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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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  1. Upvote
    sttp reacted to Canuck21 in Scenarios Up   
    My third scenario is posted now on my site (My Site). This was actually the second scenario I did, after Dnieper Rising, and is about elements of the British Airlanding Brigade securing transportation routes through from Syracuse to the south. Anyway, have a read both on my webpage and in the Briefing, etc. text files within the scenario itself. This is for CMFI + GL (currently I have it wrong on the promo icon and will be changing it very shortly-probably by time you get to the site). It is playable as both Allies against the Italian AI OR H2H. There is no AI for the Allies (British) at this time. Anyway, that's it for now. I hope you enjoy it.
  2. Upvote
    sttp reacted to Jace11 in CMFB (Unofficial) Screenshot Thread   
    Screenshot was auto levelled in photoshop with a 25% sharpen filter (because anti-alias made it pretty blurred).
    For a "completely" undoctored/unedited version see below. I don't use reshade or anything, those colors are vanilla plus it's pretty dark.

  3. Like
    sttp got a reaction from Myles Keogh in So when will the next project be officially announced?   
    I've seen them say a number of times that early war products just would not be profitable enough to justify the investment of time and labor, so I'm not sure how anyone who's been around the forums could say they have an "expectation" that early war modules would eventually be added. I feel like BFC has been pretty clear about it and some of you are just setting yourselves up for heartbreak.
    Oh well. Time to move on to CMx3 anyway, in my opinion. CMx2, as good as it is, is really starting to show its age.
  4. Like
    sttp got a reaction from Vergeltungswaffe in So when will the next project be officially announced?   
    I would hope -- and from what Steve has said recently about sales, probably expect -- that Battle for Normandy would be first. But if we're talking a whole new engine, I'll be buying it whatever it is, guaranteed.
  5. Like
    sttp got a reaction from DesertFox in So when will the next project be officially announced?   
    Yep. Several times I've seen them say that they don't view the early war as a profitable enough subject matter.
    It would almost be more accurate to say that BFC has promised not to make an early war module!
  6. Upvote
    sttp got a reaction from mjkerner in So when will the next project be officially announced?   
    Yep. Several times I've seen them say that they don't view the early war as a profitable enough subject matter.
    It would almost be more accurate to say that BFC has promised not to make an early war module!
  7. Upvote
    sttp reacted to Flibby in So when will the next project be officially announced?   
    If they see it that way then it would be very disappointing. It would show an intent to milk out the last money from this engine rather than advancing to the future.
  8. Upvote
    sttp reacted to mjkerner in So when will the next project be officially announced?   
    Lol, gave you a like there, Aragorn.  
    Because of the double whammy of F&R and CW in one month, when BFC finishes its planned BS and FB modules, I’d be perfectly happy if they took a 2 year break and built CMx3. YMMV.
  9. Upvote
    sttp reacted to Vanir Ausf B in So when will the next project be officially announced?   
    No such plan ever existed, and they have been explicit about that.
  10. Upvote
    sttp reacted to Cabal2323 in Mission Briefings   
    I have been with the company since some of their first games.  I will start by saying this is the sloppiest release I have ever seen. Has anyone at Battlefront actually played this game? I mean really played it. Like read the briefings start to finish? Who proofed the briefings? Certainly not a grown adult. I feel like some of the briefings are story being told by a 4th grader. Not the level of excellence we have seen in all previous briefings in games. They are full of grammatical errors and incomplete sentences. I get the impression they were written by a non- English speaker. I teach 4th grade writing and math and I just couldn't shake that I was reading a very novice writers writing. Take some pride gentlemen.
  11. Upvote
    sttp reacted to Cabal2323 in Mission Briefings   
    So many errors....words I have seen: Exscape, invaision, attemp and those are just from the battle load screen. Once you get into the briefing it's nuts. Please tell me you didn't pay someone to write it? Next time look to tens of thousands of customers. I am sure someone here would proofread before release for a fee copy of the game.
  12. Upvote
    sttp reacted to Macisle in RT Unofficial Screenshot Thread   
    To the German's surprise and relief, the center Soviet push pauses to do a security sweep of newly-acquired ground, regroup scattered units, and march off prisoners.

    However, both flanks remain very hot. At Strongpoint East (Reichspost Ministry), the infantry battle rages.

    The grizzled veterans of 2nd Platoon, the best in the company, use the good defensive terrain of the burned-out Ministry to great advantage.

    However, Platoon Commander Heubaum judges that a tipping point may have been reached and calls in the reserve AT-rifle grenade team to help out. They put a number of rounds into the Soviets. The effort looks to have paid off, as the Soviet pressure eases up enough for the rest of the platoon to get back into stride.

