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I'm a bit scared for his BMPs, my recce BMPs usually find things by exploding!  :o

Intrigued to see how feisty (& effective) the ATGM LAVs are, in the original it could be hard to get them to engage at all, even more so to get them to survive the process.....Watching with interest on several levels.

Now, show me your Uncons!  :P

Edited by Sgt.Squarehead
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Baneman is definitely feeling his oats… without hesitation he threw part of his Scimitar platoon out of his entry point and toward the center of the map.  My irregulars had a clear view of his movements... I can only hope that mine were not so clearly telegraphed to him.  One of his German recon vehicles started to move down AA1.

In this image, the gray trails indicate the observed German Fennek movements and the ochre trails indicate observed UK Scimitar movements.  I lost sight of the UK FV432 shortly after the turn began.  




The terrain being what it is, he was able to move into positions much quicker than I.  That could be a problem for me, but it could also tempt him to deploy more units forward than he probably should.  My teams were still moving up at turn end.  It could take another few turns before they are fully into position.


Eventually one of the British light tanks got a spot on my lead technical and after a few rounds...


...it was an ex-technical. 


Though he is being very aggressive, and with a combat power advantage slightly in his favor (he can afford to be), I am not going to panic.. I will take up some defensive positions overwatching AA1 with Team 1.  Meanwhile Team 2 will disgorge its ATGM team who will move into a firing position.  Losing one or two Scimitars might slow him down some and cause him to get cautious. 

My USMC LAV platoon will move over the bridge into a forward position and await orders.  They will dismount their recon teams there.

  • PIR:  Will the enemy recon attempt a recon in force down AA1?  One Fennek spotted moving down this route
  • PIR:  Will the enemy recon attempt a counter-recon operation? 
  • PIR:  Will the enemy recon force take up overwatch positions at KT1?  It appears this may be happening, but need more information

The situation in DUMAYR.  No action here yet, but it looks like there will be soon.


Edited by Bil Hardenberger
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Oh man.

I might have to put in for some vacation time once this AAR really kicks off.

On ‎6‎/‎19‎/‎2018 at 5:29 PM, Bil Hardenberger said:


Aww geez, he's even highlighting his analysis elements!

You are setting a standard not easily achieved once again. Look at that blue highlight!
I never would have thought of that!

TYes, I'm drunk. UI work for the post office. you would be too. ;)

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7 hours ago, sburke said:

palette grog.

Bil is a certified member of IDEA - Interior Decorating Experts of America. Of course he knows Ochre😯

I love the look of these shots. Never liked movie mode before but it’s looking terrific here, Bil. The second pic in this post is outstanding. Did you do some post-processing to enhance clarity and sharpness? 

Edited by Bud Backer
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8 minutes ago, Bud Backer said:

I love the look of these shots. Never liked movie mode before but it’s looking terrific here, Bil. The second pic in this post is outstanding. Did you do some post-processing to enhance clarity and sharpness? 

Nope.  The only image in the Minute 1 post that I did any post processing on (other than cropping) is on the first image, and then I only added the movement trials and the vehicle info overlays.  All in game shots are direct from the game and unedited.


Edited by Bil Hardenberger
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MAP-TOPO+-+AAs.png MAP-TOPO+-+KT.png

Baneman continues to push down AA1… he only has one Scimitar and one Fennek on that route so far so it is hardly a movement in force.

His Scimitars and a couple Fenneks are fanning out and taking up positions inside the EA1 box behind walls, in trees and hull down if possible in order to overwatch KT2.  From the orientation of a few of them he seems particularly interested in the saddle between the two hills, but that might just be to keep them centered so they can orient on whichever hill needs attention.

This image identifies all eight of the Scimitars and their locations, three of the four expected Fenneks and the FV432, which now sits behind a building as shown.  Except for one Fennek I have identified the locations of his entire reconnaissance force and can start planning how to counter it. 

(NOTE:  The vehicle icons were added in Photoshop, this is not a game feature)


One Scimitar took up position behind the Old Ruined Farm walls.


Another Scimitar engaged my Technicals again... one of which dismounted.  Not moving these on turn one is starting to haunt me… oh well, hindsight and all that.

Baneman is moving his UNCONs into the OBJ Gold buildings... one of this teams has suffered one casualty and is cowering... this team did return the favor and took out one man from an MG team.  But I have a lot of fire pouring into that building so he might be outgunned.


I can see several more UNCON teams moving through the buildings as well… I have contact icons for them anyway.  So will hold tight and let them come.


I have no doubt that his UNCONs are giving him intel on my movements on KT2 just like mine are of his movements... nothing I can do about that right now though.

Team 2 has finally reached its destination and dismounted the ATGM and recon teams.  They will be in position next turn... hopefully unseen.  If the ATGM team is not spotted moving into position or setting up the ATGM, they may be able to do some damage... but time will tell.  The vehicles will be positioning into (hopefully) keyhole positions to engage a Scimitar or two. 



Team 1 has also finally moved into position, the hulldown LAV-AT getting a fleeting spot on the Scimitar Baneman is moving down AA1, but it was a short sighting and he lost it as the light tank moved behind the Farm 002 mound. 


The BMP actually stopped in a non-hulldown position to the Scimitar at Farm 002 and could be spotted... so I will back it into a hulldown position to overwatch the AA1 route.  This team is masked from the mass of Baneman’s Scimitars as that is not their target... making the AA1 route uncomfortable for him is however.  I wouldn't mind if he knew these vehicles were here, might make him cautious.



