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Shock Force 2 AAR: Attack in Brandenburg

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Combat Mission: Shock Force 2 AAR

Attack in Brandenburg

By: beeron



I decided to create this AAR after being inspired by my wargaming heroes, Bil Hardenberger, Jeffrey Paulding, IICptMillerII, Domfluff and several more on the CM discord and forums. You will see their influence in this AAR. For this battle, I chose GeorgeMC's excellent scenario "Tactical Vignette 98-3 Attack in Brandenburg SF2". The battle is an intense one, with the remnants of a company team fighting for it's life against a competent near peer threat, while a QRF rushes to save them and finish the mission. I have modified many aspects of my game visually, including BLUFOR and OPFOR skins. Feel free to ask if you'd like them. 


TF 1-8 INF is to push through the town of "Brandenburg" in order to secure the bridge that crosses the "Ohio" River. Bravo Team was ambushed while rushing to set up a SBF position, and must be rescued before they are annihilated. Brigade has ordered me to take over their mission to secure the bridge and rescue their survivors.


  • Neutralize Sahrani Liberation Army resistance in the town of "Brandenburg"
  • Occupy Objective White
  • Rescue surviving elements of 1st platoon, Bravo Team
  • Reach Route MOE, the MSR

Desired End State

  • Resistance in the town suppressed
  • Bridge across the Ohio River secured
  • Surviving elements of Bravo Team rescued and casualties MEDEVACED

Tactical Map


Enemy Forces

S-2 had limited intelligence on the enemy, they suspected veteran SLA mechanized airborne units reinforced by Crack Special Forces elements. Unfortunately, they were right. Bravo-6 radioed they were ambushed by a company sized element of SLA mechanized airborne, reinforced by a few BMP 3s. To add insult to injury, my Delta Team has spotted several SLA Special Forces AT-14 teams by the Mosque, a serious threat to the well being of any human being in an armored vehicle. These forces are no joke, an overconfident commander could easily take heavy casualties before reaching the town. The AT-14 does a good job at killing any American armor put in the wrong hands. The are the biggest threat to my company right now, located on the southern part of "Brandenburg" by the mosque. These AT-14s occupy the high ground, which gives them the ability to overlook any avenue of approach my company team can take. They must be neutralized before I can execute my maneuver plan.


(SLA SF Operator)


(SLA Airborne Trooper)


(SLA Airborne BMP-3)


(A Knocked Out Special Forces AT-14 Team)

Terrain & Weather

The weather is good, if hotter then hell. There is a gentle breeze from the west to cool off the troops just a tad. This town hasn't seen rain in about 2 weeks, leaving the sky clear and the ground very dry. Off road driving should not be too complicated. 

The terrain surrounding Brandenburg is hilly, with both the north side and south sides of the town containing high ground. I expect plenty of ATGM teams from both sides. The town of Brandenburg itself is pretty small, with tiny communities on the outskirts. Civilians have evacuated the area, and only a few remain leaving the ROE extremely flexible.  However, before my company team can reach Brandenburg, they either must cross two streams, or take the MSR that Bravo was ambushed on. I decide I don't want to suffer a similar fate to Bravo and opt to cross the streams.


I am in command of D/1-8 INF attached to 3rd BCT, 4th ID. Delta team consists of two tank platoons of a mix of M1A1HCs and M1A2SEPs and a platoon of mechanized infantry riding in M2A3 Bradleys. None of my vehicles are equipped with ERA or any extra protection against shaped charges. Supporting fires consist of a platoon of 120mm mortars, with the addition of a 120mm mortar carrier riding into battle with my company.


(A Squad Leader from my mechanized platoon engaged with the enemy)

Initial Scheme of Maneuver


The time is 11:10 and I have 1 hour and 20 minutes to achieve my mission. Delta will move to the high ground at Hill 37.9 and then into the town to rescue the remnants of Bravo and destroy the enemy. Delta's preparatory fires will be with a section of 107mm mortars firing airburst on the AT-14s down south. Bravo has called for danger close mortar fire across the street onto enemy positions, practically on top of themselves out of desperation. They are fighting for their lives and must be rescued as soon as possible. 

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The Battle Begins for Delta


It is go time! The first minute of the battle begins. My forces are deployed in the manner shown above. My company team is holding, waiting for the AT-14s to be suppressed before they advance past the muddy stream bed. Meanwhile, Bravo Team fights for their life in a bloody firefight. Only 14 Men are not casualties. Meanwhile, 3rd platoon of Bravo Team is pulling security outside of Brandenburg. Unfortunately, 3rd platoon has no Bradley Fighting Vehicles (BFV). I will likely keep them in a reserve, the last thing I need is to divert forces to rescue another cutoff platoon.


(Bravo Team's fight for their life)

Immediately, the kill zone inside Brandenburg erupts into a symphony of automatic rifle fire and grenades. Within 15 seconds the first enemy casualty is caused when a burst of 5.56 from a SAW zips through an SLA Sniper.


