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New features/feature ideas for CM for the next few years thread

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So this is an incredibly exciting time for us CM fans. The most important yet to be added feature are soon to be added. Once fire and anti air guns shooting at planes is added it seems all the main combat features are in. I think I have read that higher fidelity building destruction and maybe visible damage to vehicles is coming relatively soon too? So going forward what else is there to be added besides new armies and campaigns and such? That's what this thread is to discuss. I know its not the first of the sort but it seems timely to do it again. I'll start first with the ones that come to me.

Minesweeping gizmos like the flails in front of the tracked vehicles.

Camo net gun emplacements with and without hard cover addition.

Overhead cover for some foxholes and trenches and fortification for houses.

None of those are my ideas and they kinda count as missing combat features but they are good and deserve mention. Like the rest of your ideas :)

And triggers for map designers.

I think it would be cool if they added cut scenes both windowed in game and regular. It would be great even if it was just ww2 footage video. Like when you finish a campaign or even just a mission it could have a little video play that looked relevant. It would also be really cool to see a little in game windowed video when you got your off map weapons to start firing or get a little vid when reinforcements show up. It would be awesome to see a battleship do a shoot when I get my call for that sucker firing.

Oh and another big not original one is have 2v2 or more and or like the military wants.

And Id like to see a joint operation option for QB, so you could do Brits and USA vs Germany and Italy or whatever.

That's all I got for now, would love to hear ya'll's thoughts and ideas on it.

P.S. oh one more thing is it would be cool if the outcome of the battle could be a factor in who gets to recover WIA. Like if I'm attacking and completely route them and take over the map those WIAs of theirs arn't making it back while mine are going to be cared for and it would be cool if they could get that issue in there somehow.

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Edit: in no particular order...

Being able to change your password on a PBEM.

Being able to deploy to the map from a holding area/menu rather than having your forces already plonked down in a horrid jumble that you then have to sort out.

Basic editor functionality in text and number entry fields: let me type in "1500m" rather than clicking "grow map" many many times; let me ctrl-arrow back in savegame names.

Scroll bars and industry standard cursor control in menus.

Broader hotkey definition.

A save hotkey.

Allow "lock camera to map location" without there having to be a unit there.

Similarly with waypoints.

Ability to see what your unit can see with LOS-fidelity, or at least have elevations match potential view heights for the selected unit.

Fuzzier unit FoW, with potential error.

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I think it would be cool if they added cut scenes both windowed in game and regular. It would be great even if it was just ww2 footage video. Like when you finish a campaign or even just a mission it could have a little video play that looked relevant. It would also be really cool to see a little in game windowed video when you got your off map weapons to start firing or get a little vid when reinforcements show up. It would be awesome to see a battleship do a shoot when I get my call for that sucker firing.

Believe me, that is not nearly as cool as you may be imagining it. Almost two decades ago a game called Victory at Sea did that, and man was it boring to have to watch the same cut scene every time your planes took off, even if the plane in the scene was not the same kind as the ones you were deploying.

I suspect that even for the people who would like to have this, and assuming it was something the player could opt out from, the amount of work it would take to include it probably wouldn't be justified by any noticeable increase in sales due to it.


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Be able to click on the unit icon on the UI and you get a window with a brief description of said unit type and it will show it's current kills during game.

Decals i.e damage and blood.

New animations..i.e when you give a unit an order the leader will actually do the correct hand signals for the move..plus some other general animation variety i.e wounded might move abit...more varied kill animations..

Sewers and cellars. When you click on a unit in a sewer then ground becomes transparent and you then see sewer below..

Fortified houses.

Motorbikes and sidecars.

Ski troops.

Actual dedicated medics.

Inf can\will peep\lean around corners and make better use of cover overall esp in and around buildings.

Fire and Flamethrowers.

Better trenches..i.e trench are deep and narrow with parapit, parados and fire step. Units get on fire step to shoot and get off to stay low. Units can only shoot from fire step and not fire behind them just like a real trench..that could only happen once fire step reversed and parados flattened. Also trench systems have undercover sections representing HQ dugout etc.

Able to give order for Inf to dig out scrape or even foxhole in a larger many turn scenario.

Destroyed AFV's give cover??? Sure I read this isn't the case at the moment which seems odd.

Dogs\Cows and other wiildlife..not only for immersion but also add to gameplay..i.e dog starts suddenly barking could mean the enemy is near...or shoot cows to use as cover etc.

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+100. This is something I could really go for. It would speed set-up time dramatically.


Plus 100 from me too, especially for the "from a menu" part, on the assumption that the menu would be in formation / hierarchy order, from which related units could be easily selected.

I find I would also like the ability to drop a (limited) number of "pins" in the map, to mark locations either to avoid or to select as waypoints or destinations. I search for a while on a low / close view to find the AS that has the bocage gap I want to hit (or avoid), or the hill crest AS that offers LOS / LOF - and then lose the precise AS as I change view to go back to the unit to which I want to give orders and have to search for it again. Can I have the equivalent of a marker pencil for my map?

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Plus 100 from me too, especially for the "from a menu" part, on the assumption that the menu would be in formation / hierarchy order, from which related units could be easily selected.

I find I would also like the ability to drop a (limited) number of "pins" in the map, to mark locations either to avoid or to select as waypoints or destinations. I search for a while on a low / close view to find the AS that has the bocage gap I want to hit (or avoid), or the hill crest AS that offers LOS / LOF - and then lose the precise AS as I change view to go back to the unit to which I want to give orders and have to search for it again. Can I have the equivalent of a marker pencil for my map?

This! ^^^^^

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cool breeze,

Before we see Flail tanks, the T-34 mineroller will debut in CM: Op Bagration. Love camo nets!

