that they should go brown the first time a round goes off near their head.

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My improvement list is always ready for threads like this ...

  • Gun elevation limits
  • Minimum engagement ranges for tank weapons (related to gun elevation)
  • Peeking/shooting around corners
  • Detailed AAR (a text log file would do).
  • Spotting information shared by adjacent units not belonging to the same platoon (or higher)
  • Limit shooters per window
  • LOS across sharp terrain edges
  • Ways of keeping infantry away from balconies
  • Persistent map damage
  • Better burning vehicles effects
  • Shaded grass
  • More elegant way to select branch in campaign instead of winning/loosing.
  • Buildings leave 3D heap (think inverse shell hole)
  • Improved/fixed quick battle selection
  • Improved editor UI (flavor objects, in particular)
  • Targetable smoke for infantry (obsolete? Seems to work well now.)

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