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When Is The U.N Finally Going To Inspect The Peng Challenge?

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Originally posted by Lars:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Moraine Sedai:

I'm getting all misty-eyed at the thought of it. *sniffle* It's so sweet that you all can bond like that.

C'mon guys...GROUP HUG!!!!

Someone's cryin', Lord, kumbaya;

Someone's cryin', Lord, kumbaya;

Someone's cryin', Lord, kumbaya;

Oh, Lord, kumbaya. </font>

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bah! No group hug from the lot of you. Sorry excuses for human beings. *grumbles*

*Sits in her recliner sipping Southern Comfort and sending turns...*

BTW, MrSpkr, interesting scenario you suggested I play. I shall send my first turn to you in the next day or two.

Edited because I keep forgetting to bold some people's names. Wanna make something of it???

[ February 28, 2003, 04:52 PM: Message edited by: Moraine Sedai ]

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Originally posted by Moraine Sedai:

Oh come on now...You've all got a feminine side. Go on and admit it. I was walking by one time and saw you all in here in curlers, velour robes and fluffy slippers giggling like a bunch of schoolgirls at a slumber party.

You are mistaken. That was Joe Shaw and his Mormon Wives.

I suspect Joe was making some claim to virility (hence, the giggling).


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You are all a bunch of wankers (the Ladies excepted of course).


Anyone here ever play Diplomacy?

Anyone interested in a PBEM game?


You are all a bunch of wankers (the Ladies excepted of course).

PS - Meeks is a minor-league wanker because he continues to run from me

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

Just in case anyone here wasn't already aware of it, but I thought it my job to inform you, OGSF IS A RIGHT GAMEY, FINAL MOVE FLAG RUSHING, BIG GIRLS BLOUSE AND I DON'T CARE WHO KNOWS IT!!!


Feckin' squirrel's bum-rash. Ah allowed ye tae slaughter every last wun o' mah brave laddies, an' Ah still controlled tha flags at tha aind. Fortunately fer gamey bastarrrds lak yoo Jimmy, tha poxy AI didnae know at's arse fraim at's haid, an' decided tha' merely controllin' every flag at tha aind o' tha game as insufficient tae award victory points!

Ah'm sae feckin' grreat, Ah even win whain Ah lose!!

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Originally posted by Vadr:


Anyone here ever play Diplomacy?

Anyone interested in a PBEM game?



I ran a Diplomacy email campaign about 2 years ago, been thinking about running another using the 1895 variant (bigger map, more players).


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HORROR of HORRORS. I will be forced to spend time in Minneapolis. Northwest, in its finite wisdom, is forcing me to lay over for three hours on the 2nd of March and a hellish SIX hours on the 14th.

To overcome my loathing of all thing Minnesooootan I will require copious amounts of alcohol and company to drink it with.

Email me you cheeseheaded wankers.

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Originally posted by Wildman:

HORROR of HORRORS. I will be forced to spend time in Minneapolis. Northwest, in its finite wisdom, is forcing me to lay over for three hours on the 2nd of March and a hellish SIX hours on the 14th.

To overcome my loathing of all thing Minnesooootan I will require copious amounts of alcohol and company to drink it with.

Email me you cheeseheaded wankers.

To go along with the copious amounts of alcohol you consumed after my mighty German armada sailed through your ranks, destroying every vehicle you possessed and crushing your every attempt at resistance.

I'd ask Lorak to mark a victory for ME, and a humiliating defeat for YOU, but he no longer seems willing to update his page . . .

Perhaps someone should do something about that . . .


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I'm back home and looking forward to reading the rest of the MBT like I look forward to boiling up a big sack of turds.

I was in the Michigan office just long enough to say goodbye to 50 of the 150 people that work/ed there this morning, many of whom I've worked with for five years or so. The layoffs weren't supposed to hit our office hard. So I guess a 33% hit rate is peachy. Now I have survivors' guilt to chew on until the next set of layoffs comes like a dull guillotine blade.

And I left my suitcase at the security checkpoint at Detroit Metro airport this afternoon. Hopefully they'll detonate it with some cool robot and blow my dirty skivvies all over the tarmac and some will get sucked into the intake of a remote-piloted jet rotating off and it will wingover and crash with a full fuel load right into this here MBT and end the whole lot of y'all in a flaming miasma of stale floaters and poo stink.

