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Future Combat Mission addons

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Enjoying the game. Just wondering if at some point Combat Mission could include more types of warfare? For example:

Revolutionary War

American Civil War

World War I

Korean War

Vietnam War

The game engine handles ground combat really well. It's fun to play and realistic.

Realize the company has a lot already scheduled into the future, but if they would ever create a Combat Mission for one of these wars I'd buy it in a second.

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Revolutionary War, American Civil War and even World War I would require pretty extensive modifications to the CMx2 game engine to get right. Among other things, you can't really properly simulate combat in these wars without somehow modeling the much slower and less reliable command and control procedures used. Certainly not impossible to do with the CMx2 game engine as a base, but a lot of work.

Korea and/or Vietnam would be more easily doable. Having already done WWII and with a modern warfare titles, the stuff in-between is already pretty much within the engine's capabilities.

This said, the development schedule is pretty full so I wouldn't expect Korea, Vietnam, or anything else not already on the "road map" anytime soon. It's always possible BFC will change their mind, but they'd have to drop something currently on the development slate to get any of these out before 2016 at the earliest.

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I would absolutely love to see a Vietnam game family. Granted there are some things that would need more work - fortifications and camouflage for example, but battling for Hue would be possible with the current iteration. However so far BF has shown a negative level of interest in that theater.

I'd also love an east-west confrontation in Europe for either 1945 or 1975 or both just for fun. Neither of those appear to be on the radar.

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Old-timey warfighting where the two sides lined up in ranks against each other and fired in volleys would be a tough sell.

I'd go for a 'retro' 1960s WWIII title. T-62s versus M60s and M48, Centurions and Leopard 1s. Halfway between WWII and high tech modern war. The problem with that, though, is WWIII would've probably gone nuclear pretty quickly.

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Come on guys, the richness of the middle east conflicts are just begging for Combat Mission; starting with the Arab-Israeli series, the devs could then move on to Iran-Iraq and then finish off with Desert Shield and Desert Storm.

All of this would be fresh ground for this type of simulation wargame and I think that alone would make it popular. Furthermore, the entire SF fraternity would buy in without the need for the hard sell.

Secondly the opportunties created by a parsity of terrain features would permit vast battlefields of stand-off tank engagements, a direction BF have already moved towards as they consider modern combat on the ukranian plains. 2 km + modern armour battles are ready to roll even now and would be a visual feast. Why not show the current engines ability to model this in the theatre best suited to its demonstration.

It's such a win win I don't know why they haven't already announced it.

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Old-timey warfighting where the two sides lined up in ranks against each other and fired in volleys would be a tough sell.

I'd go for a 'retro' 1960s WWIII title. T-62s versus M60s and M48, Centurions and Leopard 1s. Halfway between WWII and high tech modern war. The problem with that, though, is WWIII would've probably gone nuclear pretty quickly.

Sounds like a 67 or 73 Arab/Israeli battle.

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Riverine and Airmobile operations would be interesting in a Vietnam game, but I don't know if they could be made to work with the current engine.

In fact, riverine stuff- boats, barges, pontoons, ice flows, ice jams, and amphibious vehicles would be pretty cool to see in some version of CMRT too.

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Old-timey warfighting where the two sides lined up in ranks against each other and fired in volleys would be a tough sell.

Notable engagements involved a lot more combatants than we see in most CM setups too. Not that "Napoleonic small unit tactics" is an oxymoron, it's just not what most people think of...

I'd go for a 'retro' 1960s WWIII title. T-62s versus M60s and M48, Centurions and Leopard 1s. Halfway between WWII and high tech modern war. The problem with that, though, is WWIII would've probably gone nuclear pretty quickly.

Heh. At least it'd stop people cavailing about scenario time limits...

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Korea would be interesting. Initially Highly motivated but unfit N Koreans vs fit but unmotivated Americans.

A trifle simplistic, but let that pass for now. More to the point, less than six months into the campaign the Red Chinese cross the Yalu and they are not only motivated but fit and with some interesting tactical and operational innovations.


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Most of the equipment for a Korea game is already in CMx2 form, but there are a few exceptions, of which notable ones are the Pershing tank and M46 Patton. I think, too, there would be a need for explicit modeling of American artillery because it could be, and was, overrun or was involved in desperate direct firing, together with scratch forces, to keep the battery positions from that fate. The big guns and their gun tractors also figure in the desperate effort to get off that one road to freedom while the Chinese poured down fire on it from the overlooking ridges.

We don't have an Sherman Easy 8, either, but many Shermans weren't Easy 8s, since the accounts speak of the US being so desperate for tanks that wrecks in the PTO were retrieved, repaired and sent over. Naturally, CMRT provides the ex-Russian goodies, notably SU-76M, T-34/85 (is Chinese type 58 identical?), which armed the NK and Chinese and the IS-2s which China had a regiment of but didn't commit to battle. Obviously, we'll need new Asian figures for the Chinese and NK, who don't look alike. NOt sure whether the Chinese had any infantry weapons peculiar to them.

Much fun could be had with add-on packs, since many nations fought in Korea. Unfortunately, many in their own distinctive uniforms. And marked ethnic features, such as the Turks. And napalm. We must have napalm! Also, people may lose their minds when they see what an AA cruiser can put down, especially firing VT.

I highly recommend Blair's engrossing The Forgotten War and believe some here may enjoy this little essay on the myths of the Korean War.


Finally, I know grogs will ask, but I fully expect BFC will not be modeling MacArthur's actually proposed and very much desired by him radioactive line of death to stop any further Chinese infiltration. If you can call a million men an infiltration!


John Kettler

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