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When you have done the campaigns and battles? Quick battles?

I haven't finished all battles yet, far from it, but I'm worried for the day that I do. It'll be a while before I can afford to get CMBN and CMFI, so that's not an option.

I'd really like a mod that gives me Americans in this game. I just feel like being Americans :X. CMBN demo only scratches that itch so much.

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There are a lot of different quick battle maps, so you'll be a long time exhausting those options especially when you can do different mixes of forces and battle types.

Or you can have fun making your own maps and scenarios.

I'm afraid a mod giving American forces in CMRT is probably a mod too far. CMBN is worth the money, but as far as American vs German goes my favourite is Gustav Line.

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You´ll never get "a mod" that gives you americans in RT. That would be like making an entirely different game - with new weapons, vehicles etc. Modding can only change the texures - ie looks - of units, not their characteristics.

So getting americans in this game would be...


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There are a lot of different quick battle maps, so you'll be a long time exhausting those options especially when you can do different mixes of forces and battle types.

Or you can have fun making your own maps and scenarios.

I'm afraid a mod giving American forces in CMRT is probably a mod too far. CMBN is worth the money, but as far as American vs German goes my favourite is Gustav Line.

I look forward to playing that iteration intensely. lol. My wife will kill me if we buy anything besides baby apparel at the moment. :o

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Normally I would second the multiplayer recommendation, but seeing how stressed the OP was over the German campaign I'm not sure it's a good fit. The thing about multiplayer is that you have to be able to still enjoy the game while losing (also known as "embracing the suck"), because you will lose sometimes. Inexperienced players may lose most of the time.

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Seriously though, Squallion, you might want to replay the RT German Campaign...without having to "cease fire". A tall order, perhaps, but a true challenge to your gaming ability. (And one that I aspire to attempting at some point.)

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Seriously though, Squallion, you might want to replay the RT German Campaign...without having to "cease fire". A tall order, perhaps, but a true challenge to your gaming ability. (And one that I aspire to attempting at some point.)

I will attempt that at some point.

My main problem was that the panzer IVs appeared to be too weak. They would be destroyed in one hit almost every time, and it would take them several hits to destroy the T-34s.

On the OTHER flank with the Panzer Vs, I did fine. In fact, the Panzer Vs are what won the final battle for me. Still have a lot of experience to gain.

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Normally I would second the multiplayer recommendation, but seeing how stressed the OP was over the German campaign I'm not sure it's a good fit. The thing about multiplayer is that you have to be able to still enjoy the game while losing (also known as "embracing the suck"), because you will lose sometimes. Inexperienced players may lose most of the time.

I'm OK with losing. I don't like the thought of multiplayer, because I don't want to feel obligated to keep up with or play with another player. Even with PBEM, what if I forget a day? The other player will be frustrated.

Single player means I only have to worry about myself, and I can enjoy myself playing it.

I used to play multiplayer primarily in most games, actually. It's almost certain that if I'm playing multiplayer, some real life obligation will get in the way.

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Squallion- I'm with you in the new father department. Depending where you may be in the process (I'm 2 months in), you will have a prime gaming slot between around Midnight and 3AM. That's Dad Time. That's CMBN time in your near future. Sleep is a long forgotten memory, so double down on the awake to get some CM fun in.

My other advice is- once you blow through the included stuff, the game within a game is the Editor. Explore it's mysteries. It's where I spend a sizable chunk of my CM time.

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Squallion- I'm with you in the new father department. Depending where you may be in the process (I'm 2 months in), you will have a prime gaming slot between around Midnight and 3AM. That's Dad Time. That's CMBN time in your near future. Sleep is a long forgotten memory, so double down on the awake to get some CM fun in.

My other advice is- once you blow through the included stuff, the game within a game is the Editor. Explore it's mysteries. It's where I spend a sizable chunk of my CM time.

Hah! Thanks. I know what you're saying. I already have a 3 year old. I'll have another and my last in November.

Indeed! Thanks for the advice. Perhaps I'll even try creating a few scenarios.

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I'm OK with losing. I don't like the thought of multiplayer, because I don't want to feel obligated to keep up with or play with another player. Even with PBEM, what if I forget a day? The other player will be frustrated.

Single player means I only have to worry about myself, and I can enjoy myself playing it.

I used to play multiplayer primarily in most games, actually. It's almost certain that if I'm playing multiplayer, some real life obligation will get in the way.

Squallion, I've read your posts about h2h play and I think I understand where you are coming from. My recommendation is to find several h2h oppo's who don't mind playing at a relaxed pace. This serves a couple of purposes, but mainly it means when real life demands your attention you don't need to worry about not sending someone a turn. It also means that when you are able to play you will usually have a turn to play because you are playing against more than one oppo (who in turn might have real life knocking at his/her door). You probably won't get many hours long sessions this way, but depending on time zones you might be surprised at how quickly the turns can come in.

I haven't played any of the single player RT stuff (and hardly any single player in both BN and FI); I worship at the church of pbem! I am also living proof that you don't have to be a good player to appreciate and enjoy h2h. I am currently playing Baranovichi h2h,a CMFI QB, CMFI Fight at Vallebruca, and a CMBN game. If you are interested in starting a laid back game with a laid back oppo (there are plenty of players like this, btw) send me a pm.