    Meanwhile, across the street to the AT-team's right, MG Platoon commander Hörter (observer from post 1) and his team work to exit the Luftwaffe Ministry and rejoin the remnants of his platoon. In the corridors, they bump into a fleeing panzerschreck team and decide to move together to link up with  one of Hörter's HMG teams at the corner of the building. Alas, as they approach, they can hear the team surrendering to the Soviets, who are now everywhere in the building.  The Soviets have all exits covered, the only thing to do is fight it out...

  13. Upvote
    sttp reacted to Macisle in RT Unofficial Screenshot Thread   
    With no enemy armor spotted on the East flank, one of the Stugs is called in to help stop the Soviets in the Luftwaffe ministry from flanking Strongpoint East. The engine groans under the extra weight of its concrete armor. If he can arrive in time, there may be a chance to save Hörter!

    Another Stug repositions to help the Anti-tank gun at Strongpoint East cover the East-West road to Potsdamer Platz and Strongpoint West.

    There, just South of Strongpoint West, a mass of enemy armor has assembled for what looks like a very strong push on the point. Gulp!

  14. Upvote
    sttp reacted to Bufo in [bug]infantry doesn't calculate wreckage into line of fire   
    Anybody saw this?
    I might add, RPG grenades have an arming distance, so they shouldn't even explode 1 meter away.
  15. Upvote
    sttp reacted to Bufo in [bug]infantry doesn't calculate wreckage into line of fire   
    As title says. Infantry continuously hitting itself with grenades and RPGs. Savegame here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/oq4fd38unvli3g9/hit_wreckage_bug.bts

