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Everything posted by danfrodo

  1. Looks like it has everything. You will be busy for a long time. I still haven't played it all. I bought the big bundle before battlepack came out. It will have everything and will be up to date as far as version.
  2. and that KV1, that is just a beautiful machine. True, had quality issues, but it was well ahead of it's time in a number of ways. And just looks soooooo good. Like Hannibal hitting the romans with elephants. Think of the battles -- with your 38Ts, pz3 w 37mm guns, combined arms tactics, you are tearing up the battle field; but then two of these insane beasts show up and your shells bounce off like pebbles. How is that not crazy good fun?
  3. what if I took that KV1 chassis and put a great big metal box and top and put a great big 152mm gun in it...
  4. totally hear you BulletPoint, not everyone wants 1941. But 1942, 1943? Epic. Winter battles, summer battles, Operation Blau. Don't need the best tanks to be epic. Operation Winter Storm, Operations Uranus & Saturn, Kursk? Epic for sure. It's all good: 44-45, 41-43. Different but all good.
  5. From what Steve said earlier, it seems that while this issue may be a real thing, it's a vanishingly small one as far as BF and most customers are concerned. Are they going to increase sales because they spent a bunch of time re-writing code for something the vast majority of users don't even know exists and hasn't hurt their game experience? I would be pretty angry if they spent their limited resources on stuff like this instead of getting out products covering eastern front 1941-43. And that's also where they would sell a lot of stuff -- how many current customers would pre-order games covering that theatre/timespan? 99%? How many new customers would jump in? Imagine those epic campaigns. I wouldn't care if they chose to keep the game just like it is and just get out games to cover this era.
  6. These are all great tips. And every time I don't follow them I pay for it.
  7. read the briefing, it's your intel report take you time looking at map, especially from ground level, moving along a path you are considering for your advance Then read the briefing again
  8. I have similar thoughts to SimpleSimon on this. I read this excellent book by Andrew Roberts on Napoleon (link below). In the very first pages he contends that it is grossly unfair to equate Napoleon w Hitler, and his book makes this case very well IMO. Napoleon was not out to exterminate or enslave people. Hitler's plans would require the extermination, banishment, or enslavement of dozens (hundreds?) of millions of people. Nap's not some bleeding heart nor is he a bloodthirsty lunatic; nor is he all that much worse than many (most?) of the monarchs ruling Europe at the time. But he was really, really good at war most of the time. https://www.amazon.com/Napoleon-Andrew-Roberts-audiobook/dp/B00OSF1O44/ref=sr_1_4?dchild=1&keywords=napoleon&qid=1593731336&sr=8-4
  9. OMG that 75mm armored car is lead element of Steiner's army! your two entire fronts encircling Berlin are about to be themselves encircled and destroyed! Your military and your bolshevik gov't are on the edge of total collapse! Just as der fuhrer prophesied!
  10. and agreeing w fireship4 above, it's truly awful when my multi-million dollar super sophisticated weapons system gets knocked out by some little stupid LAV. But hating that that doesn't mean it's not realistic. On the plus side, I've disabled some russian MBTs using those ~25mm autocannons before, and on that side of the ledge it's always great fun.
  11. is this also part of navy historically not wanting to spend its money on land forces? I've heard the navy brass generally hates funding the marine corps because they prefer spending money on navy & naval air.
  12. what's the thickness of metal around a gun barrel? 25mm maybe? Makes sense that gun barrels are vulnerable.
  13. OMG, that's amazing. So is this like you sending resume to battlefront? I vote to hire this person.
  14. bold, risky move pays off! that is a somewhat rare thing in CM! Congrats! So this will be renamed BFCElvisPlatz? at least for the purposes of this battle?
  15. British taxpayer dollars being used wisely IMO. And best of all British taxpayer dollars being used to make BF more viable and able to make more stuff for us so we can play w our little toy soldiers and tanks. Win win. Modern Brits vs Russia does sound rather fun....
  16. maybe next CMRT will go backwards in time. Although barbarossa would probably be Field Grey Thunder.
  17. ah, thanks found it on scenario depot. But first I am doing the little S African campaign that comes w the game.
  18. Thanks for the inspiration, I am back in Italy now also. What scenario/campaign is this with the SAS?
  19. Red Thunder is fun for sure. And playing as Soviets was way more fun than I expected. I've been binging on CMBS (though taking a short break to play an ancient Rome game). And when F&R comes out I'll be binging again in eastern europe. Gonna be great. Now if I could just somehow dump the day job...
  20. Fauda is great so far for sure, I'm in season 2. And The Last Kingdom, from Bernard Cornwell's great Saxon Tales book series, also on netflix
  21. by the way, how on earth do I tell these russian tanks apart? In WW2 it's so easy to tell. But w modern russian tanks that are covered in reactive armor they all look the same to me
  22. but I would still take N Afrika first over korea. Oh, and 1980s warsaw pact vs NATO. Oh and Barbarossa, and 1942 east front and ......
  23. yeah, I would love that. Pershings & shermans & chaffees vs T34-85s. Great fun.
  24. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07WYZKX8W/ref=kinw_myk_ro_title As preparation for F&R, I picked this up, only $2 digital. I view it on computer monitor. Great pics from the Berlin / Oder fronts.
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