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Everything posted by danfrodo

  1. love these little fellas. They're like little panzer puppies. Doesn't initially seem like much of a threat, but if all it's facing is infantry & halftracks it's big trouble.
  2. Sounds like I need to get Agent Sonia out of my wish list on into my library I see Witchfinder, after some wrong turns by that title. Interesting... Right now it's December, and my annual pilgrimage to all things Ardenne Offensive, starting w Company Commander, which I first read a few hundred years ago, I think it was. And of course Final Blitzkrieg. After Friday I have two weeks off work to end the year and nothing to do. CM heaven.
  3. For sure, Aragorn. I just got his latest book on audio, but he narrated himself and I turned it back in and will instead read it. Have you read any Ben MacIntyre? True espionage stuff that's most excellent.
  4. Hear hear! I read that Russians would actually use Le Carre novels in their training. He was that good -- because he was not just a brilliant writer but also had been in the espionage business. thanks for posting this, Aragorn
  5. Thanks everyone for the excellent book tips. It is Ardennes Offensive time of the year, so I'll do some of those. I read Seven Days in January (excellent) and When the Odds were Even (also excellent). But the others are new to me and some are even available on kindle, can't wait. I've got Snow and Steel on my wish list, more likely to but it now that someone here recommends it. My favorite is still A Time for Trumpets, by Charles MacDonald, also author of the well known Company Commander. That book first instilled in me the image of a daring and very desperate offensive stalled by mud & traffic jams those first critical days.
  6. This is still a ww2 movie thread I think -- why do we expect a stupid movie to handle all these issues? Russia seems to pump out these war-action-patriotic movies by the dozen. It's like asking why Rambo-genre movies don't explore the complexities of the Vietnam war from multiple perspectives with in depth consideration of atrocities by all sides. Answer: because these are dreadfully stupid war-actio-patriotism movies that sometimes have really cool battles. Why are we grading these things like history books? If the gear looks good and the battles look realistic then I got my (free) money's worth.
  7. yeah, why do military history types like us get labeled? Lots of folks like to read murder mysteries, true crime, or about serial killers, etc. We don't call them "pro murder" or "pro serial killer". but for some reason watching war movies makes folks think we are pro war (I am most certainly not, I think we've had plenty at this point).
  8. this is ridiculous. It's classic old fascist claptrap where they say "what about Stalin" when they are really saying "Hitler had the right idea" but know they can't say that out loud so do it this way. And then we have memoirs of captured german soldiers who complain how badly they were treated by the soviets -- after having killed ~15% of the soviet population. they were treated horribly and suffered terribly, but no worse than what was done to those hundreds of thousands (millions?) of soviet prisoners who the germans let die in 1941/42. So let's not play the "who was worse" game. yeah yeah yeah, we all know Stalin was a murderous monster of unbelievable proportions. I read a book on Stalin and was shocked that he was even worse than I thought when I already thought he was an incredible monster. Which somehow gets Hitler off the hook, and also shows that the allies were hypocrites, and we should've allied w hitler to stop the commies, blah blah blah. But all that really matters here is some russian folks made a movie that has lots of 45mm AT guns shooting at some realistic-looking german tanks, and that's all I really care about. I am not watching this for it's literary elegance or great moral enlightenment or historical accuracy (other than the gear, which has to be right). I just want some CM-looking battles on my TV. I usually fast forward through the pathetically scripted non-battle sections anyway (who can write such drivel?). So they made it into russian propaganda? who cares, everyone does that -- as if hollywood never made nationalistic, propaganda-filled war movies. Just show me some good battles. And herbert hoover never had to make the choice of which monster to back, so it's easy for him to throw stones later. If the soviets had fallen how long before the US was facing armadas of german Uboats sinking all our commerical shipping? What choice did we really have other than to back Devil #2 to fight Devil#1?
  9. FOG Empires is really fun. Just have to get used to the 'decadance' concept. Invest in culture. I thought I was doing great then suddenly I've uprisings and civil war -- disasterous empire splitting unrecoverable civil war. Most games like this are just resource grabs, but this is more subtle. I picked up the Persian empire version also, but all my limited gaming time has been spent on CM for many months so haven't played it yet. Have fun!
  10. Yes, Erwin, I agree somewhat with that assessment overall. But it did try to show things from both sides: the tragedy for so many Palestinians caught up in events out of their control. Then it would kill a dozen of them in a gunfight, though generally (not always) killed 'combatants' or at least mob attackers. So was a mixed bag for me on that score, but it was a gripping story every time -- tragedy, hubris, revenge right out of Greek mythology. So Waffelmann, give it a try & see what you think. I've been to Israel twice on business so was especially interested. I am not anti-Israel, nor am I anti-Palestinian, and I was captivated by Fauda.