My LAV reaction force was still moving into position at turn end.  



·         PIR:  Will the enemy recon attempt a recon in force down AA1?  A Scimitar joined the Fennek on this route, still no recon in force, it appears to be a route recon only for now.

·         PIR:  Will the enemy recon attempt a counter-recon operation?  After two minutes this does not appear to be his intent.

·         PIR:  Will the enemy recon force take up overwatch positions at KT1?  After two minutes of action it appears like my opponent is indeed putting most of his Scimitars into overwatch positions oriented towards KT2.

Three turns until my Advance guard arrives, in the meantime I am chewing my fingernails to the quick.

Edited by Bil Hardenberger
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Insurgents with US helmets now? Someone has been throwing money at them.

Always good to read your AARs Bil, looking forward to some good shots on AA1 from behind KT2... especially if the TOW Stryker actually performs. I never seem to have any luck with them.

Edited by Hapless
WIP image begone!
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1 hour ago, Hapless said:

Insurgents with US helmets now? Someone has been throwing money at them.

Always good to read your AARs Bil, looking forward to some good shots on AA1 from behind KT2... especially if the TOW Stryker actually performs. I never seem to have any luck with them.

Yeah, there's a reason I'm not getting too close to the soldier models.. still works in progress.

The TOW vehicle is a LAV not a Stryker as this is a USMC platoon and they'll feature in the commentary in a few turns or so.  How's that for a teaser?  ;) 

Edited by Bil Hardenberger
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24 minutes ago, MikeyD said:

The AAR hasn't quite caught up to the latest Beta build yet. Helmets on uncons are now gone. Steve is still sorting out gear stowage on troops. As the battle progresses you'll be able to see the last remaining items on the to-do list getting done.

I deleted the image from my post, and also from my photo archive..  THANK YOU @Hapless for editing your post.

I will make sure I don't get that close again until I have the correct models.. I wouldn't want the wrong information to get out.


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On 6/19/2018 at 12:31 PM, Bil Hardenberger said:

For those of you who were following my "Lesson in Defense" AAR in the CMBN forum.. sorry about not updating that thread for a while, but I can really only do one of these at a time, and this one takes priority.,  Once I started this game it took up my full attention.

I am following this one. But, will be hooked by this one too. 😉 Thanks for doing this

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I think Baneman must be starting to get spots or at least contacts on KT2 because his movement has started to stall…


It appears he is primarily focused on the UNCONs around the Monastery and DUMAYR.  At least two Scimitars have opened fire on my irregulars outside the Monastery…


…he has started to push towards my UNCONs on the edge of the north boundary of the town.  For now I am letting him come... he has lost at least five men and probably more while I have taken two casualties in this action. 


I lost the technical that was dismounted last turn to enemy Scimitar fire this turn.  Not much I could do about that, they were left exposed on the road to Baneman’s movements and there was little I could do about it... well I could have moved them turn one, and that’s on me.  I will try to extricate the last vehicle, but I will be very lucky if they can pull out and into safety before getting hit too.  Best to not factor it into my plans moving forward.

One Scimitar did area fire (light) at the crest of Hill 42, nothing was there at this point. 


By the end of the turn I did have two DRTs close to the crest, but still on the reverse slope.  These from Team 2.  The BMP has successfully reversed into a hulldown position. 


Team 1’s AT team has moved into position and was still deploying its AT-7 at the end of the turn… it did end the turn with two enemy vehicles in view. 


The AT-7 team has spots on the two vehicles near the Ruined Farm:


The BMP and the LAV-AT have moved into positions on the crest but have yet to spot anything... and I have no clue whether they were spotted moving into their hulldown positions.


  • PIR:  Will the enemy recon attempt a recon in force down AA1?  After three minutes it appears there are only the two vehicles (Scimitar and Fennek) on this route for now.  I am officially calling it a Route Recon only, at least for now. 
  • PIR:  Will the enemy recon attempt a counter-recon operation?  After three minutes this does not appear to be his intent.
  • PIR:  Will the enemy recon force take up overwatch positions at KT1?  After three minutes of action it appears like my opponent is indeed putting most of his Scimitars into overwatch positions oriented towards KT2.

Analysis:  It appears that Baneman has formed a couple of two vehicle teams (one Scimitar paired with one Fennek), one of these teams is on AA1 at Farm 002, and the other pair is near the ruined farm. 

  • PIR:  Will the enemy militia/fighters attempt to seize DUMAYR?  It does appear like he has this intention, and seems to be throwing a large irregular force into capturing the town.
  • PIR:  Will the enemy militia/fighters attempt to seize the Monastery?  There has been no sign of enemy activity near the Monastery, but it is early and I have no eyes on the other side of the compound.  It is too early to make a determination on this question.
  • PIR:  Where are the enemy Technicals?  After three minutes there has been no sign of these vehicles.

GAMEPLAY NOTE:   I am worried about my BMPs... after some reading on the forums it appears that it is best practice to leave at least one other individual in the BMP so someone can man the leader’s seat.  I have dismounted all of my BMP teams so each is only left with a two man crew which is substandard... I will pull them out of view and remount one team in each at the earliest opportunity.  Of course that’s going to have to wait until next turn as I have already returned the file.


Edited by Bil Hardenberger
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