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What after CM:WWII?

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Looking REALLY far ahead, what would people like to see BFC doing AFTER a European Theatre WWII game using the CMx2 engine?

If the engine could handle it any number of 18th and 19th century conflicts might be interesting - but could the engine do it justice? BFC have always claimed that it is capable of a lot more than just 20th/21st century warfare.

Many people here would love a WWII Eastern Front game using the new engine. I know I would.

How about something between WWII and Modern Day - say African Wars of Independence/African Civil Wars. White on Black violence might offend some though - such as Rhodesians and S.Africans versus black nationalists. Personally I would not have any objection if it was a genuine simulation but it might have limited appeal.

And then of course there is Vietnam. Hue would be interesting using the new engine.

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I don't think Battlefront has decided yet themselves. They did once mention that their long range plan was that only two of the first 5 games would be WWII. Given that, I'm guessing they will go pre-twentieth century for the 3rd game. I don't think it will be Napoleonic since we'll be getting Les Grognards. After that I think two good possibilities would be American Civil War or Middle Ages since they would have wider appeal then other candidates. My hunch would be ACW since it'd be less of a stretch. Additional modules could include the Indian Wars. I think the Indian Wars would have an high appeal to Europeans as well.

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BFC have always said to date that different "fronts" in WWII would have to be done as games, not modules, so CM:Eastern Front would be a possible future game IMHO. Less research, predictable sales (lots of sworn Eastern Front fans) plus not too dissimilar weapons and tactics.

ACW or Medieval would suit me fine if it could be done. I am assuming though that for such a game 1 in-game soldier would have to represent at least 10 men, like Les Grognards. Is this what others think?

I wouldn't be too interested in a Sci-fi game but it would of course depend on what it was. In any case, wouldn't it clash with "Drop Team"?

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Originally posted by Cpl Steiner:

BFC have always said to date that different "fronts" in WWII would have to be done as games, not modules, so CM:Eastern Front would be a possible future game IMHO.

That's pretty much the opposite of what I've seen here over the years. BFC IMO have made it pretty clear that we'll never again see a (eastern front) game of the scope that CMBB provided. A "Battle for Kharkov" or "Bagration" modules for a WW2-game are IMO far more likely.
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Originally posted by Vergeltungswaffe:

I suspect that there will be a number of WWII and SF modules released before BFC delves into something completely different.

By that time, it'll be time for the next version of all this anyway. :cool:

Yes, best to get the most mileage out of this current engine before they decide that it needs cavalry charges and massed line formations.
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Depends on the sucess of CMSF and the new levels that are set. It's possible that a big company makes a too good buyout offer for Steve and the holders of BFC to withstand. Cashing several million $ for BFC and becoming chievs of a much bigger development team could be a very attractive perspective methinks.

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Originally posted by ParaBellum:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Cpl Steiner:

BFC have always said to date that different "fronts" in WWII would have to be done as games, not modules, so CM:Eastern Front would be a possible future game IMHO.

That's pretty much the opposite of what I've seen here over the years. BFC IMO have made it pretty clear that we'll never again see a (eastern front) game of the scope that CMBB provided. A "Battle for Kharkov" or "Bagration" modules for a WW2-game are IMO far more likely. </font>
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I'm surprised there's not more interest in the advent of power armour. It will be as much of a paradigm shift as gunpowder was, politically as well as tactically.

What use is the right to bear arms if the guy knocking your door down is bullet proof?

China vs US, asymetric insurgent and conventional engadgements, plenty of material in a world that's heading for strife.

Sure there's high sci-fi PA manga or Living Steel style out their but I haven't seen anybody do the transition period, let alon do it as well as Battlefront will.

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I would prefer Korea. Has been not been done very often (if ever!?).

The different Arab-Israel wars would be my second favorite.

Falkland would be an interesting thing, too, but I think there ain't much to get out of this theatre.

Maybe it is better if BFC just produces the equipment, OOBs and landscapes and leave it to the people to build their wars ;)

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Theoretically title turn-over should be much faster than the CMx1 titles. But if we think CMSF; then CMSF-Marines module; then CMSF-NATO module; then CM:ETO; then CMETO module 1; then CMETO module 2; then next title - that sounds like a LONG WAY OFF! Even assuming the base game engine goes untouched that's a LOT of artwork and animations for a small shop to churn out!

Maybe the flaw in my logic is not realising that the success of CMSF could allow BFC to expand exponentially as a corporate entity. Hey, it COULD happen! :D

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I think there's enough WW2 material to make a bunch of GAME's and MODULE's; Normandy, Market Garden, Bulge, Stalingrad, Kursk, Berlin, etc.

I can't see what else BFC would want to get into, unless we'll back track onto theoretical Cold War, or Vietnam, for example. It has to be something that would actually sell enough units to make it worthwhile.

ACW? Napoleanics? I don't see BFC being that into either period. CM:SLOD would be more likely. ;)

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Originally posted by Sirocco:

I think there's enough WW2 material to make a bunch of GAME's and MODULE's; Normandy, Market Garden, Bulge, Stalingrad, Kursk, Berlin, etc.

Who wants "a bunch of games and modules"? Module Shmodule. It's the size and scope of earlier games that keep them on my hard drive (well, CMBB anyway).Give us a BIG WWII game puh-lees!
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Yeh, if you think of CMSF and consider the promised Marine & Nato modules together as single game then the 'smaller scope' CMSF turns into another of their patented CM MEGA theatres! So a base CM:ETO with multiple modules added willl probably be a wonder to behold.

I figure they might eventually jump into a sci-fi tactical game just for a break! after multiple titles strictly keeping with real-world specs they'd get to do whatever outragious thing they want with no grog back-talk. 30 foot tall troop transporter? laser-firing air support? If they get a chuckly out of the idea - why not add it? :D

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Good lawd. I thought CMSF was the "break" from WW2. I hope they get a good spell of historical, pre 1946 games done before another break from it. I'm not getting any younger, and my interest in this modern stuff isn't going to keep my attention for too long. A sci-fi game?!? I pray not. Harrumph.

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