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I invented a powerful way to protect tanks strongly cheaply an lowtech; implications?

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Cool Breeze, before this thread totally disintegrates into farce, I think you would be wise to follow up on some (not all) of the suggestions here, because in all honesty, you really have come to the wrong place. RichMac amongst others has made a couple of good suggestions regarding research for your 'project'. But this is a gaming forum, albeit with a number of currently or past serving military people in it, but a gaming forum all the same.

As you must surely have realised by now, you are not going to get the backing and advice you need here, whatever form that backing and advice may take.

Really, it's time to move on, mate. If your project is for real, good luck with it. But I think you've got as good as you can expect from this forum.

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I want to apologize for being an abysmal jerk earlier. I was a little too mean-spirited in my posts.

Adam was right, this thing should be locked down tighter than Al Capone's vault.

Cool Breeze, best of luck man. I really don't know if there are any merits to your claims, but if there are, go for it.

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Nooo, please, not yet! Coolbreeze, I am a professional rapid prototyping technician by day, so if you want to send me your secret plans, I'll make a model of your uber-weapon and then people will take the idea seriously. I've worked on medical scanners, bar fittings and dog chews, as well as daft things like 12-inch slices of lemon. I regularly sign non-disclosure aggrements, so your secret will be safe with me. So long as you can reassure me that MOSAD aren't going to come creeping around. Remember Supergun? No, I didn't have anything to do with that....No, really, I didn't!


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I thought prototypes werent required for patents. I have read some of the patent for an motionless electromagnicic generator, basicaly a free energy machine claimed to be about the size of a old vcr and produced 5 kilowatts for a vry long time. I am under the impression I can get a patent with a detailed drawing of my device and variations of it with components listed by function. So you can protect trade secrets by using a box on the diagram that tells what the part does, instead of how it works and how it is built. The patent is is therefore a specific arrangement of a combination of functional objects. All versions resulting from different components are still protected by the patent. Is this how patents work?

Thank you,



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Usually clients come to us AFTER they have got a patent sorted out. In fact, we won't usually deal with anyone unless the HAVE got a patent already. It can get very messy otherwise. If I was you, I'd get a patent for your idea (yes, you probably won't need a model) before you mention it to anyone else. The paptent officers will check to see if anyone else has already come up with the idea. This happens a lot more than you would imagine. With 7 billion people on the planet, it is not surpprising....

Good luck with your project. I haven't any idea of how it would change thinge geopolitically. Just remember humans just adore killing each other, and have spent thousands and thousands of years perfecting the art. The mere fact that we are discussing this on a forum dedicated to a GAME designed to test ones ability to succeed in combat is itself a damning indictment of human nature and our inability to learn from our past. If it works, you'll make a fortune. And so will the guy who comes up with a counter solution to it.


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Yeah, and to hell with morality and such! I mean, if you don't make it, someone else will, right? It's only natural to want to be the one collecting the profits in a situation like that.

Look at Kalashnikov, his invention and its subsequent variations and spin-offs have probably produced a higher body count than any other single weapon in the world. He doesn't dwell on it, if the AK was never built, people would just be killing each other with other junk.

In the end of all things, vodka helps a lot, as well.

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I trust you and you are a professional expert. Do you want to find out what my powerful very creative invention is? I promise its worth your while. And it doesnt take long to explain.



Homo ferricus,

With the AK I agree with you, but I think this is inherently different. To me the AK is a defensive weapon. It is personal weapons like these becoming widespread that will stop most war by preventing occupation. Tank protecting is fundamentally different because MBTs are are the worlds most awesome ground based killers and are very much offensive weapons.

And the arguments keep going back and forth in my head. Especially until recently. I got tired of thinking about it and finally eased off.

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Cool Breeze,

If you're religious, keep it to yourself and don't contribute to war. Your soul with thank you in the long run.

If not, release it. More than likely it will be thought of by someone else anyways. Take the money and buy a bomb shelter.

Now if you come up with something that defeats nukes then you really have something good.

