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    quakerparrot67 reacted to Falaise in Le Noyer   
    I pass regularly in the middle of this battlefield and you also probably if you came to Normandy because it is on the road between Caen and Falaise.
    I love this scenario I take this opportunity to take you there with me
    seen from canadian line

    Metallic wire mesh seen on this view is called "american wire mesh"
    This is the grid that was placed on the runway of temporary aerodrome  in 1944
    it is still in use today to close the fields in many place in Normandy!!

    Le Noyer

    now there is a 4 lanes !

    watching toward Tilly La Campagne

    watching toward Verriere

    Le Noyer

    Seen fron Tilly la Campagne

    the railway becoming a road
    I really have to go wash my car !!!!

    Here are the monuments crossed during this little report
    the Trotteval farm back from the position of the sherman in the scenario


    Tilly la campagne devant le Noyer

    really a great sccenario with a  lots of suspense
    Merci Jon 'JonS' Sowden
    if you don't play
  2. Like
    quakerparrot67 reacted to MOS:96B2P in RT Unofficial Screenshot Thread   
    Platoon HQ team fighting to hold the command post.

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    quakerparrot67 reacted to Warts 'n' all in RT Unofficial Screenshot Thread   
    I wonder if Mick Jones plays CM.
  5. Like
    quakerparrot67 reacted to umlaut in R2V Mods?   
    I´ve made a quick-fix for the Shermans. I might do something similar to some of the other vehicles - if possible.
  6. Like
    quakerparrot67 reacted to umlaut in R2V "Aris´ed" Shermans   
    Here´s a quick-fix mod set for the R2V Shermans.

    @DougPhresh made a request for Sherman mods for R2V the other day. I replied that I dont really have the time to make mods from scratch. Luckily, I discovered that I had an old set of Sherman  Photoshop files that Aris´ once sent me. This was only the files for his CMBN Sherman IC mod, so most of the mods in this set are based on these. 
    I have simply taken each bmp for the hulls and turrets of every Sherman in R2V - and placed the dirt, mud and grime from Aris´  Sherman IC on top of them. So most of the mods have the excact same layer of dirt on top of them. Luckily, it doesn' t really loook like that, because the base bmp´s are relatively different.

    In some cases, the bmp´s were so different from the Sherman IC´s layout that I couldn´t use the method described above. In that case I have taken files from other CM games and renamed them to fit. Or done a bit of modding myself.
    In short: This is not a set of mods made from scratch - but a quick-fix that will allow you to use "Aris´ed" R2V Shermans. Sherman grogs might find errors in camo schemes and such, but as far as I am concerned, they are as good as they get.
    I am sharing the mods via this Dropbox link - until they are available on Cmmods IV.

  7. Like
    quakerparrot67 reacted to Myles Keogh in What I'd like to see in CM3...   
    That is something these games have badly needed going back to CMx1.  A "follow-the-leader"/convoy command was on the drawing board to be included in one of the CMx2 upgrades, but somewhere between that upgrade's inception and it's release it was dropped as a feature.  It appears they couldn't get to work within CMx2's code.  A shame.  So, CMx3 is probably only our hope we'll see ever it in one of their games.
    I agree that plotting road movements for numerous vehicles/squads is a pain in the neck that often seriously detracts from my enjoyment.  In fact, I come to deeply resent any scenario/campaign that features waves of reinforcements whose movements then have to be laboriously plotted from the back of the map to the front.  All that waypoint setting and use of the pause key to avoid traffic jams, it's got to be one of the worst parts of the game.
  8. Like
    quakerparrot67 reacted to Ivanov in What I'd like to see in CM3...   
    My number one wish is to have working and realistic pathfinding routines or at least being able to give "follow the road" order to a group of vehicles. 

    In my current game I've received a company size tank reinforcements. Now I have to give a detailed movement orders to every single vehicle, just to make sure that they arrive ok to the frontline. It's  completely mundane, boring and unproductive task. It often makes me quit the scenario that I was excited about, because I feel that I'm better off reading a book or watching a series than repeating over and over this exercise.

  9. Like
    quakerparrot67 reacted to A Canadian Cat in What I'd like to see in CM3...   
    That has to be the least helpful comment so far. You are essentially saying "make this game like those other games but with one other thing". Go to those other game forums and advocate for a WEGO feature.
    Or talk about what specific features you think would be a good fit in CM.
  10. Like
    quakerparrot67 reacted to JM Stuff in What I'd like to see in CM3...   
    A level underground to fight in cellars... bunkers, Stalingrad, Berlin...
    Differents views of hit tanks destroyed vehicles and wrecks...
  11. Like
    quakerparrot67 reacted to A Canadian Cat in Never Seen This Before   
    Wait, which is it - too fragile or too powerful.

