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BFC has been burned in the past announcing things too soon. What would happen is they'd announce a project then over the following months posters would proceed to build cloud castle fantasies. For example if they were to announce the coming of the planned final CMBN pack, some posters would start dreaming of escaped zoo animals wandering the streets or 3-D aircraft to park on landing fields and shoot up. Then, when the pack shows up and there are no zoo animals or aircraft, DISAPPOINTMENT!

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I realize that the number of customers of my company and BFC is like 1:10,000 or even more, and respond to each question is excluded.

This model of communication seems to be strange.

Just that once a quarteri.e. four times a year will be little information on the progress of the announced projects. It's for their clients think that you can do. The patience I am well armed and waiting on.

Unfortunately you are not going to be able to rely on that kind of schedule. Sometimes BF is all over this forum discussing projects, plans etc and other times it is like being dumped into solitary confinement. The good news is when the forum is quiet it usually indicates they are very very busy. Considering the number of things they have mentioned (v3 updates, new modern game, patch fixes etc) you can definitely understand they have a lot on their plate. BF has always shown they are more interested in getting things done than talking about getting things done. I wish my bosses worked that way.

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This model of communication seems to be strange.

Perhaps. But to me, having experienced this life as long as I have, the whole damn human race strikes me as pretty strange, and the strangeness that BFC exhibits is small potatoes compared to what I encounter every day out here in the so-called "real" world. Life is just weird and we may as well get used to it. Or you might try the alternative. But I haven't heard any consumer feedback on that one.



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Perhaps. But to me, having experienced this life as long as I have, the whole damn human race strikes me as pretty strange, and the strangeness that BFC exhibits is small potatoes compared to what I encounter every day out here in the so-called "real" world. Life is just weird and we may as well get used to it. Or you might try the alternative. But I haven't heard any consumer feedback on that one.



fire, brimstone, lots of folks with strange wings and horns. Overall I found it to have too much melodrama though. Weird thing is my computer was constantly giving me trouble so when I found I could never get CM to run I just split.

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fire, brimstone, lots of folks with strange wings and horns. Overall I found it to have too much melodrama though. Weird thing is my computer was constantly giving me trouble so when I found I could never get CM to run I just split.

Did you say.... FIRE!


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I tried the alternative... cloud castle fantasies and Live Horses! :D

Went to check ChrisND' twitch leak on patch, upgrade status but unfortunately he was out of town yesterday. Probably in Brazil with the rest of Battlefront ;)

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The good news is when the forum is quiet it usually indicates they are very very busy. Considering the number of things they have mentioned (v3 updates, new modern game, patch fixes etc) you can definitely understand they have a lot on their plate.

Hee hee. So true.

BF has always shown they are more interested in getting things done than talking about getting things done. I wish my bosses worked that way.

Amen, actually my new job is the closest I have seen to that so far in my career. And I have to say it is wonderful.

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This conversation has been had here dozens of times over the years. BFC pretty much always delivers in the end, BUT the lack of communication can't really be excused by "they are more interested in working than in talking about it." There are literally hundreds of other small developers out there who manage to communicate with their players on a regular basis while developing their product. They don't have to be on here every day, put a brief weekly "This is what we've been working on" post and maybe a screenshot or something would take all of 10 minutes to do.

It's obvious to anyone who follows PC gaming that more communication = more interest generated, it's a form of marketing. Going quiet for months at a time causes interest to nosedive. That's bad for a company that is completely unknown outside a small circle to begin with. I used to come here every single day for years, now I just check in maybe once a month.

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Going quiet for months at a time causes interest to nosedive..

I'm affraid you might be right.

I don't know if it's because of the lack of new information from BFC or something else but the forum over all has been VERY quite for a couple of weeks now.

Especially the Normandy an CMFI forums seems close to 'dead'...

I guess everybody is waiting for the updates...

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I don't know if it's because of the lack of new information from BFC or something else but the forum over all has been VERY quiet for a couple of weeks now.

Especially the Normandy an CMFI forums seems close to 'dead'...

I guess everybody is waiting for the updates...

Personally, I'm waiting for the first patch to really dive into the game. There are too many nagging issues (namely, with how well the game runs) for me to really enjoy it right now.

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Guys, there is so much on the way to keep you busy for a long time. Meanwhile, enjoy CMRT! I have not encountered any bug that gets in the way to enjoy it fully so far. New scenarios are being uploaded to the repository regularly also. Have you played everything yet?