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Squallion, I've read your posts about h2h play and I think I understand where you are coming from. My recommendation is to find several h2h oppo's who don't mind playing at a relaxed pace. This serves a couple of purposes, but mainly it means when real life demands your attention you don't need to worry about not sending someone a turn. It also means that when you are able to play you will usually have a turn to play because you are playing against more than one oppo (who in turn might have real life knocking at his/her door). You probably won't get many hours long sessions this way, but depending on time zones you might be surprised at how quickly the turns can come in.

I haven't played any of the single player RT stuff (and hardly any single player in both BN and FI); I worship at the church of pbem! I am also living proof that you don't have to be a good player to appreciate and enjoy h2h. I am currently playing Baranovichi h2h,a CMFI QB, CMFI Fight at Vallebruca, and a CMBN game. If you are interested in starting a laid back game with a laid back oppo (there are plenty of players like this, btw) send me a pm.

I play mostly against my brother and some days there is 3-4 turns and then there can be 3-4 days without a turn. PBEM can be very "casual" friendly for someone with a family and/or hectic work schedule, so one do a turn when one have time and inspiration, as long as both parties know that there might be a few days without turns being sent back and forth there is no harm done. It's not like you're the healer in some MMO and get wife/kid aggro and the whole group wipes and they stare angrily at you... :D

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Squallion- I'm with you in the new father department. Depending where you may be in the process (I'm 2 months in), you will have a prime gaming slot between around Midnight and 3AM. That's Dad Time. That's CMBN time in your near future. Sleep is a long forgotten memory, so double down on the awake to get some CM fun in.

I remember those days. Your "That's Dad Time" quote made me chuckle. But what I remember was that once the little one was asleep I was right behind him :)

I'm OK with losing. I don't like the thought of multiplayer, because I don't want to feel obligated to keep up with or play with another player. Even with PBEM, what if I forget a day? The other player will be frustrated.

Not to worry @sfhand and @ratdeath are correct there are plenty of us out there who are very relaxed about turn rates. I follow @sfhand's strategy of playing several opponents at once and at any given time there are a few turns for me to play. No one gets upset over two or three day old turns. I only ping opponents when they pass a week old just in case there is a technical glitch - which can happen from time to time. People that want to see two turns perday are very upfront about telling you that. I don't get to play against them and we are all OK with that :D

So far I have played and met loads of nice people and only had two that proved to be jerks (and they both rage quite so it was easy to ignore them). That is a better average than the parents at my kids' schools :D

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I'm OK with losing. I don't like the thought of multiplayer, because I don't want to feel obligated to keep up with or play with another player. Even with PBEM, what if I forget a day? The other player will be frustrated.

Single player means I only have to worry about myself, and I can enjoy myself playing it.

I used to play multiplayer primarily in most games, actually. It's almost certain that if I'm playing multiplayer, some real life obligation will get in the way.

I'd be happy to give you a game. I'm very relaxed. I have a few games going but always with opponents who like myself, are not hung up about a turn a day or whatever. We play at whatever pace life dictates. So if you want to get started, pm me and I'll be happy to help get you going with H2H and using dropbox and CMH to make things really easy. It's also a good idea for beginning H2H play as it gives you time to ponder and not have to rush to return a turn.

I wouldn't worry at all. You can easily find opponents who will accommodate your life.

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I'll vote for sfhand's relaxed approach. I have made him wait 6 or 8 weeks for a turn; not a word of complaint. At least, none that I heard! ;)

Ditto on my end as far as being relaxed. Pbem can be very easy going, or you can get a fast paced game if you're both online at the same time. Find some good opponents and the game will become far richer than you can imagine.

My attitude is that it is a game. Ir should be enjoyable, not a chore.

Take the plunge.


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Squallion: My main problem was that the panzer IVs appeared to be too weak. They would be destroyed in one hit almost every time, and it would take them several hits to destroy the T-34s.

If it's any consolation, Squallion, I've completed exactly two of the scenarios that came with RT, Angriff and Dead of Night. And enjoyed them thoroughly. I played as the Germans in both cases and although I did manage to gain victory by the slimmest of margins in the latter, I had zero AFVs by the end. This does not bode particularly well for me attempting the German Campaign.

Best of luck...Viel Gluck!

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Squallion: My main problem was that the panzer IVs appeared to be too weak. They would be destroyed in one hit almost every time, and it would take them several hits to destroy the T-34s.

If it's any consolation, Squallion, I've completed exactly two of the scenarios that came with RT, Angriff and Dead of Night. And enjoyed them thoroughly. I played as the Germans in both cases and although I did manage to gain victory by the slimmest of margins in the latter, I had zero AFVs by the end. This does not bode particularly well for me attempting the German Campaign.

Best of luck...Viel Gluck!

That's why I like normal scenarios. I roleplay and try to lose as few men as possible, but if you HAVE TO lose men/vehicles, you can. Campaign, you'd better be a master of efficiency :cool:

I'm feeling pretty confident anyways. I'm ready to start two PBEMs.

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...I don't like the thought of multiplayer...what if I forget a day?

Forget? You've a different level of addiction to me... "Be unable to make time for" or "Be out of town so I can't do...", perhaps, but if I know there's a turn there, it burns in my mind until it's been addressed...

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