Suddenly, a BMP-3 appears in the street in front of the survivors of 3rd and 1st squad. This is a serious threat, fortunately the BMP's gunner misses before the commander orders them to reverse. Bravo only has a single AT-4 between their 14 men. This means Bravo will likely be engaging the BMPs with HEDP rounds from their 203s, or die trying. 


Shortly after, Bravo-6's fire mission splashes down on the SLA side of the street. The 107mm mortar rounds are landing within 70 meters from friendly forces, almost right on top of them. Thankfully, the buildings mostly protect my men from shrapnel. Hundreds of rounds have already been fired in the first minute alone.


(Rounds impacting while both sides engage fire)

Unfortunately, Bravo's first casualty inside the buildings is sustained when a SAW gunner (carrying the only AT4) is seriously wounded by AK74 fire. Bravo has now lost their only real anti tank asset.


Meanwhile, my company has spotted one AT-14 team on the southern hill, obviously the first of many. Shortly after, my preparatory fire begins landing on their head. Unfortunately, he is not mulched into ground beef, but at least the gunner is suppressed for now. My company will hold until I can identify more AT-14 positions on the hill. Suppressing one AT-14 does not guarantee the safety of my men, and those AT-14s are more then capable of destroying my tanks while crossing the muddy stream.


(107mm airburst shells impacting around an AT-14 position)

With that, the first minute of action has been concluded. Stick around, there will be plenty of killing. In the meantime, here are some pictures taken by a couple of reporters attached to the battalion.


(SFC Bobbitt's M1A2 SEP, PSG of 2nd Platoon, Delta Team)


(SSG Raney's men fight for their lives outside of the Brandenburg kill zone)


(Bravo's 4th BFV burns in the kill zone)

Edited by beeron
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The Battle Continues 




The battle continues! Bad news, another AT-14 team is spotted on the left side of the map behind defilade by Bravo. Luckily, they won't be able to get a shot on my men unless they reposition. Bravo will keep a close eye on them and report in.


The BMP-3 that was harassing Bravo's men reappears, pouring down coax fire onto SSG Raney's position. Luckily, his grenadier SPC Bannon was able to send a 40mm HEDP round onto the front of the turret. This round partially penetrated the turret, but more importantly scared the **** out of the BMP-3 crew. 


Bravo's 3rd platoon takes contact from a SLA sniper across the bridge leading into town. Other than that, Bravo's sector has no other significant events.



Back to my company. The first spotted AT-14 is knocked out by my first platoon (led by 2LT Valente, a great armor commander), specifically SGT Lerner's M1A2 SEP. 


The last major event of the second minute of combat is the spotting of a second AT-14 on the mosque hill by my men. Luckily, the 107mm mortars are doing a great job of keeping the crew's heads down. Unluckily, from what my men have reported, the AT-14 crew is unhurt. Good thing I have tanks :)


Had a bit of a hiatus between turns, but I should be back to posting updates pretty regularly! In the meantime, enjoy some action shots of us boys from TF 1-8.



(My company is so close to helping Bravo, but we can't rush in and get murdered by those AT-14s)


(SPC Bannon taking aim with his M203)


(PFC Olson laying down fire with his M249)


(SLA paratrooper shooting at Bravo Company men with a Krinkov)


(SGT Lerner's M1A2 SEP engaging an AT-14)


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  • 1 month later...

Back for Blood


It's been a while I know! Now that I'm back to work deleting communists, I'll get right back into the action.


Since our limited off map mortar ammunition was expended very quickly, I've called SGT Sprouse's M1064A3 into action. 

He quickly begins dumping rounds into AT-14 positions, successfully suppressing them.


While the mortars suppress the AT-14s, 2LT Ulloa's 2nd platoon crosses the muddy stream bed. 1st platoon stays back to support by fire. My intention to is secure the bridge with the armor to allow the rest of the company to cross, which will allow me to take Point 37.1. Annoyingly, the #2 tank bogs down momentarily, and the lieutenant lays down fire to cover him.


(The Lieutenant lobbing a HEAT round at some poor bastard)


The round is effective, disabling the last known active AT-14


Second platoon reaches the bridge and waits for first platoon and myself to arrive. 

Meanwhile, in the town from hell


The firefight has died down, the SLA paratroopers were able to gain fire superiority on Bravo's tattered survivors. They have suffered heavy casualties. To add on, Bravo is completely out of ammo, besides half a magazine or an M9 here and there. As a result, they have resorted to hiding and hoping the Sahrani's don't make a push across the street. 


Tragically, the first KIA post ambush has been sustained, SGT Webb from Bravo 1-3. (pictured above)

Five men have been wounded in action after the initial ambush, including Bravo-1's PL. 


The blue circled building is where Bravo 1's platoon leader and a small team of survivors fought viciously before being eliminated by enemy fire from multiple directions. The red circled house held a team of SLA paratroopers that delivered the final blow with RPG-7s. All four men in the blue circled were severely wounded by enemy fire.


