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6 hours ago, Wicky said:


yup Kettlerian CT types get their 12 weeks isolation free of charge (well £300 'fee' to a good cause)

What is worrying about this story, if one actually reads it, is that it appears that the guy was trying to expose a lack of appropriate masks or of social distancing tactics in that hospital - ie he is a legitimate whistle blower.  Please read the story for yourselves as maybe I am interpreting it incorrectly. 

But, if am reading that article correctly, the govt dumped on him to shut him up fast to stop him telling unpleasant truths.  Nothing to do with him acting in an inappropriate manner.


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6 hours ago, Wicky said:

4th April - Soldier tests positive in Falkland Islands' first case

The first case of coronavirus has been reported in the Falkland Islands, a remote British territory.


This shocked me.  How can one of the most isolated places on earth get this virus?  There are so few flights. Then I realized - probably from a cruise line passenger.

"LATAM which operates a flight every Saturday from Santiago, Chile (SCL) returning the same day. A stop is made each way at the southern Chilean city of Punta Arenas (PUQ) where customs formalities for Chile are completed."  (Both are big cruise line ports.)  "More than forty different cruise ships from a number of companies include the Falkland Islands as part of their austral summer itineraries." 

The Ministry of Defence, UK, operates twice weekly flights from Brize Norton in Oxfordshire, directly to the Falklands with a refuelling stop in Cape Verde. 

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1 hour ago, Erwin said:

What is worrying about this story, if one actually reads it, is that it appears that the guy was trying to expose a lack of appropriate masks or of social distancing tactics in that hospital - ie he is a legitimate whistle blower.  Please read the story for yourselves as maybe I am interpreting it incorrectly. 

But, if am reading that article correctly, the govt dumped on him to shut him up fast to stop him telling unpleasant truths.  Nothing to do with him acting in an inappropriate manner.


Take a peak at his facebook page - full of coronavirus CT - blaming media for exaggerating a 'normal flu' and other Qanon bizarre nonsense 


Won't post any more links to his woo.  It seems he was out of work so took it upon himself to go into a hospital which has restricted access to expose what he thinks is happening as a hoax.

Note. he pleaded guilty to causing a public nuisance.

"the govt dumped on him to shut him up fast to stop him telling unpleasant truths."

Cock up or conspiracy? as his facebook page is still public > https://www.facebook.com/kierran.stevenson

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3 hours ago, Wicky said:

No need to back out - I agree there are economic and issues of freedom related to this crisis - As well as the medical priority of getting on top of the problem.

Allright. Glad to hear that.

Still, all aspects of this colossal event are now also full of emotions. So the atmosphere for my kind of wonderings is unsuitable I suppose. Too tiresome to word subtly.


Took my colleague 40 hours to get out of Peru. A long drive to Lima airport. I was told that he was also on the news. He is fine.

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22 hours ago, Erwin said:

This shocked me.  How can one of the most isolated places on earth get this virus?  There are so few flights. Then I realized - probably from a cruise line passenger.

"LATAM which operates a flight every Saturday from Santiago, Chile (SCL) returning the same day. A stop is made each way at the southern Chilean city of Punta Arenas (PUQ) where customs formalities for Chile are completed."  (Both are big cruise line ports.)  "More than forty different cruise ships from a number of companies include the Falkland Islands as part of their austral summer itineraries." 

The Ministry of Defence, UK, operates twice weekly flights from Brize Norton in Oxfordshire, directly to the Falklands with a refuelling stop in Cape Verde. 

Soldiers and cruise liner passengers don't mix often.  The garrison at Mt Pleasant is about half an hour's drive on a gravel road to Port Stanley (which is where the pax will get off) - the road is put out of bounds when the wind goes over about 20kts (which is often) and because you have to rely on military transport to get you there and back, trips to Stanley for a night out are pretty rare.  This was the situation in 2003/2004 when I was there but I doubt it has changed much.

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On 4/3/2020 at 4:41 PM, Wicky said:


Now that POTUS has decided to send the military in to help the population, the chap above would probably be a good choice to command the operation - he seems to have more of a grasp of the COVID-19 threat than the rest of the US DoD.

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21 hours ago, Wicky said:

Note. he pleaded guilty to causing a public nuisance.

I do see that he may be an alarmist, but pleading guilty these days means little. The choice in political prosecutions could be: "We can charge you under the Terrorism Act and you spend a year standing trial and risk 10 years solitary in jail, or... you plead guilty and have 30 days inside and a 300 quid fine.  Your choice."

