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Warts 'n' all

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Everything posted by Warts 'n' all

  1. That was Alf Tupper "The Tough of the Track". No coronary, thankfully. He did go blind, but not even that could stop him. He learnt how to race the 3,000m Steeplechase, using a guide dog during his training sessions. And won Gold at the Munich Olympics.
  2. I first read about the attack on Middleburg in an issue of a Limey comic called Victor. Ah we were all so much younger then, he says, drowning in a wave of nostalgia.
  3. The 6-pounders feature in the bridge battle that came with the Market Garden module. When I played that battle against the AI I left them in their original set up spots, and gave them no orders throughout the fight. At the end I checked, they had both turned 180 degrees and scored kills.
  4. In the mod pack there is a Stug bearing the number Ps 531 - 3. Although it didn't feature in any of the test battles, which was a shame.
  5. I'm not sure how a problem that renders the game unenjoyable/uplayable (delete as applicable) can be "in the rearview mirror". Of course, I do appreciate the fact that we didn't have mortorised horses with rearview whatsits in my day.
  6. I have to agree with Pete Wenman. Now, where have I read that before?
  7. Fulda Gap ... As Dartford Mick and the Tax Dodgers once sang. "You can't always get what you want. And if you keep banging on about it. You might just find, that sometimes, you really piss Steve and the boys off". Or, words to that effect.
  8. Here in Limeyland I think that only three series were ever shown. And only the dvds available are from the last two series.
  9. It was working fine for me, and these mods are already up on there.
  10. Reppy rest assured your English is far better than my Swedish. I need subtitles to get through Beck etc
  11. LATER is uglier than later. But not quite as ugly, as uggly.
  12. I've seen plenty of yt videos of that game. But sadly, my puritan upbringing will not allow me to tell you what I really think of it.
  13. The only problem is, that didn't happen. Ryan got his facts completely wrong, and being "anti-war" himself Darling Dickey Attenborough was probably not overly concerned with fact checking.
  14. Now that you have jogged my memory, that sounds right. There were three little battles for us to test. And I still have the mod pack. What I can't remember is whether the campaign was released on Engine 3 or 4.
  15. A long time ago, someone did put together a Finnish mod pack and a short campaign.
  16. I have just fired up "Amiens Tonight" to check this. The "Out of Range" script does appear. And at first I thought it wasn't working. But, after turn or two's delay the mortar began to fire smoke. So you might like to give it another try.
  17. I've just complete five tests of "Roadblock" I had three "Stand and fights" and two "gap charges". So to my way of thinking 4.02 has made things worse in that regard, and sadly I don't see any point in embarking on another campaign at the moment. Just as an aside. Something I've not noticed in the past, my troops saying different things from one replay to the next. The shout before the gap charge in the first viewing "Shift position", rewind the action and watch again and the shout is "Retreat", watch a third time and I hear "Forward men".
  18. I remember when I first tested "Roadblock" in 4.01 it took me about 14 or 15 goes before the hedge gap rush problem reared it's head. Sadly, when I attempted the Montebourg campaign it manifested itself fairly quickly. I will give 4.02 a whirl but from what I've read so far, I'm not holding my breath.
  19. "any force" .... "between 1965 and 1991"..... I look forward to CM 1966 World Cup ... CM Poll Tax Riot
  20. I'm sure other scenario and map designers will be interested in your results.
  21. I think you might be able to use it, but you would need a decent contour map to go with it. The slopes of the river valleys, and hills such as 112 don't show up clearly, even when the Spitfires are making ground attacks.
  22. In recent weeks I've seen a few different yt video makers playing this game. I think the maps are fairly accurate in terms of towns, villages, rivers etc. But, it appears to my old eyes that fields are divided by trees, rather than hedgerows, and I can see no evidence of authentic looking sunken lanes.
  23. Make sure that you take one of Tim Webb's Belgian Beer Guides.
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