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the Fighting Seabee,

Thanks for the advice. I am recently religious and will probably keep it to myself. But I have some creative ideas for what I may do with my profits and think it possible but unlikely that making it correctly will soundly beat not making it in the worlds cost/benefit analysis. So I want to research. Your profile makes it sound like you may know a great deal of relevant information....

Thanks everyone for the change in tone.


P.S. Happy New Years!

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Cool Breeze,

You might want to check out canadian inventor Troy Hurtubise to find out what he went trough with his ideas and his journey with the media.

Hurtubise is the inventor of amongst others:

- Trojan Ballistics Suit of Armor

- Firepaste

- 1313 Paste

- Angel Light

Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Troy_Hurtubise


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Thank you for your offer. I do not expect to release this and make any money with my invention. I dont recommend building it now as I dont think that will help me much and it would cost a lot. But if you know a way for me to get you my idea low stress or I think of one I will send it your way with your word not to tell anybody without my permission.



And thank you Schmoly War, thanks for the link, that was fascinating. I found that armor scary and feel we are in a similar boat with respect to people vs government and saving soldiers lives. But his idea couldn't start a war if things were really unlucky.

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Coolbreeze- Do you think the US having the extraordinary capable F-117 Nighthawk was the reason Desert Storm kicked off ?

For that matter can you name an entirely novel weapon system that caused a country that secretly possessed it to confidently attack /declare war?

The nearest I can think of is the atomic bomb but that was unveiled after an already protracted 'conventional' warfare and the 9/11 use of hijacked civilian airliners to mount an unprecedented surprise attack.

Originally posted by cool breeze:


... idea couldn't start a war if things were really unlucky.

[ January 03, 2008, 03:27 PM: Message edited by: Wicky ]

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Originally posted by handihoc:

[QB] Cool Breeze, before this thread totally disintegrates into farce,

Dude, you're a couple of pages too late for that...


What have you done!?

You mentioned that which should not be! You even posted a link!

Just hope that he doesn't find us.

I see the residents of this board have suffered an encounter before?


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I thought WW1 began largely because everyone thought their secret weapons were extra powerful. The wests invasion and domination of Africa and America with new gunpowder steel and ships. Japan raping China around ww2. I bet there are also lots of examples in medieval weaponry, but much smaller.

I dont think the F-117 changed anything except how money is spent.

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Politics or ethnicaly based hatreds are the main reason that countries goto war. None of the conflicts that you talked about were started because someone said "Hey, we have a new toy. Lets go use it on them"

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I know what the invention is and have created a countermeasure. I can't tell anyone though, because it would upset the balance of power and make the Peng thread obsolete.

And all this talk of metal underpants chafing is completely off track of the original reason for their invention... explosive diarrhea (aka: shrapnel farts).

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Originally posted by -E:

I know what the invention is and have created a countermeasure. I can't tell anyone though, because it would upset the balance of power and make the Peng thread obsolete.

And all this talk of metal underpants chafing is completely off track of the original reason for their invention... explosive diarrhea (aka: shrapnel farts).

Due to the peculiar ways of my latest invention, I was able to counter the countermeasure you just created. Don't ask for any details though, because I will not risk my pelt in a forum consisting of complete strangers, or the ire of Peng thread dwellers. But if any of you happen to be a relative of someone in Raytheon or BuWeap, please send me a private message at coocoo@bananas.com.
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I wrote a poem I want you to read. I should have known Id get no help here. I've seen why for so long now. This is my second poem in a very long time.

I should have known.

I had forgotten that you have forgotten

what with age we do forget.

that with age our minds become callously

worn out by too much wear

That the daily newsly routine grind slackens our curiosity and need to question why.

You have forgotten WHERE ALL new things come from.

From imagination research reason and fact checking.

Its not about credentials, narrow educations narrow horizons.

If I were an expert on anything, it would certainly be combat.

I like to think on combat because it's only rules are Gods. Thats how I like to think of things. (from the ground up)

because so many scholars and leaders have blinders on.