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1 hour ago, Combatintman said:

Now that POTUS has decided to send the military in to help the population, the chap above would probably be a good choice to command the operation - he seems to have more of a grasp of the COVID-19 threat than the rest of the US DoD.

Tricky as he's tested positive


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2 hours ago, Erwin said:

"We can charge you under the Terrorism Act and you spend a year standing trial and risk 10 years solitary in jail..."


Maybe the courts simply presented him with the evidence...

Despite there being clear warnings about entering the hospital.. Kierran Stevenson, 32, was captured on CCTV ... after posting on social media that he was going to go walk around the hospital .. He posted photos on Facebook of himself at the hospital and images of hospital corridors.


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He was very courageous.  Hope he is cleared and reinstated. 

Navy and DoD generally need officers who are willing to do what is right and responsible rather than cover everything up.  (What was DoD trying to protect?)

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12 hours ago, Wicky said:

This chap is leading our response and he's caught it...


Our idiot in chief


Despite knowing what was happening in China...

Wonder if he took it seriously enough? 

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6 hours ago, Holien said:

This chap is leading our response and he's caught it...


Our idiot in chief

This must be a very difficult and scary time for this man, his family and friends.  I hope for all of them he is able to make a full and speedy recovery. 

It has become common to attack people, both verbally and physically, who hold a different opinion.  As a result some think nothing of insulting a man suffering from a life threatening virus during a world wide pandemic.   This is probably also an example of why politics are discouraged on this forum.  People just can't be trusted to be kind (or at least not un-kind) to each other.  Even during a pandemic that could take any of us, our family, or friends.   

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I think I was factually correct. 


"a foolish person, esp. someone who has done something stupid"

Shaking hands with those infected with a contagious disease that we have known about since January to me fits that definition and I would have no problems people calling me an idiot for doing that.

IMO just an observation, and why we need to socially distance so we don't over burden our health care system. 


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Ok so getting to grips with this...


If it can be proven to work then all good but it does not look like it has been proven. 

The list of side effects don't seem particularly great and if it doesn't work for you having the side effects on  top of Covid doesn't seem to be a fun option. 


"Common hydroxychloroquine side effects may include:

  • headache, dizziness, ringing in your ears;

  • nausea, vomiting, stomach pain;

  • loss of appetite, weight loss;

  • mood changes, feeling nervous or irritable;

  • skin rash or itching; or

  • hair loss."

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Swedish doctors also began to give malaria medication to severely ill patients, despite the lack of controlled studies.

- We did like everyone else and gave chloroquine to the patients in the beginning. There were test tube studies that showed that it had an effect on coronavirus and it was a drug we knew from the treatment of malaria, says Magnus Gisslén, professor and chief physician at the infection clinic at Sahlgrenska University Hospital / Östra.

But now he has made a complete reversal. Last week, all treatment with chloroquine was stopped against covid-19 in Sahlgrenska.

- There were reports of suspected more serious side effects than we first thought. We cannot rule out serious side effects, especially from the heart, and it is a hard-dosed drug. In addition, we have no strong evidence that chloroquine has an effect on covid-19.

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  • 31 minutes ago, Holien said:

    Ok so getting to grips with this...


    If it can be proven to work then all good but it does not look like it has been proven. 

    The list of side effects don't seem particularly great and if it doesn't work for you having the side effects on  top of Covid doesn't seem to be a fun option. 


    "Common hydroxychloroquine side effects may include:

    • headache, dizziness, ringing in your ears;

    • nausea, vomiting, stomach pain;

    • loss of appetite, weight loss;

    • mood changes, feeling nervous or irritable;

    • skin rash or itching; or

    • hair loss."

    Pah...  That's what happens after you turn 50+...

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Of course if I die from Covid19 it will be a tragedy and I will be really p'd off.

However, I have been trying to look at the bigger picture as I was a bit puzzled why Trump has so much emphasis on people getting back to work.  Then I realized that Covid 19 is actually a potential geopolitical game changer.  Whichever major nation (specifically US or China, maybe EEC/Europe) gets back on its feet economically first, will have the opportunity to dominate the world economically by expanding into desperately needy markets, taking larger market share etc.  If this is correct then one can see why it is imperative to get folks back to being productive asap as this pandemic could be a huge opportunity for China to dominate the world or for the US/west to suppress China's aggressive expansionist goals.  





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