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CMBB Modelling contest - Official Thread

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Here's the sitrep:

I will be acquiring a 1/35 scale T-60 tomorrow and trying to complete it before the end of the contest.

Also, I placed an order for a 1/35 scale T-70 today with the local hobby shop, and they informed me that it should be available in 10 days. I hope to have it completed possibly by the end of the contest, and if not, definitely a couple weeks after. I will keep KwazyDog updated.

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OK, an update and some corrections:

Warphead's got the GAZ-64.

Schrullenhaft says he has not yet ordered the following things, just knows where to find them:

ZIS-30 (1/35 Maquette)

ZIS-42 (1/35 Eastern Express -- NOTE: there are links to a place with several versions of this on page 3 of this thread)

Zrinyi (1/76 SMA)

Czaba (1/76 NRC)


CV35 (1/76 SMA)

Hopefully he'll post up where he found them shortly.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Updated List with "taken" models.

Well, it looks like there is a long way to go on this list, but we are on the way.

Incidentally Tamiya makes an old and easy Gaz-4 that you can prolly get for under 10 bucks if some one wants to take it.

There are a bunch of other kits in the works, but I am keeping this post on the "Dangerously-close-to-become-unmodelled" topic...

ANyone else want to share? Put your name and model down so we can keep this list updated and whittle it down. IT'S FOR THE CAUSE! :D

[ 01-27-2002: Message edited by: Panzer Leader ]<hr></blockquote>

I have already submitted a SdKfz 251/1, a SdKfz 251/9 ausf D, Pz IIIL (IIRC), PzJ 38(t), PzKpfw 38(t), SdKfz 222 radio vehicle, Pz IV ausf D, Pz V (Panther), T-34 M1941 and a Mercedes Benz truck (3000 series, I think).

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OK.. I've placed an order (from Scale Model Accessories Ltd (UK)) for:

Hungarian Zrinyi (has both the 75mm & 105mm barrels - the never produced Zyrini I and the primary namesake Zrinyi II)

Hungarian CV35 (M35) tankette

From the look of things as they stand right now the only problem units are the Romanian TACAM R-2 and the Hungarian Csaba armored car and the Hungarian Nimrod. US Casts makes a TACAM R-2, but I have yet to hear back from them (if they're still in business). Ostmodels has a TACAM R-2 listed, but the model/mold hasn't been created yet (and won't be by the time CMBB ships).

With the pictures that Måkjager will hopefully get of the Nimrod, something could probably be put together one way or another for it (since it is based on the same chassis as the Turan & Zrinyi's with a Bofors 40mm and a thin sheild superstructure).

The remaining model, the Csaba, I have yet to find out its availability (NRC or Botond). Måkjager may be able to get pictures of this one from his friend.

Ostmodels is available direct (email - no website) or through some distributors (Tanks-n-Troops (Belgium) is one on the internet). To look at some pictures of Ostmodels, this site has some from one of the contracted master model makers.

The NRC I've only seen in a listing from Mighty Military Miniatures (which also carries Ostmodel).

[ 01-27-2002: Message edited by: Schrullenhaft ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Lord Dragon:

i just finished a panzer III, yellow with green stripes, 18th panzer div. russian front, 42. should i submit<hr></blockquote>

The answer to this question is YES. BTS apparently wants as many different models as they can get their hands on. From the Model Contest web page: "Multiple submissions for each vehicle ARE allowed, and also encouraged, as long as the models are different from each other. We are planning to have multiple sets of textures for various vehicles in the game (vehicles with winter camo and snow, summer camo; various models and field modifications; captured equipment), so again, multiple submissions increase your chances to win prizes."

Many of the great folks contributing to this thread are doing everything they can to ensure as many armored units as possible end up in the game. But that doesn't mean that simply because some models have already been "taken" that you shouldn't submit any duplicate ones.

Also, if you have more than one model to contribute: "Multiple submissions per author ARE allowed, in fact, they are encouraged. You can see from the complete vehicle list that there are a LOT of vehicles to cover. Plus, multiple submissions increase your chances to win prizes!"

So send anything and everything you have! smile.gif

- Chris

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Hi Guys!

Sorry for not updating every day, but time is getting the better of me at the moment!

Okay, some quick answers for all....

Graaf Spee, I do model and textures, dates arent my department, hehe ;)

Mace, its not me you have to convince, its Matt, hehe. If he says yes then I can pass him on the textures. Note the word *if* there, though, as posting 80 odd photos will probably take some time.

Flammenwerfer, looking forward to them very much, thanks for the additions!

Lord Dragon, yes, please do. We are hoping to get multiple entries for each vehicle so we can have some variation between difference vehicles in a series of models. We'd like to see it very much and besides, there are prizes to be won, hehe.