*Shameless plug starts here*

My latest scenario "CMRT Fester Platz Polozk" is in the final stages of being playtested by some of the betas and some volunteers form the outer board. I expect one more week at the most and it will be published. I think you may enjoy it.

*Shameless plug stops here*

Yes yes, the guys at BFC are no chatterboxes. And yes, that can be a bit frustrating at times. That is how BFC rolls at the moment, like it or not. But they deliver fine games, and that is what REALLY counts in the end, no?

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For those of us with the one story building bug it is a show stopper. It affects quite a few maps and makes playing with others by PBEM not poosible (my troops can't enter, oppenents can). Even the demo tankovi descent scenario does not play right (can't enter building on the left side).

I did a lot of testing when the bug first came out and reported what I found on the main thread. Several others chimed in with their own observations. It is a complicated bug involving interactions between the video card and the operating system. It is also present in CMFI, but interestingly not in CMBN. In CMFI it was not very noticeable because most maps had two story as well as one story buildings and the bug only manifests itself when one story buidings are placed on the map before two story buildings.

Frankly, I put a lot of effort into figuring out what was going on with this bug and feel a bit entitled to know what the status is. The lack of communication from BF is really pissing me off.

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For those of us with the one story building bug it is a show stopper. It affects quite a few maps and makes playing with others by PBEM not poosible (my troops can't enter, oppenents can). Even the demo tankovi descent scenario does not play right (can't enter building on the left side).

I did a lot of testing when the bug first came out and reported what I found on the main thread. Several others chimed in with their own observations. It is a complicated bug involving interactions between the video card and the operating system. It is also present in CMFI, but interestingly not in CMBN. In CMFI it was not very noticeable because most maps had two story as well as one story buildings and the bug only manifests itself when one story buidings are placed on the map before two story buildings.

Frankly, I put a lot of effort into figuring out what was going on with this bug and feel a bit entitled to know what the status is. The lack of communication from BF is really pissing me off.

I've highlighted that last part. I understand, but the NDA has me gagged, so I won't say anything. However, rest assured that whenever a member has an issue which is replicated and the member is able to show the root of the problem, great strides can swiftly be made to eradicate the issue.

Now, I did say "can", not "are" or "were".

Having this issue obviously creates severe problems with gameplay. It is (and has been) a priority to resolve.

Your contribution has been important.


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I appreciate your response. However, the CDA makes it hard for me to figure out whether this thing is fixed or not.

I recognize that this is a complicated bug, and my concern is that since it only effects a minority of players (about 15 have reported it on the thread), BFC may have decided that it is not worth fixing or perhaps they simply can't figure it out. It has been over three months since it was reported and it does make me wonder whether it is "fixable". This is especially the case as it seems that the original "fix" which ChrisND mentioned on his Twitch show apparently did not work.

As a matter of customer relations I don't think it is too much to ask that someone from BF comment about the status of the patch and whether this bug will be fixed. If it is not, perhaps they will off me a refund. (Although, I would much prefer that they fix the game).

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I appreciate your response. However, the CDA makes it hard for me to figure out whether this thing is fixed or not.

I recognize that this is a complicated bug, and my concern is that since it only effects a minority of players (about 15 have reported it on the thread), BFC may have decided that it is not worth fixing or perhaps they simply can't figure it out. It has been over three months since it was reported and it does make me wonder whether it is "fixable". This is especially the case as it seems that the original "fix" which ChrisND mentioned on his Twitch show apparently did not work.

As a matter of customer relations I don't think it is too much to ask that someone from BF comment about the status of the patch and whether this bug will be fixed. If it is not, perhaps they will off me a refund. (Although, I would much prefer that they fix the game).

Unfortunately I am in the same boat as ken regarding NDA however I don't believe I am violating that to say, no BF has not forgotten nor to my knowledge decided not to pursue it. Rather they are simply having a real bitch of a time with it. I honestly don't think BF would take that stance unless they really knew the cause and it was something outside their control. If you ignore something like this it usually comes back to haunt you. There may only be 15 reporting it but I don't think anyone knows for certainty how many are affected.

Sorry there isn't a better update with clearer info than that, but only BF could provide that.

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If this is something introduced in the creation of v2 (which it seams to be since it's in FI, though hard to spot) that's propagated through version upgrade into RT, it's gotta be killed, otherwise it's going to be there in every subsequent version, which would be... suboptimal.

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No. There are some people with i3 and i5 chips that have reported it. The only two things that all users have in common are nVidia graphics cards and windows 7. All but one person who has reported the bug are using laptops (however there was one report from a desktop).

ok, I have a i5 chip and win 7, but a ATI card and do not have this bug.

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