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I just don't understand this business.

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I thought that going gold ment that the disks were being produced for mailing. But for a digital download...I don't know. It's been two weeks. Nothing here from the dev team either. A smart ass (like me) would suggest that they must have gone on vacation. With it taking so long for the digital download business how about going ahead and putting up the 1.10 patch. Thats what I want the most anyway..even though I have preordered Marines.

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I thought that going gold ment that the disks were being produced for mailing. But for a digital download...I don't know. It's been two weeks. Nothing here from the dev team either. A smart ass (like me) would suggest that they must have gone on vacation. With it taking so long for the digital download business how about going ahead and putting up the 1.10 patch. Thats what I want the most anyway..even though I have preordered Marines.

Oh, I almost forgot: DUCK AND COVER.

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Gold means they stopped the beta testing so its ready for production, as Steve or Moon wrote in another of the "Where the **** are my Marines" thread they still have to make workable install exes and testing them etc. So just because its gone gold doesnt mean its shipping out the same second.

So we just have to be patient and wait.


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Let's not forget BFC's staff may be small but they're spread all over the place. Since announcing Gold there's been two hurricanes, a typhoon and the polar icecaps have melted a bit (Part of the staff is way up in Maine). Waiting for the lights to come back on in Ohio ate up a few workdays for some of the staff right there! That'll teach 'em to schedule a release for hurricane season! :)

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A Texan was visiting a Maine farmer. The Texas rancher was boasting to his host about the size of his spread: "I can get into my pickup truck and drive all day and still not reach the boundary of my ranch", he bragged. The Mainer shook his head knowingly, and replied, "Aayuhh, I had a truck like that once"

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Yup, going Gold means all development work has stopped on the game itself. Gold Master, on the other hand, is the final product that gets replicated. The difference is that the game itself is only one component of the Gold Master. For Gold Master you have to get things like ReadMe files, installer, disk artwork, etc. all set and ready to go before you can actually do a Release. For us the holdup has largely been the installer, both the creation of it (3 days lost to the Hurricane alone!) and the testing/tweaking of it. We're allllllllllmost there!

Damn good one Sequoia :D

Echo, CM:SF "worked" right out of the box. Not well, in some people's opinion, but opinions always vary. As far as we're concerned v1.05 got things to where they needed to be, v1.08 pushed beyond that, and v1.10 is icing on the cake. But we're used to people complaining about getting something for free since there is always some customer willing to complain. Eager in fact :D


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But we're used to people complaining about getting something for free since there is always some customer willing to complain. Eager in fact :D


... and we just love it when the good folk at BFT are complaining about us complaining, because it means major work on things 'game' have been done, and they finally have time to return the incoming fire, right?


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It is really not that complicated. Person A asked programmer B how long it would take to write the installer exe. programmer B says 4 days. Person A says the game code is fixed, start writing. Programmer B spends ~4 days writing an installer exe. It goes haywire in some spectacular fashion. Programmer B says to person A, "about that four day estimate". Person A says "^^&*&(^()^$$#**(%". Programmer B says well yes I already said "&&*%%**%$%" when I realized that I actually have to write at least two programs and a supervisory program to tell an individual customers machine which one to run. Person A says "^^&***$$#U*%%*". Programmer B has already gone back into his code writing trance and person A might as well be on the Mars. Person A's mood is not improved by this. ;)

Oh yeah, and there was this little hurricane related problem too.

We will like it when it gets here. Meantime do everything you can to be a few point ahead with your significant other, because you are certainly going to be in the hole after you have spent two weeks not looking up from your computer when it does come out. I am proceeding out into the garage to take my own advice. :)

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Maybe I am crazy, but when I bought the game the exe worked.

I think he is referring to the horrendous state CM:SF was released in. Let be honest and say the game didn't receive a single good review that I read. We all know 1.10 is where the game should have been when it was released, but it's all water under the bridge now. I think everyone loves the game now and is anxiously awaiting Moro..I mean Marines.

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From our perspective we think of 1.05 as being the way we would have liked the release to have been, generally speaking. Version 1.08 brought it to where we would have liked to see it 6 or 7 months ago. Version 1.10 is mostly stuff that we never would have had in the original version for one or another reason, so for the most part v1.10 brings CM:SF to a state greater than we would have released it in even if we had had unlimited time.

One obvious example is the new vehicles. Those were put into the v1.10 patch, for free, instead of the for pay Marines Module. You'll likely never see new units added to a free patch ever again. Besides that there are other features in there that we never would have put into a free patch, but it's not necessary to point out which ones are which. From our perspective much of v1.10 wasn't done because we felt we were obligated to do it, rather we put it in because we felt you guys deserve a little extra this time around. Not all of you really deserve it, but we can't be giving out different patches for different people based on their attitudes :)


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Not all of you really deserve it, but we can't be giving out different patches for different people based on their attitudes :)


I would've loved to have seen a Jerk1.10 patch.

I of course would've got to use the SlaveringFanboy1.10 patch...simply because I could ask a question without coming off like a complete Richard Cranium.


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Meantime do everything you can to be a few point ahead with your significant other, because you are certainly going to be in the hole after you have spent two weeks not looking up from your computer when it does come out. I am proceeding out into the garage to take my own advice. :)

This is excellent advice!

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It is really not that complicated. Person A asked programmer B how long it would take to write the installer exe. programmer B says 4 days. Person A says the game code is fixed, start writing. Programmer B spends ~4 days writing an installer exe. It goes haywire in some spectacular fashion. Programmer B says to person A, "about that four day estimate". Person A says "^^&*&(^()^$$#**(%". Programmer B says well yes I already said "&&*%%**%$%" when I realized that I actually have to write at least two programs and a supervisory program to tell an individual customers machine which one to run. Person A says "^^&***$$#U*%%*". Programmer B has already gone back into his code writing trance and person A might as well be on the Mars. Person A's mood is not improved by this. ;)

Man, you've done this stuff before.

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