Turns out when I feel like it and maybe not even then.

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I forgot to mention this yesterday but now is as good a time as any. In a little skirmish with OGSF set in the south of Russia mid '42. My glorious socialist defenders managed to belt the Neo-Scots fascist invaders over the head to the tune of 93 to 7.

Don't ya just love those single digit scores?

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

Just in case anyone here wasn't already aware of it, but I thought it my job to inform you, OGSF IS A RIGHT GAMEY, FINAL MOVE FLAG RUSHING, BIG GIRLS BLOUSE AND I DON'T CARE WHO KNOWS IT!!!


The crafty jock also invited me to a party where he had lots and lots of big scary Tigers, and the fog brought the visibility down to 80 metres! He then proceeded to blast all my AFV's to smithereens!! If I can find his wee spaniel, I'll have it spit roasted and served up with chips on my plate!
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Originally posted by dalem:

I'm back home and looking forward to reading the rest of the MBT like I look forward to boiling up a big sack of turds.

I was in the Michigan office just long enough to say goodbye to 50 of the 150 people that work/ed there this morning, many of whom I've worked with for five years or so. The layoffs weren't supposed to hit our office hard. So I guess a 33% hit rate is peachy. Now I have survivors' guilt to chew on until the next set of layoffs comes like a dull guillotine blade.

And I left my suitcase at the security checkpoint at Detroit Metro airport this afternoon. Hopefully they'll detonate it with some cool robot and blow my dirty skivvies all over the tarmac and some will get sucked into the intake of a remote-piloted jet rotating off and it will wingover and crash with a full fuel load right into this here MBT and end the whole lot of y'all in a flaming miasma of stale floaters and poo stink.

Turns out when I feel like it and maybe not even then.

Dalem.....Join in now.....

"Kumbaya my Lord, kumbaya......"

Feeling better?


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Originally posted by Persephone:

Dalem.....Join in now.....

"Kumbaya my Lord, kumbaya......"

Feeling better?


He might feel better but I don't.

Can't we sing something a little less annoying.

How about this Persephone

I know a song that will get on your nerves, get on your nerves, get on your nerves, I know a song that will get on your nerves, get, get get on your nerves....

I know a song that will get on your nerves, get on your nerves, get on your nerves, I know a song that will get on your nerves, get, get get on your nerves....I know a song that will get on your nerves, get on your nerves, get on your nerves, I know a song that will get on your nerves, get, get get on your nerves....

I know a song that will get on your nerves, get on your nerves, get on your nerves, I know a song that will get on your nerves, get, get get on your nerves....

I know a song that will get on your nerves, get on your nerves, get on your nerves, I know a song that will get on your nerves, get, get get on your nerves....

Ahhhhhh that's much better....

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Originally posted by YK2:

Ahhhhhh that's much better...

How's about this little ditty:

"Nunna nunna nunna nunt, Nunna nunna nunna nunt, nunt, nunt, nunt, nunt (clap, clap, clap, clap).

Yes, it's The Chicken Dance! You lot of buggerers should have this one rattling around in your heads all day. No need to thank me, it's a public service to keep you off the streets.

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Originally posted by Speedy:

I forgot to mention this yesterday but now is as good a time as any. In a little skirmish with OGSF set in the south of Russia mid '42. My glorious socialist defenders managed to belt the Neo-Scots fascist invaders over the head to the tune of 93 to 7.

Don't ya just love those single digit scores?

Feck. There were sumthin wrong wi' tha' poxy gam.... beginnin' wi' mah entire armour allotmaint bein' ain plain view on turn wun, an' daid bah turn three on account o' noowhere tae gi' oot o' LOS. Followed bah fightin wi' poxy horde o' jack booted thugs wi' tha' tactical accumain o' an albino rabbit ain tha haidlights o' a Mack truck.

Ainly a complete loser wid ainly score 93 wi' such advantaiges!!

Wunce agin, Ah feckin' manage tae win whain Ah lose!!

