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How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?


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2 minutes ago, Pilaf said:

CNN reported a group of Russian prisoners being knee capped which pretty much means they'll die of their wounds. Russians will probably have higher incentive to fight to death rather than surrender now that this is out.

(7) Ukraine promises "immediate investigation" after video surfaces of soldiers shooting Russian prisoners (cnn.com)

Sadly I shutter to think conditions are as bad or worse for Ukrainian prisoners. This is another ugly side to this war.

Knee capping itself won't mean they will die of their wounds, but they won't be walking home.  It was a common practice for the IRA dealing with drug dealers. It is wrong, but I can't find it in me to condemn when you have this stuff going on. 

'We Will Not Be Silent': MP Speaks Out Amid Claims Russian Soldiers Are Raping Ukrainian Women (msn.com)

With the BS coming out of the Kremlin I doubt that incident will have that much impact as I am sure their leadership is telling them worse.



'Caught them by surprise': Ukraine troops take Kharkiv village (msn.com)

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About Izium area fighting, Kharkiv oblast form the man, who either directly involved there or have a comrade from there:


Translation: "Hi! For these two days RFia bypassed Izium on the left and come to Kamyanka. Then they advanced on Sukha Kanyanka - Studinok [direction], but died. Yesterday they dropped spetsnaz behind Oskol [river], part of them captured Yaremivka and died. But most part deploys somewhere in Olexandrivka direction. We recaptured a part of Rubizhne city, but lost a part of Izium. "

Here is a map of this area, which meant the author. Russians have two pontoon crossings through Siverskyi Donets near Topolske village (directly near pontoons is small village Donetske situates). 

Izium area became most critical now. Russians try to breakthrough our defense to cut off at least part of our troops on Donbas,  and the maximum objective - to make a pocket for all troops on Donbas. 


Edited by Haiduk
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10 minutes ago, Pilaf said:

CNN reported a group of Russian prisoners being knee capped which pretty much means they'll die of their wounds. Russians will probably have higher incentive to fight to death rather than surrender now that this is out.

There's no reason why they should die of their wounds ... unless all the medical facilities in the area have been bombed... oh well...

Sympathy failure here - also, has this actually been verified ?

Then the Russians say "In the first response from Russian authorities, the chairman of the investigative committee of the Russian Federation, A.I. Bastrykin, said an investigation would be launched "to establish all the circumstances of the ill-treatment of captured soldiers by Ukrainian nationalists.""

So - quick to launch investigations into "ill-treatment", but they aren't nearly so quick to launch investigations into arbitrary shooting of Ukrainian civilians as noted in phone intercepts.

My sympathy remains in a failed state.

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18 minutes ago, sburke said:

Knee capping itself won't mean they will die of their wounds, but they won't be walking home.  It was a common practice for the IRA dealing with drug dealers. It is wrong, but I can't find it in me to condemn when you have this stuff going on. 

'We Will Not Be Silent': MP Speaks Out Amid Claims Russian Soldiers Are Raping Ukrainian Women (msn.com)

With the BS coming out of the Kremlin I doubt that incident will have that much impact as I am sure their leadership is telling them worse.



'Caught them by surprise': Ukraine troops take Kharkiv village (msn.com)

Not really Drug Dealers. A primary purpose was deterring 'snitches' to the British forces.  I personally, deeply vividly remember as a kid watching a news story about a boy in the north, accused by the local IRA of snitching, who had been kneecapped. He was 12. I'll always remember my Dad say "If you think kneecapping children is a legitimate tactic then you have lost all legitimacy".  Which is one reason why the IRA and its spawn remains banned to this day in the Republic- no moral legitimacy.

 The whole drug dealers crap became hollow once it was revealed that the IRA itself had ties to cocaine gangs, and with the Good Friday agreement there was a definite influx of IRA into criminality - as is always with long civil wars, the demobbed fighters had a very specific, and limiting, set of skills. Witness Colombia also.

The longer a war goes on, the more criminality seeps in and starts to corrode the political aspects.

