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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Vacillator

  1. I would have thought BFC will have looked at the numbers/value of sales for WW2 and modern titles and will be roughly guided by that (including MoD type customers of course). I'd love to see the figures but not sure they will want to disclose... Anyway you can probably guess what my preference would be (already registered in the poll), but I may dabble my toes in the modern stuff at some point... As a fairly new arrival I am of course already presented with more content than I can shake a stick at .
  2. Just thought I'd pop back and confirm that I have now witnessed medic / buddy aid behaviour. Probably it was happpening all along, because for some strange reason I was looking at the icons in the middle panel expecting one or more to display 'medic' when actually it appears in the status text for the individual troops at the bottom left of the screen. For example a radio man suddenly went from 'spotting' to 'medic'. So it seems my observation was to blame .
  3. I agree, that'll be the one. Nice little introduction...
  4. I see 5 Germans I think, but they are either sleeping or in a state where they no longer care.
  5. Totally agree, and it's a great scenario. Played it in the demo and that persuaded me to buy CMRT - my first CM but already not my last.
  6. FWIW I'm using Defender (or at least whatever the Microsoft protection is called these days) here with no problems...
  7. Erwin, I honestly feel your pain. However, I installed RT and BN Bundle on a fairly new Win10 'gaming' laptop (Asus GL702VM) recently and have not had any issues. Luck, possibly. Types of hardware involved, possibly. Anyway, I know this isn't helping you and I hope you get sorted somehow!
  8. Real Life getting in the way, sort of You're not that far behind...
  9. @Warts 'n' all Strangely I know more about Normandy than I do about Kent, and have been there more often too. History drives geography eh? Actually looking at the title of my post again, it could be misconstrued out of the right context
  10. I would agree with all of that, so I think hide under/in the trees, but don't obsess about being in shadows. It looks good and feels right however
  11. I've been playing battles in Normandy and Holland a lot as Axis and have been religiously hiding my panzers under trees (in the shadows) whenever I can as I think that's what RL would suggest given Allied airpower. However I wondered whether being in the shadows does actually make a difference to being spotted in the game a) by aircraft and b) by units on the ground. Units on the ground might be at a similar level so would not necessarily have LOS blocked by the tree. I'm asking out of curiousity as a search of the forum suggested being in the shadows makes no difference. Not sure it would change my behaviour but intersted nevertheless.
  12. Makes sense, although I wasn't sure how immobilisation works regarding points. Anyway, yes was a good fight, shame old 424 probably got left behind afterwards in my version...
  13. And you did a great job thanks. One question, Barkmann survived, I was in control of the crossroads and I knocked out 29 US vehicles, but I got a draw. Is there something I missed in the Victory Conditions? Barkmann's immobilised Panther wasn't actually on the crossroads but I doubt that would matter as my infantry were?
  14. Such moments are common here too I believe for the all in one installers you login to your Battlefront account, go to 'My orders' and view the particular game you want to update, it will give you a download link and your activation code. Or you can just apply the new patch over your old install, worked for me, but I suppose you may have another reason not to. If the above is not correct I'm sure someone more senior in knowledge will come along and correct me.
  15. The notes say save games will work if they're saved in the command phase not replay phase. Probably playing safe, but I checked my important ones were in command phase and it worked for me.
  16. Thanks BFCElvis, good news. And I'm sure Fire and Rubble is not far behind Installed over 4.02 BN Big Bundle and 'Alles ist gut'.
  17. Last example before I bore everyone to death (or at least someone tells me it's boring). Sudden Fury, with 3 Jagdpanthers. Early on, one hit from a 'normal' Cromwell (I think) and one of the main guns is toast. I'm not saying it shouldn't happen, just that it happens perhaps too often. Also, following on from the above comments, I assume the hull down damage issue is less of a factor for Jagdpanthers, which are the subject of 2 out of the 5 examples. And I promise no more posts on my misfortunes
  18. I can now add another, Barkmann's Corner revisited. Excellent scenario. Barkmann's Panther made it through some intense action, but near the end his radio and tracks were destroyed. And yes you've guessed it, also his main gun. Managed to keep him and the Panther alive as a sitting duck with some excellent infantry hollow charge work in support, but another example of main gun going off-line. Between Barkmann and the infantry the final tally on the enemy was 24 tanks and 5 other vehicles destroyed, but my brave infantry paid a heavy price.
  19. A bit late again to the party on this one, but what a great battle! Wow, what a lot of US assets coming at me. Got a draw with 24 US 'tanks' destroyed plus 5 other vehicles, Barkmann survived but only just - main gun (yes main gun again) and tracks damaged close to the end but earlier than I would have liked. Saved his Panther by popping smoke and getting two infantry units (one with Panzerschrek) to back up just in time, they knocked out 2 Shermans in the smoke. Then began to run out of shaped charge ammo! Have to give thanks to the infantry's anti-tank units in this one, plus of course the scenario designer @GhostRider3/3- a memorable experience
  20. I can see your side of this too and understand your frustration. Lets hope for better news soon!
  21. This is fair enough for me, having only recently bought the BN big bundle and not long before that RT. Haven't even got FB or RtV yet, so my spare time is already pre-allocated for quite a while to come. Of course I'll jump on Fire & Rubble when it comes along, but I for one am happy that @BFCElvisdoes actually respond in the forum rather than having the tumbleweed roll past . Forgive me if I sound like I'm kissing somewhere I shouldn't, this is not my intention...
  22. Yes I have been reading that thread as well. I wasn't deliberately hull down (as in having placed a hull down order or specifically maneuvered to achieve hull down) in any of these scenarios, but I would guess that they were hull down to some degree except for the PIAT hit on the Tiger 1 which was pretty much 'in my face'.
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