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AQ, the gift that keeps on giving, especially if you are a beleaguered ME despot.


Jihadists have a fatal flaw, hubris, and here it is in spades. Think Russia is going to cut Syria's lifeline now? Think the West will stop them? They'll be the usual guff about targeted resources towards non-extremists, but soon we will be talking about targetting our resources onto Assad's enemies. Strange world, but the rules have never changed.

Edited; Storm clouds brew, again another chance for Assad to divide and rule? Or is the expectation he will fall? Will we risk him falling and hope, with Western military aid, we can uses the FSA as a surrogate against AQ?


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I think you have interpreted it correctly. So, the prediction is that both Russia and the West will "allow" the fighting to continue so as to decimate the Al Q supporters.

Now it will be interesting to see how accurate is that prediction...

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Well look what we have here!


It's Yahoo, so mostly wire scripted with a generosity not given to other administrations (ahem) but interesting the US are flagging it up now, toe in the water to gauge reaction. Love the way night-sights and body armour are classified as non-lethal, sure only medics will use them to hunt for casualties after dark, cough, cough!

Now we wait for Russian response, or lack of it, suggesting either using this news as a fig leaf for something they have wanted to do, but were holding back because of bad PR, or maintain the status quo. either way I doubt Putin will reduce his support. AQ, snatching defeat from the jaws of victory, World Tour, 2001-2013.

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night-sights and body armour are classified ARE non-lethal:)

It is the weaponry often associated with night-sights and body armour that can hurt you:rolleyes:

I forget the exact video link in the thread.... but in my younger years.... having passed through ad hoc checkpoints where heavily armed dudes (machine gun pointed at my chest qualifies as heavily armed in my book) not AQ fanatics... wants to see my "papers" and search me and my stuff for contraband aka what I might want to "contribute" or they may want to liberate... I can empathize with the non combatants simply attempting to check on family, friends and property.

Many countries use a fig leaf(s) to accomplish their unspoken goals.

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Another Al-Nusra video documenting 1) assembly of a VBIED, 2) planning of the operation by using google maps and 3) execution of a massive VBIED attack on an apearent SAA base:


The vid has a several minutes long interview with a man who is probably the driver (the guy with the long hair who gets all the hugs before they sit a round a laptop, planning the route the truck will take). Would be interesting if someone could give even just a rough translation of what his motivation was to do this.

The tank fired it's gun so it was not abandoned.

Interesting that the tank seemed completely oblivious to being close assaulted.

I think what looks like the tanks gun firing is actually just the explosion of the first grenade that was thrown down the barrel.

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What I find slightly fishy is that they had loaded RPGs yet decided on the hand grenade.

Initiating a new member? Putting up a good PR show for the camera? Hard to tell. Maybe they're just that badass.

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What I find slightly fishy is that they had loaded RPGs yet decided on the hand grenade.

Initiating a new member? Putting up a good PR show for the camera? Hard to tell. Maybe they're just that badass.

I think that is a clear indication that this was not an active tank. Probably the story behind the vid is like that: the rebels disabled the tank (mobility kill), the crew bailed out and ran away and because the rebels knew they wont be able to neither repair the vehicle in the field nor move it away, they decided to destroy it so the SAA wont be able to retrieve it and put it back in action. That would at least sound plausible. I cant believe they would be so stupid to attack and active tank Hollywood style with a grenade down the barrel.

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INSANE if this this video is what it says it is watch till the end..... i really doubt they would waste a perfectly good t72 like that. unless it was just abandoned an they have no chance of taking it with them...


That one is pre-loaded with explosives.

I can't explain why it was firing but it isn't manned by an enemy crew, otherwise would you close assault it coming in from where the main gun and the coax MG are pointing, including most vision ports?

(ETA: it isn't firing, it's the grenade down the barrel.)

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Sorry, jihadist propaganda, that tank is not manned, it's turret is stationary (most footage of SA tanks, have their turret's twitching like a Daleks on amphetamines). There is an RPG team present and the men do not look like they are taking any cover, until the T-72 explodes.

What it does perhaps unwittingly show is the jihadists have not had enough deserters from the SA army, proficient in mechanical repair or how to operate such vehicles, even when they are sitting abandoned. Assad is probably making sure his armoured crews are well looked after, as they are crucial to his plans to keep power.

As for the main gun firing, what would the result of a 125mm shell hitting a grenade be? As soon as the explosion happens the gun rapidly elevates and sinks down, rather like the footage of the tank hit by the RPG-29. Whereas the footage of 'live' tanks firing does not show that drop, the barrel rises, as the auto loader engages and then drops in a controlled way. Islamic Deutsche Wochenschau, I think, showing the heroism of jihadists, but also showing key vulnerabilities.

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Sure they could, but honestly, here you see the grenade lobber running back in front of the tank like he is in for a second scene "TAKE TWO!".

Ive seen a few other fake videos as well making it look like they are assaulting a compund while it is pretty damned obvious it was captured or abandonded way earlier.

Its a propaganda war too. I dont expect everyone to be good at it.

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Sure they could, but honestly, here you see the grenade lobber running back in front of the tank like he is in for a second scene "TAKE TWO!".

Ive seen a few other fake videos as well making it look like they are assaulting a compund while it is pretty damned obvious it was captured or abandonded way earlier.

Its a propaganda war too. I dont expect everyone to be good at it.