Edited by Kinophile
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2 hours ago, DesertFox said:

Any reading skills on this forum to verify that?



Almost certain now that video is Russian Propaganda. And if you were going to shoot them and dump the bodies wouldn't you do it in ditch full of rotting sewage somewhere? Mind I think every Russian in Ukraine deserves to die burning, but encouraging surrenders is the fastest way to win the war.


Edited by dan/california
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13 minutes ago, dan/california said:

Almost certain now that video is Russian Propaganda. And if you were going to shoot them and dump the bodies wouldn't you do it in ditch full of rotting sewage somewhere? Mind I think every Russian in Ukraine deserves to die burning, but encouraging surrenders is the fastest way to win the war.


If you have a desertion/surrender-too-easily problem, this is a smart thing to do.  So it does make sense as propaganda, though we don't know if it is or isn't.  For all we know they were shot for retreating or trying to desert.

If every russian soldier saw the video of the prisoner being given hot tea and a phone to call him mom, this might be a short war. 

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2 hours ago, danfrodo said:

Hey all, I might get in trouble for this but I'm gonna do it anyway.

While we are all very concerned about the deaths in UKR it's also important to remember the other slaughter that's been going on for two years.  Another covid wave, very contagious, is on the way.  I know this crowd skews a bit older so lots of folks here are more at risk.

If you aint vaxxed, get vaxxed.  If you aint boosted, get boosted.  Only 50% of americans are boosted, though 75% are vaxxed.  Immune system resistance wanes over time, particularly w Pfizer (moderna better in this respect).  At Omicron peak we were losing ~2500 americans a day (~4000 per day at the pre-vaccine covid peak last year).  That nearly all those omicron deaths were PREVENTABLE is a tragedy.  And that tragedy is driven by propaganda, much of it spawned from Russia and percolated thru facebook.  So if you want to give a big FU to Putin, get your shots! 

I don't want to lose any of you excellent Combat Mission aficionados.

Hong Kong has a huge percentage of old people who refuse to get vaxxed, it's gonna be a bloodbath.

Thanks, I will take my vacation now.

Just stay out of the topic if you're going to post something like that here. 

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2 minutes ago, The_Capt said:

Do the Russians have 100k reservists with "combat experience"?  

I doubt that. Even if, what would that help them with their brilliant chain of command and unprecedented logistic performance. What would they eat? MREs from the 1950s?

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Just now, DesertFox said:

I doubt that. Even if, what would that help them with their brilliant chain of command and unprecedented logistic performance. What would they eat? MREs from the 1950s?

Right!?  I mean the majority of their "combat veterans" are likely dead at this point.  The effort to RSOMI 100k troops is enormous.

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Ukrainian troops drive a captured Russian military vehicle after retaking the village of Mala Rogan, east of Kharkiv, on March 28, 2022. ARIS MESSINIS / AFP

Des habitants faisant la queue pour recevoir de l'aide regardent des soldats ukrainiens monter sur un char dans la ville de Trostsyanets, en Ukraine, lundi 28 mars 2022.

Residents queuing to receive aid watch as Ukrainian soldiers mount a tank in the city of Trostsyanets, Ukraine, Monday, March 28, 2022. FELIPE DANA / AP

 "Tank" = BMP-2

Les corps de deux soldats russes dans la ville de Trostsyanets, en Ukraine, lundi 28 mars 2022. Trostsyanets a récemment été reprise par les forces ukrainiennes après avoir été tenue par les Russes depuis les premiers jours de la guerre.


The bodies of two Russian soldiers in the town of Trostsyanets, Ukraine, Monday, March 28, 2022. Trostsyanets was recently recaptured by Ukrainian forces after being held by Russians since the early days of the war. FELIPE DANA / AP

Torstsyanets = Sumy Oblast

Un habitant regarde un char russe endommagé dans la ville de Trostianets, à quelque 400 kilomètres à l’est de la capitale, Kiev, en Ukraine, lundi 28 mars 2022.