Adam T, looking forward to the entries! Ill will ask Charles about the Tigers for the Hungarians. As they didnt have too many armoured vehicles Id say there is a chance they will make it in!

Zitadelle , thanks a heap! These models are ones that I am lacking textures for too, and they will save us a bunch of time as I would have had to make them by hand. Looking forward to them smile.gif

Adam T, thanks for the link but it doesnt seem to be working for me at the moment?

Michael, looking forward to it. Thanks for all of your support thus far!

Diceman, thanks for the Zis-30, and finger crossed it will arrive smile.gif Although not made in huge quantities I have read that it was quite useful at the time for the Russians.

BH, worst case I can probably make the SU-76i from the Pz-III chassis, so we should be fine there if we dont have a model if Steve has time to colour it up.

Thomm, hehe, its been a huge undertaking, I can tell you that much. We have gone into a lot more detail with vehicles varients (for instance we currently have 5 versions of Panthers smile.gif ) the with the help of these guys we should be able to go quite a way to getting the entire list complete.

Thanks again guys for all of the great support, youve really made a difference!


[ 01-28-2002: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]</p>

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Hi all.

I don't know if any of you saw my personal web site of the Aberdeen Proving Grounds. I took thousands of pictures to make 360 degree panoramas and 3D objects of all the vehicles and guns there. You can see what I have finished here:

OBJECTS: http://www.karchfamily.com/aberdeen/objects/

360 VRs: http://www.karchfamily.com/aberdeen/pans/

There are lots of vehicles I'll never get a chance to see in person. And now that I have a 1 year old boy, never get a chance to build. I would love to offer my services to create 360 degree Quicktime VR objects of any models you have.. especially Russian and German ones. I could make detailed instructions if you want, but basically:

1)put the model on a turntable/lazy susan

2)fix the camera position.

3)take pictures of the tank at exact intervals... 30degrees/45degrees, whatever. The more pictures per revolution, the smoother the model will look when you rotate it. To make it even better, if you could move the camera up slightly so it is looking down at angle and take the same set of pictures, it would give a more 3D appearance. Here is a great Quicktime VR object from Apple.


It really shows what you can do with multiple angles.

Anyone interested in having 3D object made of their models, please let me know. I'd be happy to, and will give detailed instructions on how to do it if wanted.

scott karch


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by fytinghellfish:

Looking at that SU-76i model.. what is it? It doesn't look Soviet. By Kwazydog's mentioning of using a PzIII chassis for the basis, does that mean SU-76is were captured PzIIIs converted to be SP guns?<hr></blockquote>

Yep. It carried the Soviet 76mm F-34 gun.

But I'm not sure it will make it into the game, however. Originally, the 76i was one of the vehicles shown in a preview for CMBB, but Steve has now said it may not make it into the game because of its rarity and similarity to other SP vehicles: Captured KV Tanks:

"While the SU76i would be cool to see in the game, it is not likely to happen. It was fielded in very small numbers for a fairly limited time. Sure, something like the Ferdinand was as well, but more of them were present at one time and in one place than the SU76i.

More importantly, as Mattias pointed out, the SU76i was more redundant to other more plentiful Soviet AFVs while the Ferdinand was unique in many ways. Many people find these unique qualities to be very interesting, and in fact far more interesting than what the SU76i has to offer in a game/tactics sense. Therefore, from an interest AND impact point of view, the Ferdinand wins out hands down."

So folks may want to save their money on that model and get something else that has a better chance of showing up in the game.

- Chris

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This message needs to be bumped back to the top. I hope everyone is getting the wish list models completed. I am looking forward to the T-26 and BT-7 (ah, fast tank tactics- racing across the steppe on that Christie suspension...).

As for me, the T-60 is coming along well. The hull is built, but I still need to add the details and seal a few gaps. The turret construction is done- complete with brass supplement armor and a turned metal 20mm gun barrel.

Now if the local hobby shop would hurry up and get my tracks and T-70! It would be great if I could have both for the contest. :D

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Woo hoo!

Just received the BA-6 package today. Tomorrow it's off to the hobby shop for paint, glue and X-acto knife blades and then it's time to get to work. Anybody know any good on-line references for quick and dirty weathering (HA! Get it?!? "dirty weathering")?

Then if I can manage to not glue all my fingers together I'll have to borrow a friend's digital camera ...


[ February 01, 2002, 03:51 PM: Message edited by: Gordon ]

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Originally posted by Mace:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Gordon:

Anybody know any good on-line references for quick and dirty weathering (HA! Get it?!? "dirty weathering")?


Try Missing Lynx, and failing that drop me a line and I'll be happy to offer some advice.


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