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CM Black Sea – BETA Battle Report - Russian Side

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...and because your BMP-3's are clustered, each one sets off the adjacent one. A chain reaction sympathetic detonation, linking all the way back to your T-90's...which explode in turn.

With one RPG shot, Scott has swept the field!!!

Okay, that's one extreme. I'll say a fireball, a crater, and leafless trees.

Stop teasing and POST!!!


If its penetrating hit on the hull front, then id say driver and bow-gunners may have been killed. But I doubt full cookoff, probably a bail out also.

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You seem to be losing 1 BMP-3 for every two BMP-2 that you destroy. Assuming that your current loss ratio holds up, do you think its a good trade? I realize your ratio may actually improve as the UKR position disintegrates. You have still used up some AFVs to maintain your pace of operations.

I am not happy with that exchange ratio... 2nd MRC is taking the brunt of the casualties... but then they have been doing most of the close fighting. Through the 8th turn they had lost two BMP 3s.. while the Ukrainian MRC in front of them had lost 8... I can live with that exchange ratio.. the other losses were in different units so my losses were spread out while his were all in one force.

There are always losses, and while I think the exchange ratio could be better I am happy with the pace of my movement and how quickly his MRC folded.

I have no idea regarding your other question.. sorry.

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How would you rate the BMP-3 thus far, not in relative terms, but overall: Do you trust your infantry in them, does the ARENA and firepower they have offset their relative fragility and penchant for going straight to the moon when hit? What I'm trying to say is - what's your verdict: Boom, or Bust?

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How would you rate the BMP-3 thus far, not in relative terms, but overall: Do you trust your infantry in them, does the ARENA and firepower they have offset their relative fragility and penchant for going straight to the moon when hit? What I'm trying to say is - what's your verdict: Boom, or Bust?

To this point I really dig them. Of course I haven't run in to a Bradley in one yet, when that happens I'll have a better understanding of their pecking order re: other IFVs. I would bet BMP-3M (Arena) will be number two and will come up short versus the Bradley.

They do come in different variants, the BMP-3M (Arena) being at the top.. the BMP-3M and vanilla BMP-3 are probably just a little better than the BMP-2. APS systems like Arena do give you a sense of security and tend to give you more freedom to be bold with maneuver. But, as seen in the turn 9 teaser they are not foolproof.

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The Ninth Minute

A lot going on in the 2nd MRC sector. Refer to this image for the location of the following events...

As seen in the teaser video, my BMP 3 takes an RPG round (1,2)... 4 dead across the crew and the two teams onboard. The vehicle is still functional, but I won't know the damage until I can recrew it. The enemy soldier, the last survivor from his team falls to my Tunguska fire:

This is a weird one... a BMP 2 (3) was spotted just sitting there. It dd not move or fire, nor did my units fire on it, even though it was spotted. It looks like it might be abandoned, but if it is I would expect the hatches to be open. I will investigate.

A lone US Scout team (4) watched as the Ukrainian soldiers in the background attempted to escape my advancing units... then he too falls to BMP fire. Brutal.

The final right flank Ukrainian MR platoon BMP-2 (5) falls to BMP-3 fire from two directions.

Scott does indeed have at least one team with a Javelin (7). It shows itself this turn and fires one missile, which, luckily, was intercepted by Arena (8). I will saturate that area with fire next turn.

The first of the US Recon HMMWVs (6) falls to BMP fire.. it tried to escape, but ran out of space. 

In the pocket one of my T90 sections spots and eliminates this SA13 SPAA vehicle. Not far from the Tunguska actually.. and from its placement and orientation (it was faced away from my tanks) it seems Scott may not have known my T90s were on the prowl in this area. If not, he does now.

Edited by Bil Hardenberger
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The Ninth Minute

Scott does indeed have at least one team with a Javelin (7). It shows itself this turn and fires one missile, which, luckily, was intercepted by Arena (8). I will saturate that area with fire next turn.

Wait...Arena intercepted a Javelin? I thought that wasn't possible due to the angle it comes in at, unless it fired horizontally.

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The pendulum turns!

The worm swings!

The steamroller rushes onwards!

Mixed metaphors abound like a swarm of gnats!

(See what I did there? ;) )

Great gobs of mayhem! You must be awaiting each turn as eagerly as Scott is dreading them! I shall call these decisive turns... "Dread Scott" Decisions.

Carry on.


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Yeah, it came in on a flat trajectory.

I wonder if the Tac AI chooses the flat trajectory if the target is near trees that could prematurely detonate a munition coming down through the canopy. It's hard to tell from the screenshot whether the [8] bmp is protected by trees. In any case that's one less uber weapon that could KO your t-90s from across the map and $87k out of the US taxpayer pockets. :D

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The Tenth Minute

First off, turn 10 and no sign of any reinforcements yet. I am on high alert for them at this point.

1st MRC - the enemy BMP that I knew was in this area finally got spotted and eliminated this turn. I don't think I'll be moving this formation any further into enemy territory.


2nd MRC

On the left flank of the center hill my T90 hunted forward looking for the mystery BMP 2 spotted last turn.. he did indeed spot and kill him.


On the right flank I have a two vehicle section of BMP 3s and a two tank section of T90s moving on the flank of the US Recon Platoon's position. This area was also saturated with T90, BMP, and Tunguska fire to keep their heads down.

On the way one of the T90s (the one that got beat up by the Tunguska earlier in the battle) took what looks like an AT4 in the side. Just a little additional track damage.


Pocket - in the pocket my T90s were moving fast to get a bead on his Tunguska.. only they ran in to a little trouble. A few RPG rounds hit (no damage) and one of them runs in to a minefield crossing the road... it is now immobilized.

There is an enemy team in the buildings next to them. I really got a head of myself in this movement and failed to coordinate my tank sections properly. Damn.

Note Tunguska 2's location. I had a couple scout teams trying to get close enough to fire RPGs, instead they were both spotted and decimated by the Tunguska. I have a healthy respect for these vehicles. I only wish I had some dismounted ATGM teams.. something with a longer range.


Okay,I think its time for me to stop pushing my luck and start to position my units for the inevitable US reinforcements. I will pull 1st MRC's vehicles back, and 2nd MRC will take up defensive positions on center hill. I would love to take up reverse slope positions but his Tunguska has me spooked... but I am working on that.

I am also going to pick up the pace on attacking the Power Plant objective.. I have a feeling it is mined as there are only two openings into the objective and I don't have any breach kits in the 3rd MRC.

Blood Board - Turn 10


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What you said in your No. 294 makes no sense to me. I have seen no sign of any Tunguska on your side, so please explain this passage:

"This area was also saturated with T90, BMP, and Tunguska fire to keep their heads down."

You caught a huge break vs that Javelin, since Arena lacks elevation coverage to deal with a Javelin in a top attack profile. From all that's happened so far, manufacturers on both sides need to sharply increase ATGM production, given poor overall performance because of terrain, APS and such. 0.8 Ph is now obviously a joke. Equally, ATGM allocations to using units must be increased, provided, that is, the estimated combat life is sufficient to justify such an action.

By the way, when will the new T-90AM turret skins with "Za Putin!" on them be ready?


John Kettler

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