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37mm ye feckless bastaarrd, tha' were a bonny AAR - waill done laddie. Noo bite ye arse an' sat doon, ain tha' order.

Ah returrned tae tha CM fray a few scant weeks agoo, an' there were much rejoicin' an' pipin'. Twae pillocks accaipted mah magnaminous challainges, an' tha first o' those games as noo concluded. Ain at, Ah dragged Noba kickin' an' squealin' fraim haes wee bunky hole, an' slapped tha livin' bejesus oot o' haim. Thain Ah taped haes ankles tae haes ears, force fed haim refried beans, an' placed haim ain a ring o' sputterin' candles. A brilliant tactical victory fer tha Clan OGSF an' bits o' Noba are still showerin' doon on tha pristine beaches o' Rottnest Island.

Ah'm feckin great, Ah am!

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Ahh, another birthday, another successful year.

Seanachai, m'leige, think back to when you were this age (about half a lifetime ago, give or take). Were you still enjoying the good times, or had your life already collapsed into the quiet desperation of an utterly hopeless existence you have today?


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Originally posted by OGSF:

Ah returrned tae tha CM fray a few scant weeks agoo, an' there were much rejoicin' an' pipin'. Twae pillocks accaipted mah magnaminous challainges, an' tha first o' those games as noo concluded. Ain at, Ah dragged Noba kickin' an' squealin' fraim haes wee bunky hole, an' slapped tha livin' bejesus oot o' haim. Thain Ah taped haes ankles tae haes ears, force fed haim refried beans, an' placed haim ain a ring o' sputterin' candles. A brilliant tactical victory fer tha Clan OGSF an' bits o' Noba are still showerin' doon on tha pristine beaches o' Rottnest Island.

Ah'm feckin great, Ah am!

Close, but more like grate, as in - on my nerves, you tactically challenged English mangler. Your genius for using an overwhelming force to manage just a tactical victory does you proud. With a steamroller that big, even Seanachai could have won with a total victory. Pah. We'll see how you go in the next one.


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Originally posted by Nidan1:

stikkypixie , you lout of a Squire!!!, I demand you write an AAR after the completion of out latest battle...in it you will glorify my abilities to command, you will relate how you faced such an impossible task that you would rather commit ritual suicide than face me on the battlefield. You will include glorious pictures of my tactical prowess...you will do all this and more lad, if you know what's good for you!!!

I never wrote an AAR of our games you to let you to retain that last ounce of dignity or whatever is left of it...but if you insist.
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Originally posted by OGSF:

...are still showerin' doon on tha pristine beaches o' Rottnest Island.

Ah'm feckin great, Ah am!

Those beaches have been condemned by the EPA ever since your laziness decided to crap all over them after a heavy night in the Quokka Arms. And speaking of the furry little ones.... the population collapsed after your visit... they were seen rolling around on their backs with bulging, staring eyes, their poor littl snouts quivering. It happend right after you walked drunkenly by and they saw up your kilt.


an' fix yer feckin e-mail. Everythin' bounces straight back out of it. Pillock.

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Originally posted by OGSF:

Ah'm feckin great, Ah am!

I guess you'll be in here later boasting about your game with me, I imagine. I swear, playing CM with you ordinarily is about as much fun as playing proctologist to an unusually large and cranky mountain gorilla, but this last one was truly horrid.

Usually, a few pulls of rum are enough to buoy me through a game with you. With this one I required the following: 4 1/2 litres of scotch, 7 carafes of cabernet, 37 beers (domestic), 8 fingers of raki, 1 bottle cherry palinka (a gift from a Magyar associate), and half-gross of quaaludes. This, still, was not enough, so I had to ask Rose to bang me about the head with a lead pipe.

This brought the match up with you into perspective.

Did any of my Grilles do ANY damage at all? Oh, I think one may have accidentally knocked out one of your Stuarts, but that was just dumb luck.

You are a loathsome, monkey fondling nogoodnik and my hatred for you knows no bounds.

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Originally posted by OGSF:

37mm ye feckless bastaarrd, tha' were a bonny AAR - waill done laddie. Noo bite ye arse an' sat doon, ain tha' order.

Ah returrned tae tha CM fray a few scant weeks agoo, an' there were much rejoicin' an' pipin'. Twae pillocks accaipted mah magnaminous challainges, an' tha first o' those games as noo concluded. Ain at, Ah dragged Noba kickin' an' squealin' fraim haes wee bunky hole, an' slapped tha livin' bejesus oot o' haim. Thain Ah taped haes ankles tae haes ears, force fed haim refried beans, an' placed haim ain a ring o' sputterin' candles. A brilliant tactical victory fer tha Clan OGSF an' bits o' Noba are still showerin' doon on tha pristine beaches o' Rottnest Island.

Ah'm feckin great, Ah am!

What does ANY of this mean?


Stickypiss I demand you translate this most UNENGLISH noise?

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Originally posted by 37mm:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by OGSF:

37mm ye feckless bastaarrd, tha' were a bonny AAR - waill done laddie. Noo bite ye arse an' sat doon, ain tha' order.

Ah returrned tae tha CM fray a few scant weeks agoo, an' there were much rejoicin' an' pipin'. Twae pillocks accaipted mah magnaminous challainges, an' tha first o' those games as noo concluded. Ain at, Ah dragged Noba kickin' an' squealin' fraim haes wee bunky hole, an' slapped tha livin' bejesus oot o' haim. Thain Ah taped haes ankles tae haes ears, force fed haim refried beans, an' placed haim ain a ring o' sputterin' candles. A brilliant tactical victory fer tha Clan OGSF an' bits o' Noba are still showerin' doon on tha pristine beaches o' Rottnest Island.

Ah'm feckin great, Ah am!

What does ANY of this mean?


Stickypiss I demand you translate this most UNENGLISH noise? </font>

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Originally posted by stikkypixie:

You fool, don't you know you broke the space-time continuum!

Err rightio… doesn’t that mean you'll start fainting like a little pansy?

Oh no I remember, the universe will implode… I always knew I heralded great events

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A cautionary tale:

The other night Lars was invited out for drinks and war gaming over at dalem's house with Seanachai and Papa Kahn.

He promised his fiance, Shary, that he would be home by midnight.

Well, the hours passed and the cheap liquor went down way too easy.

Around 3 a.m., a bit loaded, Lars headed for home.

Just as he got in the door, the cuckoo clock in the hall started up and cuckooed 3 times.

Quickly, realizing Shary would probably wake up, Lars cuckooed another 9 times.

He was really proud of himself for coming up with such a quick-witted solution (even when totally smashed), in order to escape a possible conflict with Shary.

The next morning Shary asked him what time he got in and Lars told her "Midnight."

She didn't seem mad at all.

Whew!! Got away with that one!

Then she said, "We need a new cuckoo clock."

When Lars asked her why, Shary said, "Well, last night our clock cuckooed 3 times,then said, "Oh sh**," cuckooed 4 more times, cleared its throat, cuckooed another 3 times, giggled, cuckooed twice more, and then tripped over the coffee table & farted."

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Originally posted by Seanachai:




Right, okay, I know that was a week ago, but



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Originally posted by v42below:

Nice cut, paste and edit job of a decade old joke. There isn't an original bone in your body (they're all cheap chinese knock offs). What can we expect from an Ohoinian Creative Director?

[edited to say I've been beaten by a girl, again *sigh* and that Boo is still a thieving spammer]

Don't you owe me a setup or somefink girlie-man?
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