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How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?


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How are you holding up @Haiduk and our other Ukrainian family. I really appreciate all the comments you are sharing in the thread. I want you to know that everyone I know here in the USA stand behind you and Ukraine. We are glad to see reports of weapons  and intel flowing into Ukraine. I hope you can see some signs of them arriving this past week. Please stay safe, you and your families. 

I really hope NATO can find a reason (and the guts) to enforce a no-fly zone over Ukraine. Even with the risks of WWIII. I believe it could make all the difference. A stealth no-fly zone would see Russian aircraft mysteriously disappearing off of the scopes and force Russia to keep its Air Force grounded. Just my honest opinion. 

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4 minutes ago, Markus86 said:

What sense would it make to fake this picture? 

There are videos of this scene: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/video/news/video-2630677/Video-Devastation-bridge-collapses-Irpin-Putin-maniac.html 

Btw it took me 2 minutes to find the first videos. 

That and the fakes might also be "fake", what a wonderful age we live in.

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Two days ago Russians bombed some objects in Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyi area, Odesa oblast, using RBK-500 cluster bombs. One of the bombs didn't work properly and submunition HEAT bombs PTAB-1M didn't explode


Edited by Haiduk
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6 minutes ago, Markus86 said:

What sense would it make to fake this picture? 

There are videos of this scene: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/video/news/video-2630677/Video-Devastation-bridge-collapses-Irpin-Putin-maniac.html 

Btw it took me 2 minutes to find the first videos. 

- the upper part of the heads of the two men go before the edge of the bridge

- the head of the soldier is straight cuttet and looks unnatural

- the backpart in the dark is all empty

I don't say it does not happened. Just that the picture seems to be photoshoped.

Edited by sawomi
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9 hours ago, sburke said:

the second point was my military/political feeling.  I think he is in too deep to sell that as a strategic win.  He's cratered the economy, been embarrassed by Ukrainian resistance and his repeatedly stated goal was to eliminate the fascists.  He has given a strong impetus to EU to admit Ukraine.  Moldava and Georgia have now applied for membership while Finland and Sweden have considered NATO membership.  He might be able to sell some of that to the general pop, but those at the top know he has taken a beating.

As all these soldiers go home he has 160,000+ folks telling all their friends and neighbors how bad this actually was and what they saw.

To be honest I don't see Moldava or Georgia actually joining EU anytime soon. Ukraine might have more chance but they won't get a free pass. So think like 5-10 years, probably.
There is of course ceremonial value in applying for membership and having that granted.

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4 hours ago, kraze said:

Can you actually elaborate what exactly makes Azov - "nazi"?

I left off the "irony quotes" the second time.

But face it dude, Pinky Pie stickers are clearly visible on this one Azov reservist's wire laying gloves. And Everybody Knows© that Brony *totally* equals, like, Nazi. MLP are the new SS runes. They also have ponies tattooed in their armpits to denote blood group.

(do I really need to add a /sarc tag for you?)

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9 hours ago, Zveroboy1 said:

I don't think Putin is ready to quit just yet personally. The land bridge to Donbas could be a way to save face and cut his losses but Mariupol is bound to fall sooner or later and then that would probably free up a lot of troops and the Russians could resume their advance towards the north. I don't see them achieving anything in the Kyiv meat grinder anytime soon unless the forces coming for the north east can reach the Kyiv suburbs.

There is one thing that makes a bit cautious though and that's why I try to remain measured : this war is covered in such a way that it is akin to a boxing match where you only get to see one half of the ring and one single boxer. You see one boxer taking a lot of punches but even though he is clearly fumbling a lot you are not really seeing how many of his own punches are landing.

Clearly the Russians are getting mauled but it is bound to take its toll on the Ukrainian side too in the long run and who knows how far Putin is ready to go.


Good points imo. 

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7 minutes ago, Haiduk said:

The enemy column in Kyiv oblast.



...And after the strike


Vehicles on the second picture are not the same as in the first and where going the opposite direction on the others side of the street.

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Yeah those are just artifacts from compression. I think some people vastly underestimate the amount of work that would go into a fake like that. I mean, you would need to have a big crowd shot of people at the right angle, for one thing. And don't get me started on that "fake" Putin video. Hollywood can maybe do something like that, but it requires specialists and way more time than you might think.

Edited by Ts4EVER
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Next BMP-3 knocked out in UKR 128th mountain-assault brigade sector



Small Russian column tried to sneak through park zone inside Kharkiv from the north, but UKR forces ambused them. Looks like some ATGM-unit and infantry or recons




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58th motorized infantry brigade captured at least two T-72B of 239th Guard tank regiment of 90th tank division, Cheliabinsk oblast  ("239" digit in the rhomb), Tanks have more rare "O" marking. Prpbably Sumy oblast.



Russian T-72B on the road between Hostomel and Bucha. Todays photo


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On 3/5/2022 at 7:54 AM, Battlefront.com said:

First published list of Russian PoWs that I know of.  It came from someone in the Ukraine Ministry of Internal Affairs.  Roughly 200 at a quick glance.  Intention of this is to get Russians to recognize names and start to make waves within Russia.  Last page includes contact information to call Ukraine and find out if someone is in their custody.

The posting included some more details (p.s. "Cargo 200" is Russia's code for transporting dead service personnel):



Geneva Convention relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War here:


but who cares ?

Article 13

"Likewise, prisoners of war must at all times be protected, (...) against (...) public curiosity."

explanation by lawyers :

"Due to recent technological advances, the commentaries to the Third Geneva Convention specify that protection against public curiosity is defined by the prohibition of the disclosure of photographic and video images, recordings of interrogations or conversations as well as any other private data, regardless of the public communication channel used, including the Internet (at p. 1624). The disclosure of these images is often defended as allowing proof that these prisoners are alive and providing a guarantee against their extrajudicial execution, their enforced disappearance or, as specified by Ukrainian diplomats, as making it possible to be able to identify them. However, the Third Geneva Convention provides for specific mechanisms such as capture cards (Article 70) and visits by the International Committee of the Red Cross (Articles 125 and 126). The parties to the conflict should therefore refrain from disseminating any material exposing them to public knowledge."


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5 minutes ago, laurent 22 said:

Geneva Convention relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War here:


but who cares ?

Article 13

"Likewise, prisoners of war must at all times be protected, (...) against (...) public curiosity."

explanation by lawyers :

"Due to recent technological advances, the commentaries to the Third Geneva Convention specify that protection against public curiosity is defined by the prohibition of the disclosure of photographic and video images, recordings of interrogations or conversations as well as any other private data, regardless of the public communication channel used, including the Internet (at p. 1624). The disclosure of these images is often defended as allowing proof that these prisoners are alive and providing a guarantee against their extrajudicial execution, their enforced disappearance or, as specified by Ukrainian diplomats, as making it possible to be able to identify them. However, the Third Geneva Convention provides for specific mechanisms such as capture cards (Article 70) and visits by the International Committee of the Red Cross (Articles 125 and 126). The parties to the conflict should therefore refrain from disseminating any material exposing them to public knowledge."


Yes, but what does Geneva Convention say about Prisoners of Special Military Operation?

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Russian BMD-2, abandoned in Kulbakine airfield area, Mykolaiv oblast (video is attached to previous video with destroyed Russian D-30 battery form the same area)

Burned IVECO Rys' of Russian recons, also Mykolaiv oblast


Yesterday fighting around Bucha, Kyiv oblast - destroyed Russian BMD-2


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