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Warts 'n' all

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  1. Upvote
    Warts 'n' all reacted to umlaut in Translating Umlaut' s Factory mods to CMBN - plus murals   
    A few more details:

  2. Upvote
    Warts 'n' all reacted to zinzan in Occupy Objective Question   
    Thanks Pete Wenman,
    I will give you some feedback (if wanted) when we finish; so far it's very "interesting" - in a nail biting - "OH GAWD WE'RE ALL GOING to DIE" way
    Just a comment - I really like the idea of "misleading/flexible" briefings/objectives as this better reflects the reality of combat.
    Anyway back to the game
  3. Upvote
    Warts 'n' all got a reaction from zinzan in Post D-Day Operations   
    I think that the article has to be taken with a massive pinch of salt. It strikes me as a string of cliches rather than a serious attempt at historical analysis.
    If we are talking about the decisions made in August 44. We have to keep in mind the fact that the logistic planners wanted to open up the ports in Brittany. Therefore, the idea of 3rd Army cutting around behind the Germans and trapping them against the Seine or the Somme was never an option. 
    Another concern voiced at the time (however rightly or wrongly), was that having 3rd Army advance North to trap the Germans, would have lead to 3rd Army becoming over stretched and therefore quite easily punched through by the retreating Panzers. 
    Trying to depict it as a choice between a ponderous "Monty" and a gung-ho "Patton" is an insult to our intelligence. And an even bigger insult to Generals Bradley, Dempsey, Horrrocks, Collins etc 
  4. Upvote
    Warts 'n' all reacted to rocketman in CM:BN Screenshot Thread #2   
    How about: "A dreaded sunny day, meet me at the cemetary gates..." or "Mother, I can feel the soil falling all over my head..."
  5. Upvote
    Warts 'n' all got a reaction from Bulletpoint in Best way to learn this game   
    Also, keep in mind. Playing CM is a love/hate thing. One minute you are screaming at your men, calling them all the names under the sun. The next minute you cheer as they slaughter the enemy
  6. Upvote
    Warts 'n' all got a reaction from LordKipferl in Panzer Marsch Mission 3 Battle of Bloody Gulch   
    Horror stories like this have put me off upgrading which is a shame.
  7. Upvote
    Warts 'n' all got a reaction from Bulletpoint in Panzer Marsch Mission 3 Battle of Bloody Gulch   
    Horror stories like this have put me off upgrading which is a shame.
  8. Upvote
    Warts 'n' all got a reaction from Taranis in Celebrating the 200th Anniversary of the Defeat of Napoleon at Waterloo   
    Their Trappist ales are pretty tasty too. And most of the bars around the battlefield are worth drinking in.
  9. Upvote
    Warts 'n' all reacted to Heinrich505 in CM:BN Screenshot Thread #2   
    End result.  The hatches are still closed...there were no survivors. 
  10. Upvote
    Warts 'n' all reacted to Heinrich505 in CM:BN Screenshot Thread #2   
    Amazingly enough, the round strikes true.  Veteran Fell's skill comes through.  The shot was barely 80 meters.  The 'schrek signature smoke can be seen through the trees on the right. 
  11. Upvote
    Warts 'n' all reacted to Heinrich505 in CM:BN Screenshot Thread #2   
    A reverse look has the projectile running true and on target.  It is gonna hit a tree though...It always hits a freaking tree...
  12. Upvote
    Warts 'n' all reacted to Heinrich505 in CM:BN Screenshot Thread #2   
    Veteran panzerschreck  gunner Oberschütze Fell takes aim and lets fly.  The projectile can be seen along the left side of the picture.
  13. Upvote
    Warts 'n' all reacted to General Jack Ripper in moving the view with the screen edges   
    It could be the twitchy realtimers don't have the patience to come to the forum and make posts.
  14. Upvote
    Warts 'n' all reacted to Bud Backer in Ammunition Confusion   
    I agree - and that people genuinely want to help others is wonderful too. 
  15. Upvote
    Warts 'n' all reacted to Bud Backer in Ammunition Confusion   
    I have a PIAT team that shows conflicting ammo info. I know it's not a mistake, so what does this mean?

