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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

You are one of the crown jewels in my case for Veto Authority.

Family jewels more like. Well Joe, if you can get the Olde Ones to all agree, the power is yours. Well then, convince us.</font>
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Word has been received today of a pending invasion of these United States. An insidious infiltration that will no doubt have a dubious effect on the health of the US economy and the actions of industry. It seems that one of our own, an environmental engineer, scientist, gadfly and consumer of fermented malt beverages now has the necessary credentials to perpetrate his business upon the US of A.

Of course, I speak of Goanna, who, word has it, managed to pass he second and final portion of the test to get his professional engineer's certification/license in the US. Of course, being Oztralian and a little bit thick as to the ways of the world, Lizard Boy-o decided to achieve this feat by studying many long hours instead of just ponying up some cash in a back alley in Chicago.

No doubt it will be some time before he sobers up.

Congratulations, Will.

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Originally posted by Moriarty:

Word has been received today of a pending invasion of these United States. An insidious infiltration that will no doubt have a dubious effect on the health of the US economy and the actions of industry. It seems that one of our own, an environmental engineer, scientist, gadfly and consumer of fermented malt beverages now has the necessary credentials to perpetrate his business upon the US of A.

Of course, I speak of Goanna, who, word has it, managed to pass he second and final portion of the test to get his professional engineer's certification/license in the US. Of course, being Oztralian and a little bit thick as to the ways of the world, Lizard Boy-o decided to achieve this feat by studying many long hours instead of just ponying up some cash in a back alley in Chicago.

No doubt it will be some time before he sobers up.

Congratulations, Will.

What I found interesting was the obvious thrill it afforded his wife who had to write to us to tell us of his efforts. One strongly suspects, knowing Goanna as we do, that the positive result of all that effort was as much a surprise to her as it was to us.

Thank Gawd that he seems to know more about enviornmental engineering than he does about tactics.


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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Thank Gawd that he seems to know more about enviornmental engineering than he does about tactics.



The git is an environmental engineer? And has he managed to put any of this knowledge to use for the betterment of the Cesspool?!? Hmm???

Has he once proposed a BDAT for dealing with the influx of SSN's??? (BDAT = best demonstrated available technology, you know like barbed wire, AP minefields, or volcanic fissures?)

Has he started on the paperwork to get the Cesspool certified as a TSDF? Hmm???

Bah humbug...

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Yeah, I am considering engineering more snow for you in Utah in July and August, knowing how much you love the stuff, Herr Shaw.

Lesson for the day: Don't let your significant other have easy access to your address book.

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That's BACT, you nong.

Best Available Control Technology.

Besides, BACT does not apply in this case as the pollution leaking out of all the denizens of the pool was a pre-exisiting condition that makes it exempt from BACT. Instead the Battlefront boys were required to achieve LAER (lowest achievable emissions rate) by containing us all here. Well, mostly anyway, other than the odd foray into the Outerboards where all evidence of our presence is quickly swept under the nearest rug.

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Originally posted by Goanna:

That's BACT, you nong.

Best Available Control Technology.

Beg to differ old boy.

US/EPA used the term BDAT, least ways when I was working with EPA/OSWER, Risk Management, RCRA, and a short stint with DERP/FUDS (Defense Environmental Restoration Program, Formerly Used Defense Sites. Got me a walking tour of Aberdeen Proving Grounds with that one).

IIRC, BACT and BDAT were slightly different. BDAT was best proven in the field with actual industry data (meaning industry was willing to pay for it), although not necessarily the best available control technology. BACT was usually superior to the accepted BDAT, although, not surprisingly, BACT was newer and more expensive.

I never liked the distinction, but with political lobbies, it was hard to get EPA to push for legislation forcing continual upgrading to the BACT by industry. Hence, the BDAT was an acceptable fall-back from the "optimal" BACT.

[ June 20, 2002, 10:43 PM: Message edited by: Farslayer ]

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Alrighty then.

<big>CMplayer</big> you worthless znert of a knaggit...IT IS TIME!!

Seeing as how your useless squirrel (you know the one...his cheeks are full of himself) refuses, ignores, and diregards my challenges I feel that You Sir should fleece me in such a way that I shall be satisfied. Or something.

So say you what to this? No, no...not "what", I didn't mean it literally... I mean do you accept?

Nevermind. Just send me a setup. Whenever. But no more than 2000 points and no snow.

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Originally posted by Harv:

Alrighty then.

<big>CMplayer</big> you worthless znert of a knaggit...IT IS TIME!!

Seeing as how your useless squirrel (you know the one...his cheeks are full of himself) refuses, ignores, and diregards my challenges I feel that You Sir should fleece me in such a way that I shall be satisfied. Or something.

So say you what to this? No, no...not "what", I didn't mean it literally... I mean do you accept?

Nevermind. Just send me a setup. Whenever. But no more than 2000 points and no snow.

I hope Jimmy's Rabbit is not speaking of me! I am afraid I have yet to see a challenge from the chicken tasing Cess treat.

I assure you Harv ol buddy that if you wish to challenge me, that I will make soup from your innards and a puppet from your skin.

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Wheres my turn OSFG...BSFO.. err... BO.., what the hell are you called again?

