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CM Final Blitzkrieg - AXIS (Attack) BETA Battle Report

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But...if it does...

Do you think it will be able to hurt Kitty...From the front...If it gets the first shot of...? The distance is quite short...

I don't know - you can all "learn along with me" :lol:

Another thing it is worth remembering is that moving through those woods takes lots of time - guys get to Tiring pretty quick and I've been forced to use MOVE a lot to let them recover and still effect some forward movement.
That's going to affect a lot of playstyles.

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Und more action ! Or at least - we've seen the enemy :) ... or is that :unsure:

I gave my Panther a very short Hunt forward and after a 15s delay, a Reverse back. Finally he spots the enemy "Mystery Tank". Unfortunately, there were only about 5s left before he pulled back, so although he aimed at it, no shot was fired. Well, now we know what it is ...

CMFB 089 shootnscoot1.png

CMFB 089 mystery tank.png

Great stuff, Baneman. Keep those reports coming! :)

And on the Panther vs. Mystery Tank...TENSION. :o Bummer on not getting a shot and fingers crossed on getting the next first spot and winning any duels.

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That duel on your right looks interesting. Will a 128mm shell at a few hundred meters even know if it passes through a Hellcat? How heartbroken will you be if the Jagdtiger takes a hit, it ricochets, then you see a red 'x' for "Main Gun"? I like the infantry advance on the left: a lot of great cross-support. Will you have time in the game for a foot-speed advance through snow?


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Do you think it will be able to hurt Kitty...From the front...If it gets the first shot of...? The distance is quite short...

A 76mm gun vs. the frontal armor of a JagdTiger? Not. A. Chance. None.

However, Hellcats are fast enough to easily outmaneuver the big Kit Kat, so if he advances while unsupported, he'll be one big, dead Kit Kat.

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Apologies for the delay in this - weekend was written off due to pesky birthday celebrations.

I have watched the next turn, it's all getting very exciting as Bil decides to go aggressive. No less than 4 (!) TD's seen advancing on my right, engaging my Panther. Big Kitty doesn't quite have LoS :(

Will have pictures later today ( ie. after work ).

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And try to advance your tanks in pairs or even better - in triple. That way they have a better chance at killing the foe and getting away with less losses. Haven't you read Bil's tactical blog? ;)

At the moment, on that side, the best I can do is move the Big Kitty forward some more and hope it can see over the hill edge.
One or two of the TD's have fired at my Panther, it saw one TD and has fired one shot in return - it was high, but only fractionally. Just have to hope it gets the next shot on target - it IS my Veteran Panther. If Bil takes it out without losing any of his TD's, this attack is going to go badly ( already :lol: )

Must admit - I generally assume "defenders" to have less armour ( with the caveat that Allies will generally be able to afford more than the Axis ), so wasn't expecting a forward push with so much.
But it is Bil, so since he got early intel with his scouts at "The Trouble Spot", I guess he thinks he can overwhelm my armour and dominate that flank.
If he can pull it off, things will look bad for me. If the Big Kitty can get LoS/LoF on the TD's it might cost him.

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Okay, here is the situation at the front.

On my right, 3 TD's pushed forward. They are effectively hull-down to the ridgeline. Both (A) and (B) are firing on my Panther, although I can only see (B) :(
So far they have fired one round short, one long and one fired on the Stummel as it rushed forwards into the tiny wood. Panther has fired one return shot which was high :(
There may be a round in flight too - and Panther is Aiming.

Most disturbing of all is (D) - it appears to be a Sherman ( Easy-Eight ? ) which can see and shoot at my 251/1 right through the forest. :o
My men IN the forest can't see out. You live and learn - looks like I'm learning that forests are NO cover at all.

Panther has to duke it out, there's nowhere to go. JagdTiger is moving forward a little, but already has "Reverse Slope" on the TD's positions. Moving forward does not improve this much. Looks like Bil has read this terrain to the millimetre - he can see and shoot my whole backfield, I can't see ****.

CMFB sitrep.png

Towards the Centre, the original TD has pulled back a bit more from the ridgeline ( red dashes ). I did drop a few mortar rounds back there, one may have landed close by.

CMFB pullback.png

Finally on the left, the slow-motion assault continues :lol:

CMFB left.png

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Most disturbing of all is (D) - it appears to be a Sherman ( Easy-Eight ? ) which can see and shoot at my 251/1 right through the forest. :o
My men IN the forest can't see out. You live and learn - looks like I'm learning that forests are NO cover at all.




One of those weird LOS/LOF situations that is hopelessly difficult to predict...Very frustrating indeed !


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Those of you following Bil's thread probably know the outcome of the Duel in the Snow already, but it was certainly rather pleasing to the German commander ;)

The round that was in flight from the Hellcat last turn overshot. Another round pinged off the front glacis. The return shot was true !

CMFB 101 hit b.png

Thanks Santa !

A few seconds later, emerging over the rise of "The Trouble Spot" come two more Hellcats :o

Hyper-alert, my Veteran Panther spots one immediately, calmly slews its turret and takes him out with a first shot hit.

CMFB 102 arrivals.png

The forward Panther by the forest then spots the second and scores an instant hit there too. Both tanks put a second round in their target to be sure.

CMFB 103 outta here.png

CMFB 104 brennt.png

CMFB109 calm.png

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Bil's TD rush was backed up by the Sherman ( and a second was soon spotted as well ), shooting up my men in the forest. I lose 6 men from various teams.

Big Kitty is moving up to drive those away. But first I'm reversing - so I can come back up closer to the forest edge and also if the Hellcat (C) tries an aggressive rush to get on its flank, it will be in trouble from Kitty and the Panther below. The Stummel is firing some smoke ( it's not going to be very effective, the wind is Medium and blowing directly towards Bil ) to cover the Kitty's flank from (C) if it does not move forward.

D and E ( the 2 Shermans appear to be an Easy Eight and a Jumbo ! Look at that glacis slab !


CMFB 107 bk1.png

CMFB 105 easy jumbo.png

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Finally, here's a wider overview. With both flank threats burning, the Forest Panther is moving up to also try for a sight of the Shermans - 2 can play the I-can-see-through-the-forest game. HMG's are moving slowly in bounds. If I can reach the building complex, I will have good sight into the rest of the map.
I've left the left out of this report since it's boring old infantry movement. No confirmed enemy sighting yet. The 2 HMG's that fired into town certainly caused an abrupt cessation of the .50 firing out. I hope that means the jeep was hit, but probably just forced to reposition.

CMFB 108 orders.png

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So there you have it - a much better result than I even dared hope for. His Hellcat's were a bit off with their shooting ( possibly the downhill angle made it more difficult for them ), I think there was only 1 ricochet, the rest of their firing all missed. Panther scored 3 / 4. :) So glad I paid for one upgrade to Veteran.
Certainly a better result for me than Bil could have been expecting - he did everything right to overwhelm my meagre armour. Hopefully this dislocates his planning a bit.

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