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Warts 'n' all

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Everything posted by Warts 'n' all

  1. Just picking up on point No.6 .... Engineers/Pioneers can either "Blast" in line with a hedge/wall, or "Blast" through it. The difference between the two is explained in the manual. It can be a bit tricky at first, but it is fairly easy to master. Some of your other points have been raised from time to time in the forum. And I suspect that you find varying opinions on them.
  2. LukeFF ... Yes you are right about that. It has been over a year since I fought that battle, and I'd forgotten that it was an Ost Battalion. I've just fired it up out of curiosity and noticed that all HQ, and squad leaders have German surnames. Given the amount of work that goes into designing a scenario, I think it would be asking a bit too much for someone to go to the trouble of giving them Georgian or Russian surnames, let alone creating uniform or voice mods.
  3. Sorry for my lack of clarity. It's my own fault for carrying out my little test just before heading off for a long weekend. Primarily I wanted to test whether the problem existed before the v3 upgrade. I can confirm that it did. Also, I only found it happening if the building was on an East-West axis. Out of curiosity I looked at buildings 1, 3, 4 and 5 as well and had no problem with any of those.
  4. Some of the "German" units encountered in "The Road to Montebourg" campaign are "Ost" troops. I'm not sure if any feature in the single-battle scenarios that come with the game. As for mods, I've not encountered any uniform or voice mods for them so far. That doesn't mean to say that there aren't any, I may have missed them. It would certainly be nice to have them.
  5. God, seeing that face just makes me want to Whap!
  6. I ran my own test using the Germans rather than the British, just to see what would happen. It seemed to me that the position of the door was vital. If the door is on one end of the facing wall then my troops went around to the "non-existent" "side" door. Whereas, if the door is either slap in the centre, or where the 2nd or 3rd window would be, i.e. slightly off centre, then my troops went in via it. I took my test as far as having troops run into a building, run out the other side and then back in again. and repeated it over three or four different buildings of the same type on another part of the map, always with the same results. Just for the record, I'm still running 2.12. I had no problems like this during the "Road to Nijmegen" campaign. Nor in any of the single battles that are set before "Lonsdale's Block".
  7. Buy him a football and tell him to get some fresh air. Or tell him if he want to stay indoors he has to play CMBN.
  8. Also. we are free to choose what we we buy and what we don't. I don't get a constant stream of e-mails from BFC telling me to buy this or buy that new product. Personally I'm getting so much pleasure from v.2.12 it will be sometime before I upgrade to v.3. Then when I do that, I'll make my choice as to whether I get the vehicle pack and battle pack etc at the same time.
  9. Maybe one day you'll tell your boss "I don't want my pay this month, you keep it.".. No, I didn't think so.... BFC are a pretty small company and they have to pay their staff. They give us a bloody good deal in my opinion.
  10. I can't help but think that the more you call the "Tommies", "Brits" then the harder they will fight. Stubborn buggers.
  11. Blast my old Limey eyes. I thought that all three Infiltration zones were "Touch" objectives. Oh well, at least it didn't make any difference to the final outcome, it was one of my (rare) victories when I first began playing this game.
  12. I played this battle about a year ago, and really enjoyed it. Although I do remember that when the Germans reached "Infiltration zone 2", I wasn't awarded any points. Zones 1 and 3 worked fine, but not 2, no matter how many of my men entered it. Has anyone else encountered this problem?
  13. Ah, nice to hear "Shorty and The Weird One", as they are known in the derelict recording studio that I call my home.
  14. "defrocked priest"... A great phrase, and a wonderful way to describe the Kangaroo. Although it brings to my mind a khaki-clad French-Canadian Catholic serving as a Army Chaplain.
  15. I certainly agree with everything "womble" says. There is always something new to learn playing this game.
  16. I can't remember exactly when I bought Beyond Overlord. But, the game came with an "Additional CD". There were quite a few battles set in southern France. One of the maps in particular looked really good, hillsides covered in vineyards etc.
  17. BBC reporter Wynford Vaughan-Thomas called it the "Champagne campaign", whether that is a true reflection of it's ease, or his own drinking habits I'm not sure. It is certainly true that the Germans weakened their forces in the south quite a bit between June and August.
  18. I normally enter all my results for both single battles and campaigns in a log. But I was so annoyed "losing" a campaign in which I'd won every battle that I didn't bother to do it for Operation Deadstick. So I can't remember how many casualties I suffered in each mission.
  19. It happened to me too.. When the word "Defeat" appeared on my screen I was totally baffled.
  20. I'm not sure what "Rubbish Times Two" looks like. Twice as many warts, perhaps.
  21. Oh yes.... I'm too rubbish to take on a human opponent.
  22. "worst advice ever".... You may well be right. I wouldn't want to spoil other player's fun by naming the scenario. But it has worked for me once. I only made one slight change to the initial disposition of my troops during the set-up phase and that was it. A "Total Victory" with only a few casualties. When checking on my troops at the end, I noticed that one of my AT Guns had turned almost 180 degrees and knocked out two enemy vehicles without any orders.
  23. Sometimes when defending it is best not to give your troops any orders at all. Just let them get on with winning the battle themselves.
  24. I've only played it on "Warrior" level. Scored a "Major Victory" as the Germans. And "Total Victory" as the Allies. I can't remember how and to be honest, it is pretty rare for me to do well playing CMx2.
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