I have a want to see more 'murkins fleeing the field, while my hardy UberHamsterjager slip and slide on the entrails left scattered hither and tho'.

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Well that must have been a "couple" of years ago since, while you are correct in priciple, BDAT and BACT have merged over the years as new facilities requiring BACT have then demonstrated that they are both "available" and "acheivable" in practice, so what was BACT is also BDAT. Nowadays the Office of Solid Waste as well as the USEPA in general work to a rationalised list of acronyms, namely BACT and LAER, with BACT still having an economic evaluation as part of it and LAER being more stringent.

None of which negates the previos assertion that you sir are a nong and I think that the assembled detritus will second that assertion. Stop before I am forced to taunt you again at my recently increased schedule of rates.

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Now look you here Fursplayer, Goanna is a long time member in good standing (well, in as good standing as anyone, the footing is a tad treacherous at times) of the CessPool and if HE says it's BUCT or whatever then BY GAWD it's BUCT and we'll hear no more on the subject from the likes of a Stinking Slimy Scum Suckin' Newbie like yourself!

Besides, you've no email address or location in your profile and no one here will talk to you until you do ... of course even then they'll just call you names. So while I'm talking to you allow me to offer this final suggestion: SOD OFF!


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Originally posted by dalem:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Farslayer:

erk-eep, erk-eep, erk-eep

I don't get it you slimy tree frog; why brag about laying fars, whatever they are? Have you laid a lot of them?</font>
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Originally posted by OGSF:

Och! *patooie* Stankin' sewer grogs!!!

Sae, Mr Mcsomebodyorother, where's eh feckin' setup ye trysted mae 33 moons hence, eh? Hae yer spoor-r-r-r-an choocked a fit an' gobbled yer goolies ur whit? Ahm a'weetin' fer ye, wee laddy. Dinnae disappoint mae will ye ....tap, tap.....


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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Hakko Ichiu has sent a truly awful scenario hatched by Herr Oberst ... he's not a nice man, our Herr Oberst, not a nice man at all and he'll pay for this. And, AND he made me use a password HE created! Hell I can barely remember the password I've been using since the Beta Demo and now he want's me to use another? The evil of it.


Just a teeny hint for you. Print the Email then staple it to your forehead, then you'll always know where to find the password.

I do hope you'll both be ever so kind and forward your turn files so I can watch the torture...

hehe... hoho... snicker...

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I hereby declare one said Pantie Lecher a cunniving swine for almost singlehandedly forcing me at gunpoint (gulp - well, in fact many gunpoints) to actually almost WIN yet another in a long line of QB's.

Was it not enough to charge his positions with my unarmed Untermenschen (having first ordered them to chuck their firesticks in turn 1)? NAY! He gamily forces his own men - HIS OWN FLESH AND BLOOD - to commit hari kiri before MY men could think of it themselves!

Was it not enough for my Hamstertruppen to cower in fear within flimsy crumbling buildings whilst his HSVMonaroV8 tanks blew them to bitty bits? NAY!! He gamily uses gammon bombs to self-destruct all his tin cans and HT's before MY men could think of this themselves!!


I detect of late an almost EEVIL<SUP>tm</SUP> conspiracy by numerous parties of the third party to humiliate MOI by foisting gamey WIN after gamey WIN upon my humbleself, in an attempt to thwart my righteous climb 'pon the Ladder O' Loss©. This is clearly an OUTRAGE!! You lot will be hearing from a Lawyer in these parts, soon enuff.

In the meantime, I promise to try EVEN HARDER to lose to you scumbags........



"Unwanted victory is like wonton woman - too easy..."

Sund-Shoo - Wise dessert warrior

<small>[ June 21, 2002, 02:44 AM: Message edited by: AussieJeff ]

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Originally posted by AussieJeff:

In the meantime, I promise to try EVEN HARDER to lose to you scumbags........

I would appreciate it if you would try just a weeee bit harder in our game.....

I feel I'm shortly going to have to say a few words about [garkle] historically accurate [/un-feck'in garkle] scenarios.

And I'll not provide a spoiler warning, so there.

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Mace has, I'm presuming, decided to give up by the simple expedient of just not sending a turn. Can't say that I blame him, I can see the writing on the wall.

Here I was broken hearted that you weren't sending me turns anymore, and those secret whispers and promises you made about never ending love were mere words to take advantage of my sweet, innocent personality.

You're a heart breaker.


[ June 21, 2002, 06:54 AM: Message edited by: Mace ]

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Originally posted by Wildman:

Unfortunately for me, the Air Force in it infinite wisdom has levied a NORI (Nuclear Operational Readiness Inspection) in the near future. My wing commander, who obviously has filled out a Fionn AAR sheet decided that we needed practice...a lot of practice and has had exercises at the rate of one week each month. Given that I'm ensuring the loadout of several B-52H models with all the trimming.. I was wondering if I could just get all of your addresses. The pilots were looking a little board and a MITO (Minimum Interval Take Off, for you non-IL2 grogs) followed by a cruise missile delivery is just the pick me up they need.

{Edited because I can and should for reasons understood by all}

Ok let's see:-




Yes that should be close enough.

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