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I didn't advertise my URL until after someone else asked if a certain URL was for my blog. Then and only then did I confirm it, using the principal address. For someone who's such a purported stickler for the details, you missed the boat there.

You characterize my nascent publishing and marketing operation as a "scamming business" when it's nothing of the kind. The content doesn't generate itself, the comments don't answer themselves, nor does the newsletter for insiders write itself. I write the E-books and do most of the interview booking, too. The information presented therein is first rate, and that's the opinion of some very heavy hitters.http://johnkettler.com/ufos-antigravity-vimanas-and-mystics-reviews/ Also, not only do I write and help proof them, but I also record the audio book versions. I don't get complaints about the books' contents, but difficulties getting the product as a result of complex software and interface issues, issues we work swiftly to resolve. If anyone's attempting to stifle dissent, that would be you. You've been at it for a very long time.


Sure you're not rehearsing material with Mord? Good stuff!


I seek ever to be polite, even when sorely provoked, to keep the proverbial "one foot on the floor."


John Kettler

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I didn't advertise my URL until after someone else asked if a certain URL was for my blog. Then and only then did I confirm it, using the principal address. For someone who's such a purported stickler for the details, you missed the boat there.

You've been blathering about your scamming blog for quite a bit longer than since NDs post. Or did you not see that particular "big picture"?

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Sure you're not rehearsing material with Mord? Good stuff!

Thanks, John. Mord and I usually collaborate on the snarky stuff. At least an eyeball before submission. BTW, do you know of any *clean* hotels in Reptilia City? Haven't set foot in the place myself but the reviews in Zagat were NOT encouraging.

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Since you have connections (out of this world) could you not just have someone fly in and take JonS on a one way trip away from here.

I think there would be plenty a forum visiter that would apprieciate that, since about 4000 of his over 8000 post are made in a tone to just irritate others. Maybe he could be offered up as a dinner item to the enemy.

Then there is part two to this that is not making sence, every other person that ever has been releasing such inside information has always been on the run, Because if the aliens do not want to kill him, the men in Black do. So here you are just living a peaceful life with no fear of being eliminated. Not making much sence in the big picture, John.

Plus did this site of yours start before or after you were out of work. Because it looks like a good way to me to keep money flowing in without having to have a real job. (so you are not as stupid as some here want to make you out to be).

But dont take this as I do not beleive you, but at least inform me what I can arm myself with so that I am prepared when this alien war breaks out in full and we can all see them. so I can notch a few of them lizards on my rifle butt.

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While I don't agree with all of John Kettler's opinions, atleast he presents them politely and seems like a nice guy.

The polite and "nice" ones who try to fill your head with poison are the most dangerous ones that ruin gullible people.

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I didn't advertise my URL until after someone else asked if a certain URL was for my blog. Then and only then did I confirm it, using the principal address. For someone who's such a purported stickler for the details, you missed the boat there.

Complete nonsense. First, you advertised yourself and the blog right here. Secondly, you keep presenting yourself (I have a long memory, this isn't the first subforum you've participated in, even if newcomers may not remember you) as an expert, with the implication that people should take what you say seriously. After reading some selections from that blog I've come to the conclusion that people shouldn't trust you for information on what the color the sky is, let alone WW2 topics. I can spend my time on vastly more reliable sources of information on these topics than you, and I really hope other people do the same.

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The climate has changed, which helps. The tide of history is running against the UFO coverup and a whole lot else.


Plenty of people who've walked this walk, not to mention their loved ones, have wound up in one or more hurt lockers, forcibly institutionalized or dead. Had I started this effort one year sooner, I have no doubt I would've wound up dead. Period. As it is, I've been threatened, blocked repeatedly whenever I try to do something which would actually give me real traction (kill a book by intercepting its Amazon reviews; derail a press release which made Google page one). I've been viciously attacked by a disinformation agent, savaged on FB by a likely second such disinformation agent, called every name in the book and savaged on the Net in the sanctuaries for people with unusual sensitivities. I 'm on full disability but strive daily to succeed enough so I no longer need public assistance. This IS my job, and I work it daily, while striving to be healthier, too. I have people here and beings not from here who definitely don't look like us watching over me, else I'd be long gone. I haven't held a conventional job since the mid 1990s (progressively disintegrated under all sorts of stressors) and have worked myself to utter collapse time and again trying to make something happen.

I wish I were laughing all the way to the bank, but I don't even have a car to get to the bank! Not exactly my vision for my life, which is more of a qua existence. If we can actually begin to move books in volume and people on the list really begin to respond to our offers, then everything changes, but as it is, my site is just under the 150,000th in the world in terms of Alexa ranking (Nielsens of the Net) and around 75,000th in the U.S. And we didn't start until October of 2011!

My job isn't to convince you or anyone else as to what's going on. It's to present the truth, or as close to it as I can get, and let you decide. If you don't want to read posts, or wade through seas of comments, there's a growing stockpile of interviews of me on YouTube, not to mention a hair-raising FAQ. If you're serious about those notches, PEM me. I'll see that you get the right referrals. This really isn't the place to continue this discussion.


John Kettler

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Plenty of people who've walked this walk, not to mention their loved ones, have wound up...forcibly institutionalized...

Because they were mad, and a danger to themselves and others, perhaps?

...or dead.

Everyone dies. People with mental problems suffer higher early mortality.

Had I started this effort one year sooner, I have no doubt I would've wound up dead....I've been threatened...