As I observe the battlefield from my tank, I think about what my options are. We have to reach Bravo before it's too late.


After some thinking, I develop a COA. Once my company takes the hill at Point 37.1, we will be able to support Bravo by fire from the hill, while staying a somewhat comfortable distance from RPG fire. Once the enemy has been suppressed, the infantry will close in and clear out what resistance remains in "Brandenburg". We must get to the stranded and wounded men before it's too late.


Stay tuned for more!


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  • 3 months later...

Closing With The Enemy


The time for action is now! With the AT-14s suppressed and my company across the stream, we can move full steam ahead towards Hill 37.1. 


I deploy the second platoon in cover in front of the wheat field, where 2LT Ulloa spots a BMP 3 keyholed in an alley way


A single shell neutralizes it.


Lieutenant Ulloa spots movement in the farm house to his left seconds after engaging the BMP-3. Several HEAT shells into the building solve that problem very quickly.

(note the AT-14s are being shot by 120mm mortars not 81mm, typo on my part)


With the armor in positions to support by fire, I will push the mech platoon up towards Hill 37.9 and seize it with the dismounts. From there I will be able to close with the enemy and destroy the AT-14 teams with small arms fire. Once they are taken care of, I will own the high ground. While the infantry prepares to dismount, my attached engineer squad clears the farm house that was engaged by 2LT Ulloa's M1A1.


SSG Lundquist's engineers preparing to make entry into the farm house.


The smoldering remains of an SLA RPG team are discovered. Lieutenant Ulloa's quick thinking probably saved lives.


Meanwhile, elements of the mech platoon engage another RPG team inside a building inside Brandenburg with the PSG's 25mm bushmaster and a Javelin anti tank missile from second squad. The building is knocked down, eliminating the threat. 


SFC Toney's M2A3 BFV engages the RPG Team.


However, all is not well. Spotting rounds are beginning to land behind my force, much to my dismay.


These lands are landing within 100m of my men, indicating a well trained observer. My company's Fister takes light wounds from shrapnel, while an engineer takes serious wounds. I have no choice but to mount my men back up in the Bradley's. 


The Mech platoon mounts up and moves up towards Hill 37.9. 


However, I make a rookie mistake by becoming careless. I set the mech platoon's dismount point far closer than it needed to be, and my platoon leader's track practically runs over an SLA FO's foxhole. If my platoon ran into an RPG team, there is a good chance I could have lost a track and many of the occupants. I learned a valuable lesson from this. 


The FO team is eliminated, albeit very stupidly. My platoon leader even killed the radioman himself. As a result, the indirect fire hitting my engineers subsides shortly after and my wounded engineer is tended to by our medics. After this incident, I take the hint and dismount the rest of my mech platoon.


My mech platoon starts to bound towards the AT-14s on the reverse slope (which have taken a pounding from the mortars). The FO team seems to have been the only resistance on top of the hill.


An SLA trooper, probably the anti tank platoon leader initiates contact with the mech platoon. Second Squad leader SSG Farrow is hit by 5.45mm fire, but his IBA stops it from doing any serious damage. I am afraid of RPG-7s hitting my Brad's so I move up my tank and the second platoon (armor) up to support the infantry. However, due to the infantry's proximity to the armor I am limited to the coaxial and .50 caliber machine guns. 


My tank engages the asshole with the AK, sending him and his newly discovered buddy diving back into their foxhole.


The infantry platoon gets on-line and finishes the enemy with a couple hundred rounds of 5.56mm. The hill is almost ours! 


Elements of the mech platoon crest over the hill. and now have eyes on the kill zone Bravo team is in. My infantry start taking moderate intensity small arms fire from SLA paratroopers inside the town, but I am not particularly worried with my armor close by. When the stragglers on the reverse slope are eliminated, my company will have an excellent support by fire position. With this key terrain soon to be secured, I will be able to rescue the survivors of Bravo and eliminate the rest of the SLA forces in the area.


(The current situation)

I won't lie, this update took way to long to put out. I'm just a lazy piece of ****, there honestly isn't really a good excuse. The good news though is that I am almost done with this write up, and I've definitely found it to be fun again. There will be one more post to conclude in the next week or so. Stay tuned for unimpeded slaughter of SLA scum!

Here are some action shots to tide you over


"Engineers, eyes and ears"


The Javelin, a truly awesome weapon


Earning his CIB


Lieutenant Ulloa's M1A1SA


The SLA Paratrooper (download these skins by IICptMillerII now!)

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15 hours ago, beeron said:

I won't lie, this update took way to long to put out. I'm just a lazy piece of ****, there honestly isn't really a good excuse. The good news though is that I am almost done with this write up, and I've definitely found it to be fun again. There will be one more post to conclude in the next week or so. Stay tuned for unimpeded slaughter of SLA scum!


+1.  You do a very good job with this AAR.  It is well worth the wait. 

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