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Everything posted by Vacillator

  1. Agreed, I bought it recently and it has everything so far. And while that is a lot of content, there is also of course the excellent collection of scenarios, campaigns and mods at The Few Good Men.
  2. At the risk of being shot down in flames, my non-scientific experience from the last three battles I've played. 1. Gog and Magog in RT - several King Tigers and several Panthers ended up with 'Main Gun Damage' and could not fire any more. There are lots of tanks on both sides in this battle, so perhaps not so unusual, however I did not notice any T34/85s or IS2s (or Pz IVs for that matter) ending up with non-functioning guns, only full destruction or bail-outs. 2. Ambush at De Hoop in BN - this time I benefited, putting the main gun on a Tiger 1 out of action with a PIAT. 3. A Quick Battle of my own also in BN, in which a Jagdpanther ended up at one of a road concealed partially in trees and an AI chosen Sexton (88mm SPA) in the open at the other. Jagdpanther fired twice, missing both times. Sexton then fired and knocked out the main gun on the Jagdpanther. In 1 and 3 I was playing as cautiously as the circumstances allowed, not sticking my neck out asking for a slug-fest. So my overall feeling is that either I'm unlucky with large German tanks or they *may* be more susceptible to gun damage for whatever reason. But yes, it's just a feeling and it's not going to stop me playing. Let the AA fire begin .
  3. Understood Julian, I just couldn't resist mentioning some good books. I'll have a look at Tankograd as I'm not familier with their catalogue. Thanks for pointing it out.
  4. Well we all go through different stages in our lives Good idea, but not sure I can help on the book suggestions. A couple of old favourites of mine are the Encyclopedia of German Tanks of WW2 and Battle of the Bulge Then and Now, but they're already gathering dust in my attic and are available on Amazon for reasonable money. Panzers in Normandy Then and Now is a good one too. Perhaps there's a theme here, showing my true colours...
  5. What about 'don't play the game based on pre-conceived concepts of superiority'? First go at Gog and Magog in CMRT my King Tiger crews certainly didn't thank me for doing so. Even on the second attempt the loss of optics was something to behold (pun intended).
  6. While such a tool would be very useful 'I think MikeyD has a point'
  7. Thanks for that, I think I had read it before during a search of the forums, but I hadn't really taken the above bit in. Will have to try that. Seems however that even if successful, I won't gain a lot in normal battles or campaigns other than perhaps sharing ammo and equipment.
  8. Yes that's pretty much what I thought thanks, I now just have to get it to happen
  9. Thanks gentlemen, if you say so it must be true. Some experimenting is in order methinks. So do the aided WIA jump up and exact revenge or disappear never to be seen again (which I think is what I read somewhere)?
  10. Nice job Pete, but what are they all doing on mobile phones in 1944?
  11. I'm wondering whether buddy aid actually happens in CMRT or whether it is my behaviour in CMRT that stops it happening? So far in an admittedly fairly short career, I have never seen 'medic' displayed in a unit's status and have never seen any effect on adjacent incapacitated comrades. I know it is unlikely if enemy units are close or there is incoming fire, but of course this has not always been the case. I assume it happens in all difficulty levels, as I have not made it up to the toughest yet ? Also I'm wondering what is actually meant to happen? Are 'aided' casualties meant to be patched up and get on with their mission, or leave the battlefield but not count as casualties? Edit: not sure how my text above ended up with a non-existent link
  12. Which is correct, they were used (and captured) in the Ardennes after their introduction in November 1944.
  13. No worries, don't think I've seen one in-game, just noticed it in the JuJu interface graphics files (which are nice). Lol, my editing skills are sadly lacking
  14. My CMRT interface images, courtesy of JuJu of course, already include the PF100 but I assume it's 'turned off' as an option by the dates of the battles?
  15. In the UK we have this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Wicker_Man#/media/File:The_Wicker_Man_(1973_film)_UK_poster.jpg
  16. Four years later than the last post and I've just played this as Carius and co. Yes @George MC it is excellent. Lost one Tiger and one Stug so far with some minutes left (I got all of the Stugs back to the village and set them up in ambush positions to back up the couple of Tigers I had there). Favourite moment was watching one of these Tigers bounce 88s off the turret of a tough IS2 which sneakily had made its way into the back of the village from the slopes on the right flank. No penetration achieved by the Tiger, but it did make the IS2 go into reverse - straight towards two waiting Stugs. Both Stugs opened fire and and penetrated the rear hull and turret. Very nice moment for me but not for the IS2 crew... Thanks George - hope you can add more scenarios in Fire and Rubble if you haven't already .
  17. This is way more complicated than i first thought, but in a good way
  18. Just to report back here, I had all my mods in the MODS folder and that was working fine (but taking a lot of space on my C drive as I added more mods, as Aquila-SmartWargames said earlier). I therefore moved them all to a newly created Data/Z folder (in my installation folder on the D drive) and I can confirm that that also worked fine. Seemed to take longer to load first time, but after that it seemed to be back to normal so the end result is good.
  19. He has posted the quick and sad demise of three Soviet tanks, so you could perhaps add more?
  20. So far I only have RT (worth every one of my English pennies) so I feel a bit of pain is coming. Followed by a lot of pleasure. Any opinions on what I should look at next? For me it's WW2, so I'm thinking the BN bundle? Oh and a big hello to everyone.
  21. Thinking about this now (brain ticking over slowly). 1. Does a tagged mod over-ride this, assuming I have it and a lot of other mods in my MODS folder? 2. Is a mod which may be tagged by some scenarios/campaigns still loaded by un-tagged scenarios/campaigns based on the above alpha-numeric logic? 3. Should I stop asking questions and just try it ?
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