Michael Emrys,

Not only do I concur, but I think it's yet more load on the computer, coupled with a huge hit on the game production complexity and production cycle time.


We really need a way to site guns and MGs in an AS such that they're a) usable and B) not sitting ducks, stuck halfway through buildings and walls, etc. I've found this a huge problem and really miss the CMx1 approach to siting such weapons.

Speaking of weapons, I think it's high time that towed weapons can be picked up, moved and redeployed. 88s should be able to fire while limbered, too, though only over a narrow arc, lest they tip over.


I almost said "Hey, we've got ski troops and sewer movement already," but then I realized I was thinking of CMBB, which also had aerosans, I believe.

Am dying for motorcycles, flamethrowers and even bicycles, which figure directly in MG. The latter might, if provided, be used for out of theater mischief by certain clever modders.

While we're wishing, I think it would be fantastic to have several different body types and sizes available, not to mention at least continent specific heads. Modders are already feeling the pain because their figure toolbox has so few items in it. Gurkhas immediately come to mind, as do the men of the 442nd RCT for the West, as do the Mongolian troops and such in the East.

Trenches and foxholes are supposed to get /may have gotten some love, but I forget the details. I consider overhead cover a must have capability and very much would like to see progressive digging in by units. Recently, I saw some footage of an Italian ATG ready to fire, with the gunner on the gun and the rest of the crew busily digging the protective pits.


Doesn't the destroyed AFVs as cover presently apply only to the K-Killed ones, as opposed to the merely dead variety? If we don't have it already, dynamic cover would be nice.


John Kettler

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I thought AFV's ( destroyed and "live" ) blocked LoS but not LoF...

But it's a long time since that discussion, back when CMBN came out and I can no longer be sure.

AFVs will deflect and intercept incoming bullets that are targeting nearby infantry, whether the vehicle is functioning or not. There used be some issues with this sort of stuff in CMx1 but that's old knowledge.

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Plenty of threads like this over the years but oh well why not.

These are the ones I agree with from Wodin. (My additions in brackets).

Formations. (With the MG buffs more recently this would now be at the top of my list).

Decals i.e damage and blood.

Sewers and cellars. When you click on a unit in a sewer then ground becomes transparent and you then see sewer below. (Probably more east front but would still be a cool feature).

Actual dedicated medics.

Inf can\will peep\lean around corners and make better use of cover overall esp in and around buildings. (Would great improve Infantry in Urban combat and increase the versatility of schrecks and zooks.)

Fire and Flamethrowers. (A given...)

Better trenches..i.e trench are deep and narrow with parapit, parados and fire step. Units get on fire step to shoot and get off to stay low. Units can only shoot from fire step and not fire behind them just like a real trench..that could only happen once fire step reversed and parados flattened. Also trench systems have undercover sections representing HQ dugout etc.


- More terrain and flavour objects.

(When it comes to terrain it's not how you blow something up but what your blowing up that's important. ;) )

- A follow command for vehicles so you don't have to manually lay out convoy plans which may or may not work.

- Free French forces (Battle Pack?) For CMFI and CMBN?

- Persistent map damage.

(I know this has been discussed before and I'm not advocating a return to CMx1 Operations, but the ability for campaign designers to import the end state map from the previous battle similar to the way it's done with core units could provide some interesting opportunities).

- AAA can fire at aircraft and provide some level of defense against their bombing runs.

- Ability for more than 45 degree interval curved roads. (Wild guess - Coding nightmare)

- [Pipe Dream 1] Ability to see aircraft fly over the battlefield. I know purely cosmetic but would give players more 'wow' moments.

- [Pipe Dream 2] Operational Layer option

- [Pipe Dream 3] Parachute deployment option for airborne forces. Highly exposed initially before landing on the battlefield. Scattered by wind etc.

Just a wishlist from a long time fan. :D

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Cool..not sure why I thought they didn't...

Destroyed vehicles that are not burning block LOF, but not LOS, if the targeted unit is non-vehicular. If the targeted unit is a vehicle then destroyed vehicles do not block LOS or LOF.

Burning vehicles always block LOS.

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Great ideas everyone thanks for the feedback and keep 'er coming I know there are more ideas out there, I'm talking for the long haul.

Believe me, that is not nearly as cool as you may be imagining it. Almost two decades ago a game called Victory at Sea did that, and man was it boring to have to watch the same cut scene every time your planes took off, even if the plane in the scene was not the same kind as the ones you were deploying.

I suspect that even for the people who would like to have this, and assuming it was something the player could opt out from, the amount of work it would take to include it probably wouldn't be justified by any noticeable increase in sales due to it.


I'm not saying you arn't correct about any of this; but I do think it could eventually be worthwhile and it would be a lot cooler than for any other game. It could give us a better feel for how much off map support we have sometime and put the game in better context. It would be sucky if they had some videos of off-map stuff that wasn't matched up right, but I think if they made it optional and unobtrusive enough and kept it accurate it would be a cool addition. Like just a real quick small sized video in the upper left right after or during the radio message. I like to imagine my off-map guys at work but it would be cool to see em and help people remember those guys. And then any vids that arn't for off-map stuff would be put there by the scenario designer so wouldn't get repetitive unless your replay it a lot and gamers normally skip vids in that case. I agree it shouldn't be a priority but good cut scenes help games and it could definitely be done a lot better than that super old game did it. But thanks... and the lack of vids for all the weapons seems like it probably ruins that part of the idea.

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Cellars with better protection from artillery and limited fields of fire.

In reading recently about the battle for Aachen, I came across an interesting factoid. Apparently at one point the Air Force was dropping bombs with delayed fusing so that they would penetrate four or five floors of major buildings to explode in the cellars.


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