Weren't you the least bit suspicious about those people crashing their cars into you? Or doesn't that count?

...(kill a book by intercepting its Amazon reviews; derail a press release which made Google page one). I've been viciously attacked by a disinformation agent, savaged on FB by a likely second such disinformation agent...

And that's got nothing at all to do with the quality of your work, no. It's all down to conspirators.

...called every name in the book and savaged on the Net in the sanctuaries for people with unusual sensitivities.

Again, nothing to do with you, all down to the conspiracies.

I 'm on full disability but strive daily to succeed enough so I no longer need public assistance. This IS my job...

Writing amusing nonsense is a fine job. People at places like The Onion do it very well, and good luck to you. If you feel the need to stay "in character" to maintain the joke, that's fine. Just don't start believing.

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Shakespeare didn't write it (illiterate; signed "X" when a manor was deeded to him), but I love the Hamlet quote anyway.

"There are more things in Heaven and Earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your Philosophy."

I can tell you, based on direct experience, reports of people I trust with my life, and loads of other information, that the above statement is incredibly conservative and understated.


John Kettler

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Well we have dreary weather, poor education, crap cars and politicians who are so dim that its not funny - AND - I have just discovered we have playwrites who are illiterate, but thank God we ain'nt got anything like you lads have got.

I reckon the only black ops that goes on in my parts is whren the lads from 39 Regiment try to sneak their tracked vehicles (432's and MLRS) past the Three Tuns in Heddon on the Wall (apparently the pub's foundations vibrate when anything bigger than a mousefart passes) instead of using the more roundabout 'official' route.

God Bless England - there is someting to be said for being generally crappy.

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Well we have dreary weather, poor education, crap cars and politicians who are so dim that its not funny -

God Bless England - there is someting to be said for being generally crappy.

Great Scott!!! and his little brother, Lesser Scott!!

Code 99! Code 99! Seal the bunker! You, put down that plunger, the toilet can wait...hand me that radio!

"Niner, Fiver, Bravo, Harelip, Charlie, this is MordBunker HQ calling the Free Peoples of the Inner Planetary Federations...and that guy Tony, on Alpha Centuri. Stand by for encrypted Transmission..."

"Big Ben has a squished testicle...I repeat...BIG BEN...has a squished testicle."

*By all that's holy...the Limies have fallen.*


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*By all that's holy...the Limies have fallen.*

It will never happen - nothing to do with the indomitable nature of the average Englishman (if you can drag him from his football and beer) but mainly because




And we don't get any.

The French, Spanish and Greeks get loadsa sun - but have you seen what they will EAT?

So basically for the Lizards Europe is a no-go zone - either it's under a deeply depressing grey blanket of cloud 99% of the time, or you are considered part of À la carte.

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"Niner, Fiver, Delta, Skidmark, Emilio Estevez, this is MordBunker HQ calling the Free Peoples of the Inner Planetary Federations...again. Seems Big Ben's testicle is not squished...I REPEAT...Big Ben's testicle...is PLUMP and FIRM...I'd appreciate it if somebody'd let Tony know."


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Plenty of people who've walked this walk, not to mention their loved ones, have wound up in one or more hurt lockers, forcibly institutionalized or dead. Had I started this effort one year sooner, I have no doubt I would've wound up dead.

It still remains self-contradicting. You claim that it is so dangerous to get the truth out, yet you are here and your Blog is still online.

And what about the 'one year sooner'? What has changed during this one year so that your life is not at risk anymore?

Best regards,


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Here's what the reviewers of my first E-book said


Notice any consistent concern expressed? I do!

The blog's been knocked out of commission repeatedly; we just don't know who. Daily our security software keeps all sorts of lower grade would-be malefactors out, too. My communications have been screwed with over and over and over again. People call me and are told the customer has used up his minutes, the account's been canceled or even that I'm dead. I call contacts and can't connect to save my life. Calls drop all the time, but only when I'm actually working. It takes hours to reconnect, if we reconnect! People get dozens of E-mails or VMs from me, but I don't send them. Alternatively, E-mails are sent and either never arrive or take forever.

Some of my contacts, if outed, have a life expectancy, by their own reckoning, of seconds, not minutes. Here's a direct account from someone the government HAS put through the mill


What has changed in the last year? The Liberation Forces have arrived and have been very active! Even so, I recently had to turn down the opportunity to do a paid speaking gig at a huge paranormal summit. Why? The Liberation Forces characterized it as a "security nightmare" and vetoed my attendance. Discussions with someone who WAS there and who KNOWS the telltales indicate the place was crawling with agents, lots of people talking into their sleeves. Given the Liberation Forces' tech is, oh, 100,000 years ahead of ours, that should give you some idea how bad the security problem was.

My life is STILL at risk, but the magnitude of the threat is down considerably. I am fortunate in that I have protection that simply was unavailable until recently. Makes a huge difference!


John Kettler

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This one I HAVE to save. I was in a telecom class once with some loon who decided he had to drive from Virginia to Dallas TX because he couldn't take his guns on the plane and couldn't be parted from them for two weeks.

By the end of the class several of us had made aluminum foil hats to mock the poor sap. Probably not smart considering he had brought guns.....

And Normal Dude, yeah i feel for the guy. We can often go out into left field, but this time I think we left the park.

Oh wait, hold on, Lizard at the door...odd he is holding a set of dinnerware, now what would he ... ack......

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