A resident looks at a damaged Russian tank in the town of Trostianets, some 400 kilometers east of the capital, kyiv, Ukraine, Monday, March 28, 2022. EFREM LUKATSKY / AP

"Tank" = 2S19 Msta-S

Des soldats ukrainiens se rassemblent près de la ligne de front, à Brovary, dans la banlieue est de Kiev, en Ukraine, lundi 28 mars 2022.

Ukrainian soldiers gather near the front line, in Brovary, on the eastern outskirts of kyiv, Ukraine, Monday, March 28, 2022. RODRIGO ABD / A

Un militaire ukrainien se tient dans une rue du village de Loukianivka, à l’est de Kiev, Ukraine, dimanche 27 mars 2022.

A Ukrainian soldier stands in a street in the village of Lukianivka, east of kyiv, Ukraine, Sunday March 27, 2022. AP

Un char endommagé par les combats entre les troupes russes et ukrainiennes à Loukianivka, à l’est de Kiev, Ukraine, lundi 27 mars 2022. Le mémorial de la « Grande Guerre patriotique » 1941-1945, en arrière-plan, a également été endommagé.

A tank damaged in fighting between Russian and Ukrainian troops in Lukyanivka, east of kyiv, Ukraine, Monday, March 27, 2022. The memorial to the 'Great Patriotic War' 1941-1945, in the background, was also damaged. AP

Tank = probably T-72B3

Un militaire ukrainien se tient à côté d’un char dans le village de Loukianivka, à l’est de Kiev, en Ukraine, dimanche 27 mars 2022.

A Ukrainian serviceman stands next to a tank in the village of Lukianivka, east of kyiv, Ukraine, Sunday, March 27, 2022. AP

Tank = T-72B3 (note O marking)

↓ A Little off topic (at least for this post)↓



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OK, so here's what I've pieced together about the "kneecapping" video.

1-2 days ago Ukraine General Staff warned that Russia was going to release videos allegedly showing Ukrainians mistreating Russian PoWs.  This came right after a slew of videos showing Russian PoWs being taken in by Ukrainian forces.  Then, as if on cue, a pro-Russian Twitter account posted the "kneecapping" video. 

Also if on cue, a Russian MoD video is uploaded showing a large group of Ukrainian POWs being treated well, including them holding bags of Russian food rations.

The hacking group, Anonymous, posted what they claim to be a copy of a directive from General Bulgakov dated, I think, March 21st.  The letter expresses concerns about Russian surrendering events and ordered videos to be produced to show that surrendering to Ukrainians isn't a good idea.  This was posted a couple of pages ago.

What we have here is a typical problem with sorting out the real from the fake.  Russia is infamous for faking videos, lying, and generally being untrustworthy to an extreme.  The first thing one should do when they hear something from a Russian source is to treat it as untrue until proven otherwise.  For sure the video of well treated Ukrainian POWs is a clearly staged farce.


On the other hand, a bunch of videos were posted that showed Russian POWs being mistreated and they do look legit.  Some stripped down to underwear, piled on top of each other in a van, and a couple of punches to a head.  At one point it looked like a bunch of POWs were being forced to sing (Ukraine national anthem?) with a couple of gunshots to encourage full participation. 

I haven't seen the kneecapping video (I don't have a Twitter account and it requires age verification), but I think the kneecapping was of this same area and group of POWs.


Personally, I don't doubt at all that Ukrainians are mistreating some Russian POWs.  The people they are capturing are waging a war of aggression with a level of brutality that Europe hasn't seen since the slaughter in the Balkans.  The amount of warcrimes being committed by Russians against Ukrainians every day makes the alleged kneecapping event look almost kind by comparison.  If a foreign invader came to my town to rape, murder, loot, and burn the place to the ground... I suspect I'd have a difficult time being Gandhi.


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2 hours ago, panzermartin said:

Street fighting in Mariupol. Seems the city has fallen to Russians. Anyone know the numbers of the opposing forces here? I have read that 1500 Azov troops were the last defending force. 


If russians say that some school, hospital, nursery or elderly home is Azov's main base - you know it must be legit.

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