  12. Like
    quakerparrot67 reacted to Falaise in A plea for the Biodiversity   
    thank you very much for your message, I am delighted that you like it.
    3j2m also thanked me kindly and these thanks are appreciable.
    It's this great game and everyone's mods that gives us the opportunity to push realism even more.
    a time machine
  13. Like
    quakerparrot67 got a reaction from Falaise in A plea for the Biodiversity   
    falaise- really loving this foliage mod, it brings the  normandy  maps to life  more than just about any mod i've seen.  it doesn't look too out of place in the market-garden maps, either.  thanks for your work on this!
  14. Like
    quakerparrot67 reacted to Falaise in A plea for the Biodiversity   
    Here is a series of mod that changes the vegetation as the months of June, July and August- September
    This mod was made by looking at the evolution of nature during these 3 months.
    Part, are stock textures that I reworked in color and saturation
    I also modified the Ramblers mod for trees by modifying the colors and mixing it with the ones in stock to break the repetition effect.
    You will also find the plowed fields of Kieme and Aris modified so that the colors correspond to the Norman soil which is brown. Finally herbs come from a super mod without an owner's name and which is no longer available.
    You will also find a multitude of small details insignificant but which to assemble gives a true impression of the Norman campaign.
    We can in passing admire the textures of the basic game whose colors correspond very well to the real colors of Normandy. The mods that I propose to you, support and combine in large part with these original textures, I advise you to remove all the other mods of vegetation and terrain to obtain the best result.
    There are 4 files: one called terrain de Normandie
    This is to installed permanently in the z folder
    Then three other files called June July and August which must be installed in the choice in z
    It is necessary to choose according to the scenario which one you will install in z. As soon as you take a scenario that changes months, just put the corresponding "month" folder, thinking that you have removed the previous "month" folder.
    You have the possibility of tagging your scenario by month it will suffice to tag each bmp
    I didn't do it because I like playing the same scenario with different month
    come soon
    when Bootie have the time to put it on his website
  15. Like
    quakerparrot67 reacted to John Kettler in Great Warsaw Uprising site (scads of pics)   
    Under Photos, each thumbnail is a separate image category and has pages on pages of pics. Has movies, timeline, resources, even songs!

    John Kettler
  16. Like
    quakerparrot67 reacted to MikeyD in Castles in Italy   
    Umlaut's posted picts remind me that some people have a much better graphics card than I have.  
  17. Like
    quakerparrot67 reacted to Oleksandr in Oleksandr's Modding Space for CMFI.   
    Working on those Airborne forces: 

    The base of my work is 82nd Airborne Division. 

    adding up some details

    Will be doing American gear separately due to different branches represented in the game

    Adding small eyecandies as usual:

    Do far the biggest problem was to put American flag on them troops. The problem was that making them big and added to a white bondage would look horrific within the game. 
    So the flag will be kind of small yet the very same that've been used in real life: 

    Obviously work on uniform never stops:

    Reading and listening a lot about US Airborne forces. It became more than a mod but a small interest of mine. I think it would be fair to say that Airborne forces got some charming operations in their backpack.

    Might be working on this mod longer than usual due to the busy life and the fact that I might include few variants of uniforms. 
    So we'll see what happens when the mod is ready. Enjoy your week gentlemen. 
  18. Like
    quakerparrot67 reacted to sburke in Monte Cassino Master Maps   
    thanks guys this is the original map used as an overlay
    https://www.dropbox.com/s/0lm27i8ijom7a4k/special editor overlay.bmp?dl=0
  19. Like
    quakerparrot67 reacted to umlaut in Umlauts Commercial Buildings   
    Howdy folks
    The other day I realized that I had an almost complete mod set of commercial buildings that I´d never finished and released. So now I have brushed up the files and made it sort of ready for release. Mind you: The mod set is not as finished as I would like it to be - that is the reason why I didnt release it, when I made it three or four years ago. But I dont think I will ever get the time to fully complete it - so I have decided to release it as it is, rather than just letting it sit idle on my hard drive. 
    I am going to make it temporarily available from Dropbox - but hopefully it will be on CMMODS IV soon and then I´ll remove them again.

    Here´s a bit of info on it:
    Umlauts Commercial Buildings
    This set of mods contains modded commercial buildings for CM Normandy.
    I have added murals to the gables of some of the buildings and some extra storefronts.
    According to my research they should all be typical of Normandy in 1944 – but I could be
    The mod set contains quite a few extra commercial buildings, compared to the base game:
    Buildings 100: Base game = 2 sets – this mod = 3 sets
    Buildings 101: Base game = 2 sets – this mod = 15 sets
    Buildings 102: Base game = 2 sets – this mod = 2 sets
    Buildings 103: Base game = 2 sets – this mod = 13 sets

