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Warts 'n' all

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Everything posted by Warts 'n' all

  1. @Bulletpoint Ignoring the snide unhelpful comments above. The four different versions of "To the Meuse" are numbered 15, 16, 17, and 18 on the scenario listing. Which of those you will fight depends on your progress through the campaign. Numbers 15 and 16 take place on the closely confined map that you have described with the three defence lines. Whilst numbers 17 and 18 take place on the more open map shown in the OP's screenshots. Happy gaming.
  2. Well put down your reefers for a minute. And provide us with an explanation of the differences between the various missions entitled "To the Meuse".. Please.
  3. Perhaps if you post some Camera Level 6 screenshots, someone might have played your version of the battle.
  4. Given that we have already established the fact that it has been scripted in four different ways, what have you added to our knowledge? Exits stage right with Burning Spear's "Christopher Columbus" blaring from the speakers. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------->
  5. Once again, it is always best to let your fellow forumites know where you noticed something. Just as an example, the 4th Platoon HQ in the first mission of the Triona campaign doesn't have a radio, but if you look around the set-up zone you'll find a dismounted jeep that has a radio, and bob's your uncle. You will also notice that 4th Platoon will include both MG and Mortar teams. I have seen video makers send their HQs off into battle with the MG's and then spend the rest of the video moaning because "useless BFC scenario designers" won't let them use their mortars. So keep your HQ within range of his mortars, his Company CO or a radio. Or follow the gentleman from our colonies north of the 49th, and use the 60mm in a direct fire role.
  6. Paddy sips from the last Guinness that he managed to purloin back in the Delta, raises his eyes to God's heaven and murmurs. "For fecks sake, will yer tell thees eejits to stop keep calling me a fecking Brit!" Wanders over to the bordello's gramophone, cranks the handle, and puts on that old favourite of LIMEY troops. "If Abyssinia was only the begin-yer of Mussolini's plans for Africa. It's a damn good job we stopped 'im in 'is tracks, and sent the bastard back." I'm still waiting for my royalty check from Amen Corner for that one
  7. Ah, there are a couple of videos from this battle on YT, and the screenshots look familiar to me. According to the campaign tree there are four different versions of "To the Meuse" but, I always thought battle variations only affected things like, opposition preparedness, force composition, reinforcements etc
  8. Thanks for the suggestion. I have in fact watched quite a few videos of the game although none by the maker of this one so I will take a look. My comment was a bit tongue in cheek as what I really want is more WW2 eastern and western front content from BFC. But i'm not in any rush, as I can always find campaigns that I have lost to play again.
  9. Yes, "To the Muese" is the final mission in the campaign. Sadly being rubbish I've never managed to get this far.
  10. You're stuck in a time loop? You should stop moaning and think yourself lucky. I've been waiting for CM English Civil War for the last 400 years
  11. Unhide your HQ's and FO's once the spotting commences and give them target arcs as a general rule. In the case of this particular mission I would count one AA Gun and maybe some gun crew casualties as a reasonable return from one strafing attack, and possibly the same from one mortar. Count anything else as a bonus. One airborne platoon firing from the flank will make light work of anything left in those gun pits.
  12. I've always enjoyed playing both sides, and then comparing the results. And have done every since "Ham and Jam" from Beyond Overlord.
  13. Firstly, it is always best to name the actual campaign when asking for help. It will save your fellow forumites the trouble of having to guess, and therefore be in a better position to help you. I suspect that you are describing the first mission from "The Road to Nijmegen" campaign. And the answer is "No", there isn't a problem with the way the game handles indirect fire or it's accuracy in that particular mission, if that is what you are implying. You have to remember that the fighter boys are not mind readers. Give them an area target and they will look for targets, and normally try to hit whatever they can see. It might be the trucks, the gun pits, or the guns themselves. I've never flown a Spit on a cloudy Sunday afternoon, but I should imagine being able to tell the difference between a knocked out AA gun and a functioning one from x amount of feet when they are so closely packed together might just be a tad on the difficult side. As for the mortars, I've played that campaign a couple of times and in that first mission both the Company CO and the FO have gotten their stonks on target without any problem.
  14. Yes. I can't remember Skoda having plants in Poland. Of course we didn't have tanks in my day.
  15. Such a headline would never have appeared, in any kind of history, one would much rather have read, "Baldwin drives Musso out of Abyssinia". Although, I suspect that The Daily Fascist would have been loath to have printed such a headline. Doesn't quite have the same ring as "Hurrah for the Blackshirts".
  16. He, and his brother Austin had the same choice that their father's ex girlfriend Sylvia Pankhurst had.
  17. He sold the only democracy in central Europe down the river. Allowed Mad Addy to walk in without having to fight through it's defences. And gave him all their tanks, which he then used to invade Poland, France et al.
  18. Perhaps his commanding officer should have ordered him to clear the Scheldt on September 5th, and given him and the Canadians the tools to do the job. But, who knows he might have been having too much fun singing "I wish I could shimmy like my driver Kay".
  19. As Paddy said to him, "That's the problem with you bloody Anglicans, you think you know everything. Why not have a drink with me and Mr Jorrocks, it might loosen you up a bit".
  20. You could well be right, but as head of the M.O.D. he would have had final say in the matter, even if he didn't dream up the name. He did joke to Smuts that it was named after him because it was "no bloody good".
  21. I'd only want to play that if they include Private Pike.
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