  16. Upvote
    sttp reacted to Flibby in So when will the next project be officially announced?   
    The latest releases have been superb. 
    I hope that sales are strong enough that work on a CM3 Engine can commence. I'd rather have 2 years with no new titles now and a new engine IMO.
  17. Upvote
    sttp reacted to Nooop in The Schizophrenia of the Tac AI   
    Maybe if it showed the path thi AI intends to take when you pput waypoints. Would help too when there is a long strip of impassible ground and they will have to go around it (right in front of the enemy, of course).
  18. Upvote
    sttp reacted to Norman D Student in The Schizophrenia of the Tac AI   
    A good discussion, with some interesting ideas.
    But I wonder if a basic part of the problem here is the name, 'Artificial Intelligence'. Is that what it really is? Well, yes and no. 
    What is NOT being modeled by the so-called AI is some Spock-like beings who manage to be coldly rational at all times, along the lines of the 'idealized rational actors' of so much economic theory.
    What IS being modeled is human beings, soft squishy things that go into combat with (a) training at doing certain things preferably without thinking too hard about them, plus (b) variable, hard-to-model individual and group dynamics that can cause them to flip out completely under the stresses of combat. As you go up the ranks, you add more and more of what is more traditionally considered 'intelligence' in the 'AI' sense: (c) observe, assess, plan, execute, etc.
    So I like to think of the AI as in fact 'artificial training + [psychological] vulnerability + intelligence' -- that is, as ATVI. 
    It seems to me that the I part works pretty well. (I'm an experienced computer programmer, so I'm somewhat aware of what goes into programming AI, though it is not my specialty.) Though I do find that the line-of-sight modeling is a bit dodgy, and that plays a significant role in the I.
    Most of the complaints in this thread are about the V, where there are really two distinct problems: When does the V take over? That is, when do the pixeltruppen totally lose it? Second, what do they do when they lose it?
    Let's take the second of these first. It is not a simple thing to use a deterministic system (a computer program) to model the behavior of someone who has gone nuts. That said, my limited reading about and zero experience of combat stress does not make me think that CM has got this area quite right yet. For example, I've repeatedly seen pixeltruppen freak out when behind bocage, and then run through the nearest opening to the other side of the bocage -- which is where the fire is coming from that has prompted their freakout. My reading suggests that this is not the most common expression of combat breakdowns. I'm more inclined to think that going into a very long-lasting, fetal-position suppressed state should be pretty common (one reads lots of accounts of that happening on battlefields). From what I see, it isn't common in CM. And that should be followed closely by running AFAP *away* from the enemy. Which does happen a fair bit in CM, so better marks for that. Freezing in a standing position should happen more (I don't think I've seen it happen at all). But running blindly *toward* the danger should, IMO, be much rarer than it is in CM. So I would judge this area as one where there's room for improvement.
    Then there is the question of how readily do the pixeltruppen lose their minds. I think the US, Cdn, Polish and Brit forces in CMBN are too psychologically fragile. Haven't commanded the Germans, so I can't say. But read, for example, James Holland's _Normandy '44_, and one gets the impression that the real troops endured a lot more torture before becoming shell-shocked than do the CMBN pixeltruppen.
    One specific complaint I would have in this area is that it would be more realistic for combat fatigue to take out individual pixeltruppen (like casualties) than for it take out teams, which seems to be what usually happens.
    So: Another area for improvement, I think.
    Which brings us to the T part of ATVI, training. This, it seems to me, is an area where CM gets mixed marks. What I've noticed is things like this: Germans are super quick to use grenades in appropriate situations, while Allied pixeltruppen ... aren't. Indeed, it just never seems to cross their minds! I rarely become so unhinged as to talk to my pixeltruppen out loud, but 99% of those times, what I'm saying is, "Throw. Your. Grenades. Pretty please?" and other things to that effect.
    Apologies for such a long ramble. But I'd be curious if any of these thoughts ring true to anyone else.
  19. Upvote
    sttp reacted to sburke in So when will the next project be officially announced?   
    it might be worth noting that we got CMCW not by just asking over and over for it but because a couple people actually put in the sweat to do the project.  They had a lot of work even convincing BF that they could manage it.  If you really want it you may have to do a bit more than just keep asking.
  20. Upvote
    sttp reacted to Ithikial_AU in Can't clear the forest / FR The Battle of Tukums (german side)   
    It's in the briefing. The SS Infantry you're commanding were rushed out of local training schools that with a mix of German and local Latvian signups to the Waffen SS. In a perfect recreation their voices would a mix of German and Latvian speech in game. Same as the Artillery Batteries - green recruits hence the very slow response times. This is the German Wehrmacht directly after the end of Barbarossa and as the Falaise Pocket realities are setting in. It's a dogs breakfast and anything with a rifle is being thrown at the enemy to stabilise the line.
    This is in the same geographic vicinity but is before the Courland Pocket. There was a separate pocket that trapped Army Group North east of Riga for a few weeks, which the action depicted in this campaign helped reconnect a land bridge to those forces. Then rather than retreating from this precarious position Hitler ordered the forces of Army Group North to hold fast. A little time goes by with the Germans being slowly pushed back and then the Courland Pocket is formed as they are cut off again. Interesting side note, if this action had failed, Army Group North probably would of been annihilated / surrendered leading to a bigger capitulation from encirclement than was suffered at Stalingrad in terms of manpower.
  21. Upvote
    sttp reacted to Runyan99 in So I tried to install CMFI again.... what a mess.   
    I went away for a while. But lately, I have been watching some CM on YouTube, and I thought I would try to reinstall my CMFI I bought in 2012. Wow, what a disaster.
    So my orders show up on my profile. I have a code for CMFI, and a code for engine 2, which apparently I bought at the same time as Gustav Line. But no code to activate Gustav, just a disk here on my desk and a 2019 PC with no DVD drive.
    Well whatever, let's install CMFI to see how it runs today. So even in 2021 my install downloads CMFI THE ORIGINAL, even though the game is apparently on Engine 4 by now. Really? Why can't I download just the current Engine 4 version?
    Ok so I install the initial download and activate it. On then to the Engine 2 and 3, patch, which installs v1.12? Ok, then I try to change the resolution and the game will no longer start. Great.
    I could now install the Engine 4 patch, but I see that is 2 patches, and I will need the win.rar program. Ah, **** it.
    I am just venting, but I cannot believe how clumsy and antiquated this still is. Thank Slitherine for helping out to move these games to Steam, and moving us all into the 21st Century. I imagine I won't have the same problems with that publisher.
    Shame on you for this mess, BF.com.
  22. Upvote
    sttp reacted to theforger in Rollbahn D Part I, new Campaign   
    Part 1 of the Campaign available for download. 
    Covers the first 48 hours of KG Peiper and nearby units. Should be ready to download thanks to BornGinger's Wordpress advice 😀.
    It should be a relatively straightforward campaign compared to parts 2 and 3. I'm waiting for my copy of a recently discovered and on order book covering Knittel.  
    by Timo Worst, before making some final changes to Part 2 (12x scenarios, all built). 
    Part 3, 17x scenarios are also all built but again waiting on Part 2 before posting.
    Thanks to Rastamon for advice and Kohlenklau for mods included in Baugnez/Malmedy scenario.
  23. Like
    sttp reacted to Cabal2323 in Draw Distance   
    A year later. I disagree and did tests. Jacking everything up and turning trees to low, gets the best draw.
  24. Upvote
    sttp reacted to Combatintman in Why are modern CM title soldiers all white men?   
    You lose.
  25. Upvote
    sttp reacted to AttorneyAtWar in Why are modern CM title soldiers all white men?   
    What about them Erwin?
    They're human beings and they deserve to be able to do what anyone else can in the US military.
    The only thing your good for is sitting in your chair and bitching about people taking jobs or something, luckily your backwards disgusting opinions are all very unpopular with most of the country. Keep your bigoted views to yourself or find some obscure dirty hole on the internet where you can whine.
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