    Mirrored gables
    Unfortunately, the game reuses the gable BMP´s for both gables of a house, so if a
    commercial building isn´t accached to another buildong, then one of the murals will always
    be inverted.
    I have tried to fix this by adding two different versions of each gable – with the inverted
    part on both sides. This means that you can place two commercial buildings next to each
    other and cycle through the building layout (shift-left click), until the inverted gables are
    hidden where the buildings meet.
    Choosing the preferred layout
    I highy recommend that you cycle through the building layout (shift-left click) of each
    building to choose the one with the preferred layout. If you leave it to the game, the
    building layouts are assigned ramdomly – and you will probably see a lot of inverted
    gables and indentical buildings next to each other.
    When you cycle through the layouts, remember that there are up to 15 different layouts for
    some types. And if you click and nothing seems to change – then it is probably only the
    layout of the gable that has changed, while the rest of the building stays the same.
    I have altered the damage files of the game to suit my tastes. The buildings with damage
    showing the brick work through the plaster are modded to fit these damage files. To apply
    damage, press shift-alt-leftclick.
    Please remember that I do not consider this mod set completely finished. But I dont think I
    will find the time to finish it anytime soon – if ever – so I´ve decided to release it as it is.
  20. Like
    quakerparrot67 reacted to MOS:96B2P in How to use Mod Tags   
    Does anybody have an understanding of mod tags and how to use them?  I looked in the 4.0 Engine manual and found a section on mods but not how to use mod tags. Maybe I missed the section so if you know where in the manual and can give me the page number or something that would be great.
    In one of the game manuals, I think CMBS, I found the following:  Mod Tags for most graphics. This allows for multiple mods for the same item without the need to move items in/out of the Mods folder. 
    So does this mean that mod tags are built in and hard coded? I think you can change heavy rocks to building rubble with the use of a mod tag.  But it is limited to what BFC coded?  It can either be heavy rocks or building rubble?  It can’t be changed?
    I also found a post that said to change the heavy rocks to rubble you had to create and import a txt file.  Are there instructions located somewhere on how to do this?
    I also found in a game manual the following statement: There is the ability to specify mods be used for a specific scenario.
    This may actually be what I’m looking for (the ability to specify mods be used for a specific scenario).  I just released a scenario for testing and before I send the finalized scenario to the Scenario Depot in a few weeks I might want to have the scenario grab and use a handful of specific mods.  This is different from the hard coded mode tag ability above I think?  How do you specify a certain mod to be used by a certain scenario??  Any guidance on all the above would be appreciated. Or just point me to the reference that explains it.  I don't mind reading up on it I just can't find much detail on it.  Just general information that mod tags exists.  
  21. Like
    quakerparrot67 reacted to Freyberg in RT Unofficial Screenshot Thread   
    I use rocks and heavy rocks and play with the elevation to make it look like piles of rubble. This works really well next to damaged house tiles, as it gives a steep edge - the ground level of the house will be the lowest elevation square the house sits on, so you can raise or lower it to make it look like an imploded building (higher) or a collapsed basement (lower).
    I probably overdid it on this map - some of the piles of rubble were unrealistically high, but it wasn't too bad and it was super fun to play
    Where there's shell damage I change the pavement to dirt or rocks etc. And lowering the elevation of a shell crater makes it look bigger.
  22. Like
    quakerparrot67 reacted to Peter Panzer in The Year Ahead Bone Post   
    Hey Steve:
    Good to see you on the forums - can I take advantage of your inquisitive bug hunting mood from earlier in the thread?
    Here's an unintended consequence of the 4.01/4.02 patch that puts a real kink in the bocage terrain and presumably related infantry TacAI behavior (i.e. displacing into enemy fire) in CMBN.  Some players like @PIATPunk called attention to this a few months ago and @BFCElvis has been helpful in logging it with a viable test scenario.
    You can view page six of the most recent conversation about this, which contains two files uploaded by PIATPunk reproducing the issue.
    In a game where the bocage is often as much a role player as the combatants, perhaps you'll agree this one constitutes more than a nag by a few Normandy buffs.  Maybe a ready fix can be pushed now that the Rome to Victory dust has settled?
    As always, thanks for the countless hours of great wargaming over the last 20 years - you guys really are appreciated!  I'm definitely looking forward to the Black Sea module and a fix for the CMBN bocage/infantry bug!
  23. Like
    quakerparrot67 reacted to Sequoia in Motorcycles?????   
    You can also use them to jump over barbed wire fences during escape attempts as long as they're not too big.
  24. Like
    quakerparrot67 reacted to MikeyD in A plea for the Biodiversity   
    Ha, you're not the only one who plays with foliage.

  25. Like
    quakerparrot67 reacted to Falaise in A plea for the Biodiversity   
    Yes, I'm going to put a series of landscape mods online
    Between June, July and August the aspect of nature changes
    I designed a mix of mods that I created, others picked up as is, finally other than I adapted
    The idea is to stick as closely as possible to the colors and ambiance of the Normandy countryside
    I have the advantage of living there and watching the changes for 50 years now (time flies)
    here the same place during three months:
    grass and bright green tree presence of poppy ...

    the green is less intense the tall grasses turn yellow

      yellowed grass, trees turn brown, poppies are gone

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