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A Peng Challenge Thread Coronation: Film of the Rioting at 11

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I have done penance for my long absence (you're all welcome). I have read every stinkin' post in the last three incarnations of The MBT. As squire to Senior Knight Moriarty it is my duty to support the coronation of King Meeks...and so I do wholeheartedly.

Having said that, I shall NEVER fail to bold the name of Joe Shaw or any title he is given or even takes for himself. Long live King Meeks and The Outlaw Justicar!! May they Die-A-Lot Now.

I've informed Roxy of recent events. She seemed quite interested. She prattled on about wanting to be queen or somefink. Unfortunately for The MBT she'll be out on parole very soon (Yes, Mr Spkr lost yet another case).

I'll try to keep her away, but I can't promise anything. You know how she is.

Treeburst155, Squire to Senior Knight More-Arty, Defender of Lost Causes and loyal subject of His Royal Highness,King Reeks

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Now I have been sodding off for over 13 months now, following orders of the old ones. And what's this I see when I walk in? That worthless maggot [smelllikepoo]meeks[/smelllikepoo] is listed as the new sovereign?!?! He posts less frequently than I do!

I wont stand for it. This is the worst thing that has happened since 'Charles In Charge' got cancelled. Two things that make this extremely bitter

1) I have always been a loyal liege to Berli, who guided me into kniggethood, and taught me what hate tastes like

2) I have always hated Joe! Let me count the ways! I am too pissed off to actually count right now, but if I could, believe you me that I would count very high on this subject!

Wait, there were three reasons I think

3) Meeks is a fecking Raiders fan. Now I dont keep up with American Football too much, I dont even hate the Raiders. But I hate Raiders fans with all that is gross and yucky in me. They are usually Gwar look-a-likes, Felons, or pasty white 18 year old suburban kids who listen to NWA. And I would hazard a guess that meeksy is in the last category. Sorry for frontin' Meeks, I didnt know the movie theater parking lot was your turf, buddy.

Wait, I thought of another reason

5) I was under the impression that this was an anarcho-syndicalist commune

So that tears it. As you have not yet been officially coronated yet, send me a setup. I engaged my last opponent in a squire challenge match that lasted 14 months. I plan on dragging you out much much longer. And if you choose cowardice and refuse me, I will ruin your coronation.I have already urinated in the punch bowl, and drawn stick figures in naughty poses on all the programs to show you that I am serious.

Joe, can I stay at your house when Berli takes my soul?

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Originally posted by Malakovski:

*Mwah, ha, MWAH, HA, HA*

And thus the last shall be first, and the first last, at the day of the coming of our Lord, that is, Meeks, Kind of the Cess!

Long live the king!

And his stooges!

The rest of you may kiss my ring...

I've a better idea you worthless lickspittle of a fawning PRETEND Justicar ... why not just bend over and KISS ... well, no doubt you get the idea. Working for Meeks (NB) you'll get plenty of practice I've no doubt.

The Outlaw Justicar Strikes Again!

Justicar, Justicar, elusive as the wind,

Justicar, Justicar, the CessPool's only friend,

They'll try to track him down, but he will ne'er be found,

Justicar, Justicar, Justicar.



p.s. Isn't this new lad just pathetic? And he calls himself a Justicar.

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hmm lets see here..

11:00 pm Homes Across America HAA-813 Kentucky Grandeur, 1940s Hunting Lodge, Prairie-Style Home

11:30 pm Sensible Chic SEC-404 Tuscan-with-a-Twist Living Room

12:00 am Public Places, Private Spaces PPS-202 Susan Caruso

12:30 am Designers' Challenge DSC-104 Guest Room to Childs' Room

1:00 am Design on a Dime DOD-104 Asian-Themed Bachelor Pad

I have always wanted an asian themed bachelor pad....

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

I've a better idea you worthless lickspittle of a fawning PRETEND Justicar ... why not just bend over and KISS ... well, no doubt you get the idea. Working for Meeks (NB) you'll get plenty of practice I've no doubt.

Bold words from a shirker of challenges, who would rather run to the hills an outlaw than defend his title and honor in battle, who would rather prattle on about his own righteousness than prove it by valor.

Empty words from a coward, I say, lurking at the edge of the firelight, hurling a curse and then running into the night. The Brave Sir Robin of the Cesspool!

If I am pretender, if I am a fawning lackwit propped up by a tyrant, then come, knock me off the high place which you fled, fled rather than defend.

The stink of your fear still lingers in the spot where you were unmanned, the Office of the Justicar, but I will give you a chance at redemption, yea, I will even send the setup, if your pride prevents you from such, but give the nod of your consent and it shall be done.

Come, let the Pretender meet the Outlaw in a public contest of blood and will. Let us cast together the iron dice of destiny and see who is the victor...

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Originally posted by Moriarty:

For my part, I have set up the bar and the bar is now open. Step right up Mace, I'll stand ye the first round.

<font size = 1> Oh.

Err, I'm down in the cellar where the vats of whiskey are.

Umm. I'll be with you soon. </font>


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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

I do hereby turn in my badge and spurs (I'll take those yarbles back, too, thankyouverymuch) and divest myself of the title "Knight." I join the "Outlaw Joesy Justicar Gang" and make this pledge:

He will have no sleep till the one who calls himself Inquisitor General do forsake that title and all its trappings!

Yeah, whatever, blah blah. Why don't you just send a turn you asthmatic, malingering nong!
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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

If Peng catches you, we'll be grueless

<font size = 1>ZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

oh err?

*hides wineskin behind back*

Didn't quite catch that.

Legless? No. Not quite yet.

You'll have to speak up though, I'm down in the cellar guarding the Whiskey, for Peng.

Oh and of course keeping an eye out for that nasty bit of work the Villian justicar and his bunch of smelly men. or is that merry? *shrug*

Back to sentry duty.



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Just imagine Mace, the wildfires should be driving the herds of sheep right to your doorstep . You won't have to go searching for them anymore. With any luck you'll never have to move off of your couch again, you could become the "Jabba the Hutt" of Oddstaylia!! Think of the possibilities mate.

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Originally posted by OGSF:

An' another thing... Ah hadnae counted, boot Ah reckon aboot 60% o' mah shtyupid opponaints hae gwin AWOL. Stuka, Goanna, Marlow, Joe Shaw, Panzer Leader an' a couple o' other useless twats as waill. Bastarrrds!!

Sorry aboot that. Technical problems don't ya know. I'll let you finish kicking my arse soon.
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...Lorak snorts and rolls over and out of the stack of empty whiskey bottles and beer cans...

Meeks king? and OGSF as a bishop? ok.. ok.. I got it....

... Lorak burrows back into the pile muttering something about being parched...and snores drift up again shortly..

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

And he has all the grace of a drunken three legged gazelle.

I'll not allow you to sully His Grace with such base slander. Send a set-up, Boo-boy, and you will learn the pain of cruciferous crucifixion.

"Out of the door, line on the left. One cross each. Next!"

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