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Boys Against Men MG Scenario

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Looks like a great battle. I want to play it h2h, but most of my opponents don't have MG and one who does already played it so we started another MG battle which happens to be in Normandy.

I was pleasantly surprised to see MG have some Normandy battles.

I will play this scenario H2H with you db_zero

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After reading this, I decided to play this vs the AI as the Brits on the elite level. Something I seldom do, prefer HtoH (but some scenario's are really designed for AI _ this one being a good example.

I found it enjoyable and a good challenge as the Brits. Even with the AI that waste its units because it can only follow predone orders. I found I was hard pressed to stop the attempted probes by the enemy. Which was programmed well. testing each of my flanks and the center.

There is no answer for the enemy Stugs unless you stop the infantry and watch them roll forward without support.

In the end, I found I had stopped the enemy, still had my 6 pounder in some type of fighting order and had killed one stug, had another abandoned with the crew dead lying around it and one staying back watching us in overwatch.

The enemy still had plenty of ammo and some men, I had about the same amount of men, but ammo very low for many units. It was a enjoyable battle

Results were a draw.


ground 450 points

targets 114 points

78 men ok

29 killed

34 wounded


Ground 625 points

targets 66 points

58 men ok

88 killed

47 wounded

I recommend playing the Brits vs AI to anyone

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A very enjoyable scenario. I am playing wego as Brits and it is 10 minutes before extra time. The Brits are holding but the Stugs remain unscathed.

I lost my AT gun during the first 2 turns. Luckily I have been able to decimate the German infantry. Now if I can only hold out against the Stugs and the few remaining Jerry squads.

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This really was a terrific little scenario. I played as the Brits (WEGO, Elite) against the AI. Despite the AI's usual issues of being very clumsy and ineffective on the attack, the AI plans for this scenario did enable it to put up a decent fight. The SS pixeltruppen did blunder into killzones, but they were still able to drive my paratroopers from some of the VP locations.


Ammo became a real concern due to some very intensive close-range firefights. I used my jeep to shuttle to sheltered spots near the fighting and had teams racing back and forth to it to acquire its limited ammo. I eventually depleted everything it was carrying.

During the set-up, I moved the AT gun to what turned out to be a fantastic location. Late in the battle, it destroyed two STUGs and a halftrack. If you leave the AT gun where it starts the scenario then you'll probably lose it pretty early.

Overall, this is one of the best scenarios I've played with CMx2. I'm a huge fan of smallish-historically based scenarios and this is one of the best.

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Cheers Guys, glad to read you seem to be enjoying this one.

Despite the AI's usual issues of being very clumsy and ineffective on the attack, the AI plans for this scenario did enable it to put up a decent fight.

In testing one betatester admited the German AI performed better than he did when playing as the Germans - he shall of course remain nameless - cough/panzermike/


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To be accurate a Bren gun position should be set at the NW corner of the crossroads. If you check goggle earth street view you can see a metal monument at that location, its small, maybe 3 feet high. The anti tank gun was right at the cross roads and got 2 or 3 tanks, one north and one east of the crossroads. The Germans did attack homes on Annastrat just below the main road and took possession of them

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In testing one betatester admited the German AI performed better than he did when playing as the Germans - he shall of course remain nameless - cough/panzermike/


Ow man, that was supposed to remain a secret. How could you. Next time I beta test one of your scenario's I will cheat massively :mad:


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Great scenario ... :)

The only thing I find frustrating is trying to understand which tiles are passable by the armor and which are not. The hedges graphically are low enough for tracked vehicles to pass through, yet they can't and try to go around them, taking some pretty weird paths right into enemy fire.

The hedge graphics vary from high to low and I can understand the challenge of a tracked vehicle getting through the high ones, but the low ones shouldn't be an issue.

Ironically, they path command shows that the vehicle can go through all of the hedge graphics, unlike the woods graphic tiles where they show they can't. Sure wastes a lot of frustrating time trying to figure out routes and what is passable and not. ;)

Other than the weird hit and miss graphics tiles, I think it's a well done scenario.



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The hedge graphics vary from high to low and I can understand the challenge of a tracked vehicle getting through the high ones, but the low ones shouldn't be an issue.

Seems that way. At least at the risk of immobilization; but those low hedges, seen from above, are very wide. I don't know. Maybe BF agrees in retrospect. But changing that now would obsolete dozens of scenarios from CMBN and CMBN/CW.

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Seems that way. At least at the risk of immobilization; but those low hedges, seen from above, are very wide. I don't know. Maybe BF agrees in retrospect. But changing that now would obsolete dozens of scenarios from CMBN and CMBN/CW.

I agree, but if something is impassable, then it should show the same "no go" graphic that it does it woods, as an example. I don't know why that simple thing can't be done, as the code engine knows the vehicle can't go through when it's plotting the paths.

It gets frustrating when you can't make out the paths though very blurry hedge graphics and at times, spoils the enjoyment of the game.



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