This is why I came here with high expectations. Here I know people who see things as they are. Who see beneath the surface to the rocks and truth of it.

But I had forgotten that you've forgotten, what we all forget.

In case you have forgotten, the two things I am looking for here are simple. I want a expert on current affairs to help or direct me to figure out the possible ramifications of me releasing this invention. I will tell them what my invention is and it wont take much time. Secondly, to aid with the first part, I want a person with both respect on this forum and who lives around the SF Bay Area to let me tell them about this invention for 10 to 20 minutes so they can vouch for my truthfulness and get me the expert help I so dearly want.

Flaming Knives,

I've also heard that George Bush Senior enticed Saddam to attack Kuwait by responding very weakly to his proclaimed attack plans so that USA could then try our new weapons on the open desert. Anyway, I need to research this thoroughly no matter how unlikely the chances of calamity are. Even if it had never happened before (new tech starting war) then it still could, so I need to be careful.

To others,

And it is silly that people keep talking about the counters and counter counters that will work on this when I am the only one who knows what this is and I have stated that I have figured out a long series of counters and counter counters that this would initiate. I did this with a huge amount of time spent on thorough brainstorming and research.

To everyone, I should have expected this again because the amount of righteousness I see here is so low. Again and again Steve clearly talks reason and demonstrates his honesty and straightforwardness. Again and again peoples accusations are proven false. again and again no apologies are given and the insults continue and few step forward and say "I see that Steve is honest and right. Be careful with what mean untrue things you say." It seems you havent played or watched enough first person shooters, seen how good reflexes are. The real world is much more lethal than these games when the same situations are encountered. The aim and reflexes are professional and better and usually the bullet damage is more. The explosives much more potent. The coordination soo much better. A single man can kill many who run across a street. 9 men guarding the crossing and all will die. One of the only war simulators to date is Operation Flashpoint and it is highly detailed and seems very realistic. If you are a squad leader in that game and see another squad in los. all members of that squad will die in one second at hundreds of meters if you assign targets before they fire. Modern combat is more lethal than you believe. We can call air burst 81mm mortars to land on target in less than one minute. If you are found in modern combat it should not surprise you when everyone seen is killed very quickly. In the one minute that it often takes to kill a squad that so many keep complaining about over 1000 professionally aimed bullets and some grenades have been shot. Of course they are dead. The reason we keep getting such unusual casualty figures is that we keep putting them in such unusual situations. To have the weapons less lethal would ruin WYSIWYG.

Samuel James Lefevre

[ January 04, 2008, 06:52 PM: Message edited by: cool breeze ]

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Ahh Coolbreeze I see you're familiar with Vogon Poetry

Vogon poetry is of course, the third worst in the universe. The second worst is that of the Azgoths of Kria. During a recitation by their poet master Grunthos the Flatulent of his poem "Ode to a Small Lump of Green Putty I Found in My Armpit One Midsummer Morning" four of his audience died of internal haemorrhaging and the president of the Mid-Galactic Arts Nobbling Council survived by gnawing one of his own legs off. Grunthos was reported to have been "disappointed" by the poem's reception, and was about to embark on a reading of his 12-book epic entitled "My Favourite Bathtime Gurgles" when his own major intestine, in a desperate attempt to save humanity, leapt straight up through his neck and throttled his brain. The very worst poetry of all perished along with its creator, Samuel James Lefevre from San Jose, in the destruction of the planet Earth. Vogon poetry is mild by comparison.

This is my favourite poem ever which always bring a drop to the tip of my nose:

Oh blobit of dribble

Oozing from the upturned corner of my mouth

You look to me,

Like you should be,

The thing that dropeth from the cloud

A tiny bit of thee is stuck upon my lip

A little more is stuck up my nose

Some has adhered to my hip

My eyes are open and glassy

My snot is thick and green

And from my ears,

Something obscene appears,

And I think it might be me

When you get the chance could you find the time to cure the common cold - ta
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