  16. Upvote
    Warts 'n' all reacted to womble in M7 AT Grenades   
    Kettler is not the only source of information. Often, his information, while correct, has little to do with the way the game interface displays things. Read my post again, and see whether that matches what you see in-game.
    Remember that (since we have no scroll bars) there is a limited amount of information that can be displayed in the white-on-black element ammo pane; there are only four lines on which to display ammo types, and the first three of those in an american rifle squad are taken up by M2 ball, .45 ACP and grenades. So there isn't room to display the presence of the M7 HEAT round, nor, when there's one present, the zook HEAT rounds in that list. That's one of the reasons they're there as icons in the information pane, next to binos and the zook tube if present.
  17. Upvote
    Warts 'n' all reacted to A co in Mortar direct fire   
    2 inch mortars are good when their larger parent unit is present, with vehicles carrying extra 2 inch ammo.
    I normally use target light because the continuing danger to the enemy is more valuable to me than taking out one of his teams with a full 2 inch ammo load. 
    They're good for harassing or attriting targets hiding out of sight behind hedgerows. I save them for targeting valuable units like HQ's and spotters. 
    I don't count on them to pin the target, but to make the opposing player feel the location is unsafe and have to move away. 
    In a current battle I'm using them to prevent the enemy from having a safe jumping-off line for his infantry assault. 
    Of course it's best to avoid using them at long range, as their accuracy suffers. 
  18. Upvote
    Warts 'n' all got a reaction from umlaut in 100th ANZAC Day   
    I think that Ithikial hits the nail on the head. Fighting in their own national armies for the first time seems to me why Gallipoli still resonates "down under". He is also spot on about their role on the Western Front. Here in Limeyland the ANZACs, Canadians and, Indians are often forgotten when it comes to the Western Front, which is sad to say the least.
  19. Upvote
    Warts 'n' all got a reaction from umlaut in 100th ANZAC Day   
    It was their first single back in '84.... drowns in wave of geriatric punk nostalgia... haha
  20. Upvote
    Warts 'n' all reacted to fatehunter in Katusha: Girl Soldier of the Great Patriotic War   
    Not even funny. My grandma, 6'2" dutch woman could kick your lily white puny ass.
  21. Downvote
    Warts 'n' all reacted to Lacroix in Katusha: Girl Soldier of the Great Patriotic War   
    hey, no need to be feminazi
  22. Upvote
    Warts 'n' all got a reaction from MOS:96B2P in Skill Level: Iron   
    Even for a rubbish player like myself "Iron" just feels right. I wouldn't go back to playing at a lower level.
  23. Upvote
    Warts 'n' all reacted to JRMC1879 in We Need Another "The Road Ahead" from BF.   
    God. What a load of bollocks. If there are things that aren't perfect or make missing in the game it's because of limited time and resource and nothing to do with this garbage. Jesus, do I ever get sick of these kinds of post where someone comes here positing their own poorly thought out theories around building the best war game there is and all they achieve is to illustrate they actually know nothing about it at all. You would achieve more poking around with the fluff in your navel in the time it has taken you to write this crap.

    Go out. Build and design the best war game ever made and out of which I get more value for money than anything I have ever bought anywhere for anything and then post your thesis. Until then I Will treat it with the contempt it deserves.
  24. Upvote
    Warts 'n' all got a reaction from General Jack Ripper in Sherman Jumbo MIA   
    The Jumbo certainly was in CMBO.
    In the main I think that we have to avoid comparing Allied uparmoured tanks with German modifications of French vehicles, and expecting BFC to provide us with all the vehicles we wish we could have straight away. The Germans had four years to adapt French vehicles, and therefore, they were available in fairly large numbers, and in a wide variety by June '44. With both the US and Britain changes had to be made pretty quickly, and sometimes in an ad-hoc way as they went. I think that CMBO reflected that situation pretty well. And I see no reason to doubt that future upgrades, modules etc will do likewise. Fighting in the autumn, winter of '44 and the spring of '45 will be a lot of fun, and I'm sure BFC will do a great job for us.
  25. Upvote
    Warts 'n' all got a reaction from Apocal in Help me identify all available Campaigns.   
    Of these I've only played The Outlaws. It has great maps and a good story line to follow. Sadly it does fall away in the last couple of missions when the fictional Panzer IVs and even a Panther appear. It seems a shame to me that designers ignore the fact that none of these tanks were available to the Wehrmacht on the Cotentin Peninsula in June 44.
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