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Win a FREE copy of CMBS!!!


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The WINDOW has Closed.


The horse has fled the barn.


Elvis has left the building.


Many warnings had been posted...now there are some here.


The early bird has been wormed.


Many try, one will succeed.






(Mod: pin this…thanks.)






Would you like a free copy of CMBS? If not, then leave. Otherwise, read on…


I’m doing this on my own, so it’s my rules. If you don’t like it, don’t gripe at BFC. They have nothing to do with this.


If your guess for the release date is the closest to the actual date, I’ll send you a freshly purchased activation code.  It’ll be up to you to download the game.


Here’s how it will work:

1. Enter your guess in the format DDMMYYYY.  In BOLD. Like thus, for July 4th, 1776: 04071776. Make it stick out on its own. If I can’t find it, you lose. Yeah, my rules.


Remember, day, month, year: DDMMYYYY. Don’t screw it up. No second entries, no edits. See below.


2. You can only make ONE entry in this thread. A second entry eliminates you from consideration.

EDITED: Rule 2 is hereby amended. Since ChrisND has officially announced a change to the expected release date, all initial entries made PRIOR to 0800 on 19122014 can be changed by making ANOTHER entry. See http://community.battlefront.com/topic/117124-win-a-free-copy-of-cmbs/?p=1563829


(Nothing in rule two prevents additional POSTINGS. Only additional entries are prohibited...as amended above.)




3. Any EDITS to your post eliminates you. Because.


4. In case of a tie on the date, I’ll pick the winner. If you put the time, in 24 hour format, I’ll use that as a tie breaker. Closest wins. (6:17 p.m. would be 1817.) If you’re closest, but not in 24 hour military format, you lose! I’ll go to the next guy. Attention to detail matters. If you don’t put in any time, but someone else puts it in, he’ll win, no matter how far from the actual time his guess was.



5. What will I use for the release date and time? Whatever I want. But, I’ll probably use the date and time of the OFFICIAL ANNOUNCEMENT on the forum. It’ll be in my time zone, US Eastern. Use New York, NY, if you need to look it up.


If I see 6:17 p.m., July 4th, 1776, then I don’t care what time it was in YOUR country. It will be 6:17 p.m. USA baby, USA.


Don’t go claiming your 2117 time was in Lisbon, so you really meant 1617 my time.


Remember, the official date and time will be whatever I say it is.


6. You must include a bit more than just a date and a time. You must tell me why YOU deserve it MORE  than the bloke who posted just ahead of you. The only exception is the first poster: he must merely extol his own virtues. If you ignore this requirement, I will laugh as I eliminate you.


7. If you include a long, sad story of why you deserve a free game, no matter how inaccurate your guess, the corner of my mouth will twitch upwards, and I’ll eliminate you. Whiners can’t be winners. Learn it, live it.


8. Finally, the twist: having been given the activation code, you will be ON THE HOOK. I will contact you and you will HAVE TO engage in a public battle with me. It will be a public AAR. It will be a fast, bloody, GLORIOUS battle. I will pick all the parameters. If the thought of a public AAR frightens you, don’t enter. We’ll do it a couple of weeks later. So you can practice. Practice…losing! ;)


9. I can change any of the rules at any time. It’s my money.


10. If you get the closest date and time and I don’t give it to you, it’s because sometimes life isn’t fair. Embrace the suck.


11. I’ll use the PM function on this forum to communicate with the winner. If I don’t get a reply in whatever time span I determine is sufficient, the winner will become a loser, and the top loser will become a winner. And so it will go, down the line.



As in all things, there is fine print. See point 9.


Ken out.

Edited by c3k
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......As in all things, there is fine print. See point 9. Ken out.

Edited by c3k, Today, 04:24 PM.


Ugh... with the EDIT....  aren't you DQ'd from the fast, bloody, GLORIOUS public AAR battle :)


Very Jolly of you Ken. You wll make us all smile when you ATTACK!

Me and my wing man salute you.


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......As in all things, there is fine print. See point 9. Ken out.

Edited by c3k, Today, 04:24 PM.


Ugh... with the EDIT....  aren't you DQ'd from the fast, bloody, GLORIOUS public AAR battle :)


Very Jolly of you Ken. You wll make us all smile when you ATTACK!

Me and my wing man salute you.

I refer you to rule 17.a.I.1.iii of the unpublished rules.

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Why do I deserve this most?

Because I'm the future of this series. I'm the one who will buy Combat mission when everyone else lies dead on the beaches. I'm the one who doesn't need an awesome profile picture to show how awesome he is.

Because I am awesome.


No matter how far off my guess is, I am still right. Because I changed my guess at the last moment to help someone else achieve victory. Because I know that he will write a better AAR, and because I'm ready to suffer for the greater good.


But thats not everything.


I could have written a long text about how awesome I am,but I am to awesome to write a text about my awesomeness. Because I never could describe my own greatness. You could argue that I'm not awesome if I'm not awesome enough to write a three page text about how awesome I am, but that would mean that you don't understand how awesome I really am.

Because I am awesome.


And that's why I deserve the game most.

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Seeing on how many of the CM games were released on Thursdays or Fridays I'm going to go with a Christmas present to us all under our wargaming trees... 25122014 at 0600 because the kids always wake up early to open their presents.


I deserve it more than the submission above me because as an active duty service member I need CMBS as a training simulator for when the Air Force pimps me out to the Army when WWIII occurs. I haven't fired an M-16 since 2008. I've never even thrown a hand grenade or seen a Jav. For the sake of the US it's imperitive I play CMBS in order to persever and keep the World but mostly Ukraine free from the scourge of Russian invasion.


Also I've made an AAR or three in my day and have no problem getting my rear end handed to me in public.

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Date = 01072015


Time = 1437


Tell Ken Why =  Well Ken, as you can see, the bloke that just posted above me did not follow your instructions and therefore will be eliminated from the contestant pool.  You did not instruct the masses to post the time in bold, now did you?


So obviously, I deserve to win the game more than that poor scoundrel.  Additionally, I have already pre-ordered and purchased CM:BS, so I could really care less if I win this silly contest or not.  With that being said, I would really enjoy smacking you around on the virtual battlefield in a public AAR.  And finally, I want to gift my winnings to Mr. John Kettler so that he can face-off with Mr. JonS in another public AAR for us all to enjoy.

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