  11. Fauda was excellent, I couldn't agree more. Glad to hear season 4 is a go. Can't wait to watch Valley of Tears. As soon as US football season is over I'll turn off TV and turn back on HBO to watch it. Does anyone remember the Israeli movie 'Lebanon'?
  12. Just watched Mosul, quite good. What a mess to have to live through in real life -- assuming one lives through it.
  13. I hope the movie is as good as the trailer. While we're on the subject of movies w Russian gear, anyone know of the movie from the late 80s called The Beast? Starring a T55, about a russian tank crew in Afghanistan in 1981. It's now available on Amazon Prime for free. I haven't seen since I first saw it a hundred years ago. Really holds up well. Lots of action inside & outside the tank.
  14. I recall Steve did say in the September interview that it would be ready before end of year. I am assuming 'end of year' is based on modern western calendar and not some ancient Aztec or Celtic calendar. So I am expecting they are keeping their powder dry for a pleasant ambush when we are least expecting it sometime in the next 6 weeks.
  15. so The Liberator was released in US yesterday. Today during my lunch-exercise break I watched the first 45 minutes. Folks on this forum will certainly notice the Chaffee tank in January 1944 Anzio -- which I am sure would've have been nice to have if those tanks existed then. I was going to say I am rather mixed on the show, except that somehow 45 minutes on a ski machine felt like 15 minutes, so clearly I was very engaged. I am not excited about the comic book presentation but given how little WW2-based material is available, I am saying give it a try.
  16. Finally finished the 'choice' scenario, capturing OBJ Damascus. Was delayed due to stupid day job getting in the way of good fun. I was so computer-ed out by end of day I wasn't finishing the battle. So got a major V, taking OBJ in last minute. Had to rush and took 6 casualties right at the end, dang it. Good battle and I actually for once had a plan that worked well relative to enemy & terrain. So Her Majesty's military command and allies are so pleased they are rewarding me with brutal MOUT missions? ouch. First one looks tough -- "Aadra adversity". I would prefer something like "Aadra they have no idea the Brits coming and are totally unprepared and lightly armed"
  17. I have nothing but fun with this campaign. Others disagree. I never even noticed the PLT HQs could or could not call in fire because I don't like using such lower level units to call for arty (delays & accuracy) when there's anyone higher available. And there was always someone higher available so was not an issue for me. Sounds like I am going to be using a lot of arty as I get into Damascus. Later, I hope I can get the contracts to rebuild what I destroy. That would be a really good end-to-end business -- get paid to destroy things and then paid to replace them.
  18. Good tip Heirloom, thanks. I'll try damascus path first, which sounds terrifying.
  19. Second try on the counterattack and I got another tactical V w the enemy surrendering w a lot of time left. So I'd say it's pretty well designed -- the enemy hit me hard even when I knew what was coming. Now onto the nasty-looking next battle. Looks like nice places for enemy to launch ambushes.
  20. Erwin, I realize my wording seemed snarky, actually did not mean it to come out that way-- shoulda put a smile emoji there or something. I am still having fun w the campaign. I hope I get new vehicles else my men are going to have to walk to Damascus. Those warriors would really benefit from an ATGM like bradleys or BMPs have. Even just one missile would be great.
  21. so this campaign is no good because it was too easy. And now it's not good because it's too hard? I actually have done the counterattack battle twice because I want to get better at how to run a defensive fight like this. It's hard to not lose warriors unless I forego the warrior firepower (meaning hide them entire battle. And it's hard to keep flanks safe because attacker uses multiple approaches. So it's a tough fight. I got tac V first try, probably not much better 2nd try which is nearly done. It's a very interesting tactical situation. It's more like the situation the Syrian infantry typically faces from me -- outgunned in less than advantageous terrain.
  22. losing 200K soldiers is easy in CM. just give me 400K and give the enemy artillery and spotters and I'll do my usual impetuous, ill-advised moves.
  23. oh, thanks, great tips! I am actually currently doing Captain Blood on Audible. that's a really well written, fun book
  24. Yeah, I am with you on that Aragorn2002. did you read his latest, set in middle ages? I thought it was quite good.
  25. nice! except I'd prefer ground action over air but I'll take it. And I'd probably take naval over air. I guess I'll be getting Apple TV for a spell once this comes out. I did free apple TV trial just see Greyhound, which was pretty good, I had read the book (The Good Shepard by CS Forestor). I've always thought they should do a series on allied pilots downed in France/Belgium trying to get to Spain or Switzerland w help of resistance. I've read multiple books on that subject incl excellent The Freedom Line. Would make a great series. Lots of heroes, villains, traitors, scheming and betrayal. Strong female characters in the resistance --straight military shows lack women in consequential roles and thereby reduce potential audience. that's what I would like. Lots of material w lots of good drama.
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