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DAR - Snow For The Hungry AXIS PBEM

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30 minutes ago, chuckdyke said:

I think the initial orders were to take the town and take it from there. Anyway have fun it is different against a human player.  Keep Ivan at a distance their 85mm is just about equal below 1000 meters. 

Yes it does indeed but I always make my own assessment even when playing the AI, and I usually end up doing something different to what the briefing suggests. I just don't like the idea of charging over that hill straight off as it will probably mean heavy casualties to capture it. I've not ruled it out but I'm going to investigate other options first and hopefully give him something to think about too.

Thanks for letting me know they have 85mm guns by the way, nice spoiler 😠.


Edited by Monty's Mighty Moustache
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10 hours ago, IICptMillerII said:

The peanut gallery is weaponized and in cahoots with the enemy! Silliness aside, that is annoying. Forum block feature might be in order.

Great screenshots and mission graphics for the first turn of action! 

Yes I've had to add him to the ignore list while this battle is going on so I don't get any more spoilers. I really didn't want to but I knew it was coming. Calling it a DAR and stating on the first post that this is in progress so no spoilers, and then asking chuck nicely to avoid spoilers again a bit later when he was leaning that way clearly wasn't enough. I know he means well but it's annoyed me, especially as the only 85mm guns the Soviets have available are on tracks.

Oh well, onwards and upwards. I may work this into an update later.


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The First Ten Minutes - Aufklarung

"Are you sure this is what you saw Blackadder?"

"Absolutely. I mean there may have been a few more armament factories, and not quite as many elephants, but…"

Nothing. Nada. Zip. Or nichts as I should say. On the left, let's call them KG Links for the time being, there is a patch of woods directly by my setup zone and a small farm that overlook a bridge leading to NAI1 so they went on foot to check both the woods and the building for enemies. No sign so they continue toward the bridge.

In the center, KG Zentrum drove up to the scrubland in their halftracks and then dismounted to probe forward. I've got all the troops in this kind of formation with a skirmish line out front of scout teams (where I have them) and split off teams from the squads on either side, all overwatched by the halftracks. The armour is being held back for now.

I can't let the skirmish line get too far ahead because of the weather and the restricted visibility.


On the right KG Rechts advanced in much the same way, they drove to a small hill and dismounted then set up overwatch so the scouts can advance over the open ground towards NAI4.


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The Eleventh Minute


Having cleared the woods and farm 2nd Zug push over the bridge, led by 1st Squad.


The 251/17 moves into an overwatch position. It can't quite see into NAI1 from here but it can cover the approaches.



Kontact! The scouts come under fire from some scrub ahead of them towards NAI2. It was a few shots, fired singly and sounded like quite a large caliber, perhaps a Soviet AT Rifle? They all missed and none of my troops seemed to notice and we didn't get any sound contacts, I've added a symbol for where I think the shots were coming from. I will stop everyone now and see if we can resolve the contact and see what we're up against.



The scouts are almost across the open ground and into NAI4, I've been leapfrogging the supporting infantry and HTs. The armour is back but close enough to be brought up quickly to engage any threats. NAI4 is a large area to investigate so I'm planning to bring the other platoon in 3rd Kompanie (it only has 2) to help once I know there's nothing really nasty waiting for us.




As I said in the center everyone is going to stop and go to ground to see if we can work out who is shooting at us. I also am in position to get eyes into NAI2 now anyway and I don't want to push my luck.

On the left and right we will continue to probe.


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The Twelfth Minute

All in all a disappointing turn. Nothing happened so I'll be brief and no images because again, nothing happened.


Still no contact so I'll keep advancing by bounds, scouts out front followed by the remainder of the Zug until I reach the intersection, then I'll turn my attention toward the buildings.


Everyone hit the snow but no more shots fired and no contacts. I will move the scouts on the next turn to see if I can provoke a reaction.


The scouts are almost at the trees at NAI4 now. I'm going to move them into the trees and not stop short as it will hopefully provoke anyone who is hiding in there to do something rash. No contact thus far though.

I'm thinking of mixing up my armour force a bit. I currently have a Panther and a StuG assigned to KG RECHTS but I m already in contact in the center so I might swap the StuG for the Panther that is with KG ZENTRUM so I have both panthers on the right flank and should he get a spot on my armour then all he, hopefully, will see is a StuG. Decisions, decisions. I'm a bit surprised to not have spotted anything on NAI4 yet but there may yet be some Soviets in the vicinity.


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23 hours ago, Monty's Mighty Moustache said:

I always make my own assessment even when playing the AI, and I usually end up doing something different to what the briefing suggests

I've found out (usually the hard way) that following what the briefing suggests usually results in excessive casualties. Sometimes I wonder if the briefing was made by the enemy forces...😀 

It's better to look at the briefing then walk around the battlefield and come up with your own plan.

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7 minutes ago, Commanderski said:

I've found out (usually the hard way) that following what the briefing suggests usually results in excessive casualties. Sometimes I wonder if the briefing was made by the enemy forces...😀 

It's better to look at the briefing then walk around the battlefield and come up with your own plan.

Exactly. I guess the game wouldn't be much fun if it just told you how to win the battle would it? I must admit I have, on occasion, agreed with the plan after doing my analysis. But it doesn't happen often.


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The Thirteenth Minute


2nd Squad leapfrogs 1st (there are only two squads in this Zug) as a HT moves up to provide support. Kein kontact!



The scouts push forwards and we soon get some spotting contacts heading away from us back towards town. I expected him to do this, I am a bit surprised that he would man an OP with what I suspect is an AT rifle team but then they probably are pretty well suited for the job.


Then, a shot that looked like it came from the town!


We have our first confirmed spot! An HQ unit.



The scouts approach NAI4 having cleared the danger area without incident.


Overwatched by the rest of the Zug and the armour section.


They make the treeline and will take some time to rest while the rest of the Zug is brought up, infantry first.


I'm really surprised there was no response, unless of course Grunt has impeccable self control and has any OPs on extremely short cover arcs (which is what I would do).


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3 hours ago, Sgt.Squarehead said:

To be fair, there are quite a few options.  ;)

SU-85M would be a particular threat on a map like this IMHO.


There are. Still when the briefing says he has no armour I was expecting that to be a fib but the surprise is ruined now. I quite like those “Oh c**p, they’ve got a <insert scary weapon>!” moments. 


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I really enjoy the suspense and anticipation of the initial scouting/advance to contact phase of a mission. This one I think provides this. Really enjoying the sitreps. 

Oh I often pretend I’m in the point scout unit and play the unit that way as if my life depended on it!

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34 minutes ago, George MC said:

Oh I often pretend I’m in the point scout unit and play the unit that way as if my life depended on it!

I find myself taking way more care of the two-man sections that I send out at the start of the scuffle than I do of their squad-mates once things go all in.

Small unit missions are great fun in CM, but things can end very, very fast!  :unsure:

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