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Originally posted by OGSF:

Feckin' squirrel's bum-rash. Ah allowed ye tae slaughter every last wun o' mah brave laddies, an' Ah still controlled tha flags at tha aind. Fortunately fer gamey bastarrrds lak yoo Jimmy, tha poxy AI didnae know at's arse fraim at's haid, an' decided tha' merely controllin' every flag at tha aind o' tha game as insufficient tae award victory points!

Ah'm sae feckin' grreat, Ah even win whain Ah lose!!

And you're a cross-eyed, monkey-bum sniffer with all the math skills of drunken stoat!

You held ONE flag out of three, Jimmy. Due to the fact that my brave, downy cheeked lads knew they were fighting for Mother Russia, they FEARLESSLY took out that big bad panzer you had sitting on the biggest flag.

They were scared and wounded, but did they let that stop them? No! Through their sheer pluckyness, they wrested a Tactical Victory from you to the tune of 71-29.

Hah! And I say Hah again at you, you toe-dancing accordian player!

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Quest for the anointed armored car

Final update.

Once upon a time, there was a young lieutenant who set out on a Quest.

How it all started

The young lieutenant did not know that a narrator would follow in his steps and document every battle in the quest. But here it is the report from the narrator, and thus the completely objective truth about Leutnant Hortlund and the Quest for the anointed armored car


Nidan1was his first victim.

Alas, it was almost too easy. See poor Nidan1 lacked some very rudimentary knowledge about not-so-complicated military terms such as "flanks" and "surrounded". It was a bloodbath, but a fun bloodbath, because Nidan1 did all the bleeding.

Then came Mike

And if vile Nidan1 was a pushover, at least he tried to put up a fight. Mike was...more ...French in his attitude towards war in general, and this battle in particular. The battle ended the french way after a mere 7 minutes.

SgtGoodey was next.

He tried to put up a fight too. In fact he did put up a fight for almost 10 minutes before Lt Hortlunds brave PSW222s had him surrounded and shot to pieces....score another one for the good guys.

Defeating Nidan1 Mike and SgtGoodey had been as easy as defeating some unholy French/Italian expeditionary force commanded by ...well, commanded by Nidan1 Mike and SgtGoodey really. They shall henceforth be known as the toothless trio

But then came the vile gamey finn known as Jussi.

Jussi, who henceforth shall be known as "the über-Gamey Laplander" brought nothing but Elite M17s to the battle. Needless to say this is about as cowardly and gamey as it can get. But not only that...He also TRIED TO FLANK LT HORTLUND with his über-gamey monstrocities. As you can see there was no end to the cowardly perversity of the über-Gamey Laplander

...nevertheless, brave Hortlund did manage to secure a draw against him. More thanks to the tactical brilliance of the young lieutenant than anything else.

And finally Snarker

or mr poopy pants as I think we should all call him in the future.

mr poopy pants...there...that feels good.

mr poopy pants

mr poopy pants

Our young lieutenant had perhaps gotten a bit overconfident after defeating the toothless trio. Maybe this is the reason why he purchased 15 conscript Malaxa carriers, 15 conscript Italian tankettes, and 5 Csaba cars...See the Malaxa carriers and the Italian tankettes are armed with nothing but MGs. Naturally mr poopy pants bought über-BA10s, and plenty of them too.

So...outnumbered 67-1, the brave Csaba cars of Lt Hortlund managed to destroy several hundred vile BA10s...but soon the sheer weight in numbers decided the battle in mr poopy pants favour. He claims to have won 61-39 or something like that. But young Hortlund claims the moral victory. Just as he should.


Sir Lars

I return after my quest with 4 wonderful victories and one glorious draw.

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Guest konrad
Originally posted by Leutnant Hortlund:

Once upon a time, there was a young lieutenant who decided to try some sex magic.According to psychic dogma ,sex itself is incidental and should be subordinated to the intent of the ritual. But he didn't believe in rules.What happens,happens.

Well ,that wraps that case up.


Faithful Squire To SIR AUSSIEJEFF

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Once upon a time, the Peng Challenge was a place where Great Souls challenged each other according to the time-hallowed rituals and there was much taunting and feasting and abusing of SSNs. In an echo of those glory days, I can report that I have decidedly trashed the evil Soviet hordes of Andreas, earning a Major Victory, despite his numerical preponderance of clankety things.

Glory, glory, glory!

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