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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

How much longer?

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Okay, I'm in the process of moving to a new house just now so my main computer is offline until sometime tomorrow but I am frankly getting rather desperate waiting for some news about the release of the Marines module. Every day, I come here hoping for an announcement but there's been nothing for the last few days. We're now half way through week 3 of September and the game's already been gold for a few days. I even read a post of Steve's yesterday where he said 'now that we've got the Marines and 1.10 behind us' but it's still not in front of us. Can't you guys just give us a bit more info please? Are you hoping for a release at the weekend? Help!!! :D

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Ike has caused a delay of a couple of days to our time schedule since Matt lost his power (along with a million or so other people in Ohio). We're hoping to be back on track today.

The Marines module is "gold", i.e. no more code changes are being made, but we still have to do the usual final QA, installers and actual preparations for the launch. This always takes a few days. I can't say right now if we'll be able to release this week or if it will slip into the next.

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It's sad to say but, I, a grown man with family and responsibilities is sitting waiting for this module like it's Christmas when Daddy got a pay rise and Mom worked the streets for a week. You know your gonna get something great.

I can totally relate to this statement!

Just hope that loss of power was the only bad thing to happen to those who were hit by Ike....

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Matt did get his power on yesterday, but man... even with 16 hour work days and something like 1600 workers... as of this afternoon I heard that still 96,000 in and around Cincinnati were still without power. 75mph winds will do that to a power grid!

So we're back on track for the final assembly stuff. We're running into the usual headaches associated with crossing t's and dotting i's, but as Moon said the code itself is frozen. Now it's just a matter of tying up loose ends.


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True, Meach :)

As a man that still remembers and cherish the special mid-80ies feeling of buying a new game for the commodore 64 and hurry home, also I simply can not wait for the Marines - and to yet another time feel the pure joy of childhood. Battlefront has made a great game with a long lifetime...looking forward to dream some hours away late evenings soon - its pure meditation when child and girlfriend is asleep :)

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True, Meach :)

As a man that still remembers and cherish the special mid-80ies feeling of buying a new game for the commodore 64 and hurry home, also I simply can not wait for the Marines - and to yet another time feel the pure joy of childhood.

Oh man wasn't that great! And then the tangible joy of waiting what seemed like forever for it load and see the first screen come up...little pleasures fondly remembered too :)

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It's just magical. That's what I love about BFC. These guys were kids waiting on a great present a long, long time ago and they know what it's like too. :P It's the only thing in life that evokes that wonderful feeling in me, Chrstmas and waiting for a BFC product.

I will have to get two copies eventually. One for Mish to make scenario's with.

The lord truly works in mysterious ways. I am off work just now with Spinal Shock Syndrome after being in a car crash and I get the Marines module to help me recover. I am blessed for sure :)

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Spinal Shock Syndrome - jeez fella just looked that up. Hope it gets better quick.

Physiotherapist reckons two years for basic recovery. Doctor reckons I will have back problems for the rest of my life. I am lucky. My grandfather, who raised me as his own son after my pappy walked off the pitch, is literally hours away from dying of cancer.

At least I will see another day. So raise a glass with me in memory of one of the last Highland Warriors. Watchout Saint Pete, you have a Drummond coming your way :)

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