The fact that they are using video and uploading to the internet almost daily shows a high level of motivation and sophistication. They are using the media of the 21st century to get their message out there.

While they may not have modern weapons yet, they are using Youtube to win the proverbial "Hearts and Minds" battle, while the Syrian regime depends on a rogue billionaire from a breakaway Soviet republic to assign his fledgeling TV network to cover the SAA side of things. WhilepreventingWestern news agencies from getting into the country. What we in the West are left with is a "who do you want to believe" coverage of the war with each side blaming the other for atrocities and wanton killing. While also wondering if the videos we are getting are real time events or staged propaganda pieces.

What seems to be real is a death toll of nearly 70,000 since fighting began, with additional hundreds of thousands of Syrians escaping to Jordan and other countries.

The West jumped in on Libya with just a threat of mass casualties, oh wait, Libya produces nearly four times as many barrels of oil per day as Syria. How horribly cynical I have become.

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Are they really winning the "Hearts and Minds" battle on Youtube? I've watched a lot of videos there and I get the feeling that the vast majority of comments are along the lines of "Go die on a pig, FSA scum!"

The ones cheering for the FSA seem to be from the jihadist camp themselves.

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I notice a lot of these youtube accounts are being terminated for whatever reason because a lot of these links are already down...

If you want to rip a youtube video it's very easy. I use google chrome regularly but I only know how with Internet explorer.

Go to tools ---> internet options --> under browsing history "settings" --> view files. Arrange them by size and the video file is usually one of the largest ~ 1000kb a minute or so. Drag it onto your computer somewhere to keep a copy and name it since it probably won't have a good one.

You have to wait until the video is fully buffered on youtube before you open this and In my experience you can only rip one video per time opening of internet explorer (you have to close IE and open again). I've tried and it works on Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Windows 7. If you can't open the video file, try downloading a media player called VLC, it opens about everything. It's a shame when youtube videos are lost and it's so easy to share them.

Gives a whole new meaning to the concept of "file sharing." The videos are literally downloaded onto your computer anyway as soon as they buffer and there's not much they can do to stop this. It's just a matter of knowing where to look.

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They are using the media of the 21st century to get their message out there.

Recently, a video was published in which a FSA fighter gets his face shot off by some large calibre weapon. In slow-motion, in HD.

Please do not ask me about the details, because I stopped watching when the first bits of tissue started to fly.

Now I wonder: what is the message of such a video. Is it supposed to raise the moral of your own side?

Best regards,


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Recently, a video was published in which a FSA fighter gets his face shot off by some large calibre weapon. In slow-motion, in HD.

Please do not ask me about the details, because I stopped watching when the first bits of tissue started to fly.

Now I wonder: what is the message of such a video. Is it supposed to raise the moral of your own side?

Best regards,


I wondered the same thing along time ago watching chechens in some base camp in the mountains doing operations what looked like without any anesthesia. digging bullet fragments an bits of shrapnel out of their friends. I think the jihadist point of showing their fighters dying in whatever the situations may be is to show they don't care. to show they have full faith in their god an their dead are martyrs.

back to the the grenades down the barrel video link I posted, I think it was a SAA T-72 that got abandoned in the heat of battle. An the rebels had to destroy it because they couldn't take it an those reasons could be many. an hey why miss out on a kick ass video opportunity? reminds me a truly crazy video I saw years ago was from Iraq of a lone Iraqi sneaking up on a Bradley (which was occupied the turret was moving around a lot) in some palm groves placing a charge underneath walking away calmly an then completely destroying the vehicle.

crazy world we live in.....

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I remember there was big internet debate (webdeb?) about whether the Jihadist blew the Bradley up or an IED did.

As for Jihadists laughing at death, some may, but there are an awful lot of frightened faces in videos. One I remember well, and pretty harrowing, was a young Taliban fighter who had been mortally injured by a Northern Alliance mortar bomb. Lying on the deck of a BMP he was surrounded by his obviously upset friends, as his life slowly drained from him. Was he shouting God is Great? Was he extolling the, soon to be had, 72 virgins? No, he wanted his mother and didn't want to die, and his friends were not all shouting triumphantly, but trying to reassure him by saying he was ok.

This laughing at death, is not universal, but is often hideously exploited by people who use it as yet another demonstration of their 'superiority.' Historically suicidal tactics have been the hallmark of a losing force, not winning, something rarely pointed out in the media.

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Re Vark's earlier posts:

From WSJ today (April 17th):

Senior admin officials... "don't want an outright rebel military victory right now because they believe, in the words of one senior official, that the "good guys" may not come out on top."

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Yeah, maybe that leading from behind and ignoring the growing radical Islamic takeover of the resistance wasn't such a good demonstration of 'smart power' after all! The strategy now is to let the the good, the bad and the ugly dog fight it out help the good dog, with non-lethal aid ( doggie-bix, bandages and canine body armour) but no claw or teeth enhancement, hoping a solution will turn up. Iran Iraq redux, just with a more amateurish production team this time around.

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Men vs. Tanks in Daraya

Rebels duke it out with a Syrian Army T-72 raid.

Recently the successor of the video that started this thread was uploaded to youtube; Men vs Tanks 2:

  • Compilation of ANNA clips filmed with SAA T-72/BMP onboard cameras.
  • Contains footage we havent had yet in this thread IIRC.
  • 59 Minutes.
  • 1080 HD.
  • English subs.

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