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First impressions of 1.06

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Accidentally stayed up until 3:30am 'testing' 1.06 this morning. Time well spent I have to say. I'm very impressed with how smoothly the game is playing considering all the new eLOS checks that are going on. Also, it seems the eye candy has been improved - the new smoke and dust trails are very nice, and maybe I'm just imagining but the shadows look better too.

A good game just got better - thanks BFC!

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Originally posted by MarkEzra:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Childress:

I see that the crossing contiguous buildings bug is still festering:


While a great deal of work was done on the interior door and movement orders, I don't believe the roof top jump was addressed with this patch...I'm making a note of this for my 107 wish list. It may be more difficult to do without creating a situation where troops can be ordered (inadvertently) to jump off roofs. </font>
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Originally posted by Childress:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by MarkEzra:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Childress:

I see that the crossing contiguous buildings bug is still festering:


While a great deal of work was done on the interior door and movement orders, I don't believe the roof top jump was addressed with this patch...I'm making a note of this for my 107 wish list. It may be more difficult to do without creating a situation where troops can be ordered (inadvertently) to jump off roofs. </font>
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Originally posted by Other Means: I've never actually seen that yet. Maybe I'm playing the wrong battles, but everything seems to go nicely for me.

Have a play around and see if you can repeat it, and how.

Fire up any number of scenarios. 'Rescue on the Outskirts', for example. Place a Syrian squad on the roof of a bldg, adjoining another identical bldg. Plot a movement from one roof to the other. The squad will exit their current bldg, and climb the stairs of the contiguous one rather than step over the tiny, shin-high wall separating them. Renders urban combat rather farcical, methinks.
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"The squad will exit their current bldg, and climb the stairs of the contiguous one rather than step over the tiny, shin-high wall separating them."

Huh! Most of the time scampering troops across roofs works just fine for me. You'll notice I said most of the time, not all the time. I just can't figure out what that variable is thats keeping troops from crossing.

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Just played the second mission in the Thunder campaign - it seems the red forces are no longer positioned where they used to be. Now I think about it, I'm not sure they were in the first mission either.

For example in the 2nd mission, there are a couple of uncon squads out in the open, not in the buildings near the main entrance, and the machine gun bunkers are no longer by the gate either. It makes the missions a bit easier when no one is in cover.

Anyone else noticing this? Other than this I've not spotted anything but improvements with the patch.

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Originally posted by Childress:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr /> Originally posted by Other Means: I've never actually seen that yet. Maybe I'm playing the wrong battles, but everything seems to go nicely for me.

Have a play around and see if you can repeat it, and how.

Fire up any number of scenarios. 'Rescue on the Outskirts', for example. Place a Syrian squad on the roof of a bldg, adjoining another identical bldg. Plot a movement from one roof to the other. The squad will exit their current bldg, and climb the stairs of the contiguous one rather than step over the tiny, shin-high wall separating them. Renders urban combat rather farcical, methinks. </font>
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Originally posted by Other Means:

How are scenarios with trenches or low walls?

How about firefights over 100m, how does that feel?

What about AFV's reversing or popping smoke?

How is MOUT for everyone now you can see your guys?

Anyone got more in-depth impressions?

Don't know about trenches but with low walls you can actually hide behind them! If you set your men to prone behind a low wall the enemy can't see them until there right up to it and in fire fights if a guy takes cover he can't be seen by the enemy.

Long range gunfights are good now, units take careful aim and fire single shots or small bursts and units get picked off slowly.

I've seen a stryker reverse out of LOS and pop smoke when it was attack by a T-72.

I haven't played mount yet.

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Originally posted by Lethaface:

Unfortunately I have a PBEM game with 107 turns left :(

Probably only can check the new patch after 107 days (which means 1.07) :(

Any1 has any spare system to lend? smile.gif

Copy the 1.05 directory to another directory, then install 1.06. You can have as many parallel installs as you want.

TBH though I think it's more "not guaranteed to work" than "won't work". I've not found a problem with it.

And I think 1.06 is worth losing a few turns over smile.gif

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The highest praise I can say about the patch is occassionally you forget about the 'game mechanics'. It just becomes guys with guns shooting at eachother. Its alot less "What will the AI do if I move to that wall?" and alot more "I'll crawl my mg up to that low wall and start laying down supressive fire".

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Originally posted by Childress:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr /> Originally posted by Other Means: I've never actually seen that yet. Maybe I'm playing the wrong battles, but everything seems to go nicely for me.

Have a play around and see if you can repeat it, and how.

Fire up any number of scenarios. 'Rescue on the Outskirts', for example. Place a Syrian squad on the roof of a bldg, adjoining another identical bldg. Plot a movement from one roof to the other. The squad will exit their current bldg, and climb the stairs of the contiguous one rather than step over the tiny, shin-high wall separating them. Renders urban combat rather farcical, methinks. </font>
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The list of fixes and improvements is very impressive. Haven't tested much yet, except the low wall bug seems to be gone and trees give more shelter. I have some tweak wishes, but better post them after more experience of how this version really works.

Will there be a 1.07 patch or is the first module going to be released after this?

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Originally posted by MarkEzra:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Childress:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr /> Originally posted by Other Means: I've never actually seen that yet. Maybe I'm playing the wrong battles, but everything seems to go nicely for me.

Have a play around and see if you can repeat it, and how.

Fire up any number of scenarios. 'Rescue on the Outskirts', for example. Place a Syrian squad on the roof of a bldg, adjoining another identical bldg. Plot a movement from one roof to the other. The squad will exit their current bldg, and climb the stairs of the contiguous one rather than step over the tiny, shin-high wall separating them. Renders urban combat rather farcical, methinks. </font>
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Yes just right click, copy then paste.

So you end up with two directories, say for example "CMSF" and "Copy of CMSF". Each of these is a complete copy of the game (with an .exe, copies of the "Data" and other folders, etc.). Depending on how many scenarios and saved files you might have this will take up about a Gb per version.

Then you can rename "copy of CMSF" to "CMSF 1.06" or some such and install the patch into that directory.

I have about 25 versions (of the BFC version, can't speak about others) on my machine and they all work fine using this approach.

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KK I get it smile.gif

Actually still waiting for copy to complete :( . ExtHd slow as ****. My usb ports are a bit freaky and sometimes convert back to USB 1.0 spontaneously. They give electric shocks too ;)

Worst thing its actually an IDE connector housing so I could move my new 160GB hd directly in box and the old 40GB out. Since its not my system disk, the only problem it causes is copying 38,5 GB of data trough USB 1.0. Nice pile of dust on that new drive though... "10 seconds remaining, yeah right". :mad:

Anyways..(this bull crap helps me through the wait), thanks for the info!

Edit: Ah, you give me the excellent idea of implementing mods and still be able to play the game vanilla, without the cumbersome copy pasting going on! Having BFC SE version so it has to work :D

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